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Let's Define Tunneling

Basically, I find a lot of people tunneling, and while I think it is a dumb way to play, I do think that if you're going to, you need to know which one you're doing, including accidental, so here are my definitions.

Order Tunneling: The one I hear everyone claim to be what "tunneling" actually is. This one is when you hook the same person twice or three times in a row. This can technically be accidental since sometimes you just can't find anyone else and this person keeps showing up. I believe this is what Killers think when Survivors claim it.

Timed Tunneling: The one most often defended as "not tunneling" is Timed. This has nothing to do with hook order and has everything to do with how long until a player is downed and hooked again. This one can be accidental if Survivors look identical, but I still find it to be the MOST annoying. It is tunneling if you don't give someone time to breathe in between hooks. To not be doing this kind, a minimum of 30 seconds helps make it feel less like you're tunneling. I believe this is what Survivors are referring to when they usually claim it.

Forced Tunneling: This one Survivors cannot get mad at. Don't go looking for the Killer because you will end up getting tunneled if you keep poking them. I do not defend you if you try to get the Killer's attention. It's on you, and most Killers won't do it for the soul purpose of, "I almost have the strong one down, why should I whack the weak link?"

Accidental Tunneling: The last one is when you are doing any of the above, but you don't realise it. Typically it comes up when you have Survivors that look the same and when you can't find anyone else because they're all stealthing around the map instead of protecting the people they unhook.

There. Those are the definitions I could come up with. If you have any more, or wish to try and defend any on this short list (excluding Timed, because I know you don't think so if you're a Killer) feel free to.

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  • Member Posts: 435

    It seems like a weird thing to get worked up about. It's so much easier to just not care; why frustrate yourself by getting upset about tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited May 2022

    I've never really categorized it, but for me tunneling is making an active effort to chase and hook a single, specific Survivor, often at the exclusion of others, ever if they deliberately try to draw aggro from their teammate, must often occurring against a Survivor who has just been unhooked.

    It's the thing I most hate running into as Survivor so I make an effort to avoid it as Killer. I've done it accidentally, like mistaking a Meg that was on death hook for my last BBQ stack, and I'm not above slugging off hook if someone is dumb enough to unhook in front of me, but I'll leave them after the hit, then target the unhooker and not interfere with a pickup (Either I force BT, force Unbreakable, or force someone to come for the pickup, barring Exponential or Soul Guard it's a win win for the most part)

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Please, don't exaggerate like that. Nobody actually expects that of the killer.

    The problem with being tunneled out of the game, especially early, is that it's just not fun. It's not worth queuing up and it's not worth waiting. It happening once is easy to brush off. It happening upwards of 10 games in a row? Not so easy to brush off.

    Play how you want and all that, just don't expect survivors to be jumping for joy at the prospect of being tunneled out of the game so the killer can have an easy 3v1.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Nobody is sitting there counting seconds between hooks on either side. Tunneling is tunneling full stop no matter circumstance in which it happens or is perceived to have happened. Like we don't need to make up extra definitions.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    You do you, I personally think these definitions capture tunneling quite well

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Tunneling = getting hit again after i was already hooked once

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    *spawns on map*

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    You can define it as much as you want, it will not prevent players from killing efficiently to counter ... everything that's being stacked against them (gen speed, heal speed, ...).

  • Member Posts: 286
    edited May 2022

    geez, calm down people. The thing is "tunneling" in this game, much like "camping", is a term about as clear cut as "freedom" is in the real world. Everyone thinks they know exactly what it is or isn't and is convinced that just the idea to come up with and state a definition/definitions is plain stupid. It isn't. It really, really isn't. Because if everyone throws around these terms and everyone else just hears what they want to hear it's inevitable that people completely miss each other's points. Does knowing which kind of tunneling someone is discussing fix anything? No. Of course not. - But it sure is necessary to discuss what actually needs fixing in the first place.

    With that out of the way, I do think only a "hell bent on tunneling someone out of the game asap" (aka order tunneling, I guess) actually counts as a strategy that should probably not be allowed, and certainly not be rewarded, by the game. All other forms of tunneling aren't actually harmful to the game, I think. The killer has no obligation to ignore anyone or avoid anyone - they may choose to do so but no one can expect them to squint just really hard and pretend to not see someone.

  • Member Posts: 854

    From the reaction in post game chat that I get I was under the assumption that Tunneling was just when a survivor got hooked more than once throughout the course of the match.

    For me its when the killer picks a best buddy survivor and chases that survivor until they catch them no matter how long that takes, hooks them, and then when they get unhooked goes immediately after that survivor to the detriment of generator progress, boons, other survivors being more open, anything. They hook that person again, and then when they are off of the hook a second time they continue after this one survivor without ceasing until they are dead.

    I find a lot of survivors make accusations of tunneling and have assumptions of intentional malice, when just pure coincidence is the simplest answer.

    I hook a Meg, the Meg gets unhooked while I'm off somewhere else, I then happen to just bump into this same Meg by pure happenstance, so I attack her and down her even though no one else has been hooked in the meantime.

    That is not tunneling. I'm not obligated to give everyone a Phase 1 Hook before we start on who goes first on Phase 2 Hooks.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    A definition does not matter, survivors will claim they were tunneled regardless and killers will claim they didn't tunnel. Really strange mental dissonance as apparently no one wants to take personal responsibility for their actions. Who could have guessed?

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2022

    Oh 100% if Endgame is up you have nothing else to defend. Go for Tunneling and Camping because you no longer have a reason not to.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    If the killer hits you, it's tunneling :P

  • Member Posts: 60

    The sarcasm oozing from your mouth is impressive, sir. Teach me your ways.

  • Member Posts: 178

    This is pretty much how I would describe tunneling. Literally having tunnel vision on one survivor.

  • Member Posts: 905

    people who complain about tunneling believe the killer should just sit there and wait apparently... Isn't the most obvious/effective strategy for a killer to try to hook a survivor who has been already hooked and is closer to be sacrificed?

  • Member Posts: 173

    Certain killers have certain playstyles, meaning that some of them play a lot better with the "tunneling" playstyles. I personally just think you play at the lower level which somewhat I envy you, but at high level against a team you are looking at one kill before the gens are all done along with a possible second kill at the end game. Sounds to me like you cannot correlate survivors doing their objective efficiently to a killer doing theirs efficiently. Which what I would say to that is, take a break or move on to a different game. Please stop whining at every turn a trial didn't go in your favor.

    Dead by Daylight has no rules.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Who cares? There no rules except no hacks and exploits.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Again, and respectfully, this is the problem. You havent defined tunnelling. You have just given 4 different variations on something, without defining what the original something is.

    Not disagreeing with your variants, but it seems the only common thread across all 4 is that the killer downs someone they have previously downed. And it seems you are saying anytime that hapoens we can define it as tunneling. Thats wrong. And with a brush so broad, it gives Survivors carte blanche to complain at something that isn't complain worthy.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Plus, surely "Accidental Tunneling" is an oxymoron.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited May 2022

    Depends. If you've got multiple of the same survivor using the same or similar skins it's probably easy to mix up who's who if you're trying to keep track.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    There's only one kind of tunnelling, which is going after someone until they're dead, anything else is just being opportunistic

  • Member Posts: 3,139


    Well given that tunneling is a acronym for tunnel vision... should just be going after 1 single person the entire match and not caring about other people unless they consistently hinder you. Not this "he went for me off hook even though i was the easier target".

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    To me actual tunneling is direct focussing one surv, to the exclusion of all else, to get them out of the game. This usually includes swimming around bodyblockers, hitting bt and still pursuing, ignoring other survs either hurt or on gens close by while in pursuit, most often after the unhook.

    To be sure a surv could have earned such, err.... devotion from a killer with their gameplay choices. But that aside, this tunneling is the most unpleasant for a surv, especially at no gens done yet or are unhooked in front of the killer without bt.

    Being told "git gud" or "don't get caught" are little help in these situations. And it also must be said that not one part of any of this is against the rules, so have at it I guess. But please, play both sides to the point of being competent at least. It will make you better at killer, and also open up your eyes some imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Exactly. If someone unhooks me and stealths away and the killer finds me. That's just bad luck. If someone unhooks me and the killers tries to go around a survivor (s) that are trying to take agro, that's a tunnel.

    If it's early in the match, it's a skeezy move. If it's a 4 survivor 2 or less gen game, you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    What's scary is there's people on this forum that think I was being serious. I really hope the balance team doesn't listen to them.

  • Member Posts: 101
    edited May 2022

    "I kill who I see." Well said! Personally, I think tunneling is a non-existent term made by survivors who can't loop. And if you are brave enough to unhook in front of me, well, like it or not there are consequences.

  • Member Posts: 989

    No. If you aren't "keeping track", it cannot, in any definition be "tunneling".

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Today I learned the Survivor Rulebook for Killers has a GLOSSARY.


  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Tunnelling: a subset of the delusional thinking that Killers must play by Survivor's Rules.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    “Tunneling“ is not really the issue. Straight up Facecamping the hook is.

  • Member Posts: 1,667
    edited May 2022

    if you are on the map you are already "tunneling"...

    on a serious note the right definition (regarding dbd) is this: tunneling is when you focus on a single survivor ALL the time and you COMPLETELY ignore EVERYTHING else (aka gens defence and the other survivors)

    survivors can also do this regarding generators: if you see a gen almost completed and the killer is coming in your direction, you would normally finish it, even under the killer's nose

    both things focus on speed up the main goal for both sides (killing/escaping) and both things are BORING and ANNOYING as hell, but this is the game right now...

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    I think this game would be less frustrating if all you could do while on hook wasn't to sit and watch the killer facecamp you, or better yet smack you while nodding.

    How about letting us spectate other survivors while on hook? BHVR claim they want to bridge the communication gap between SWF and solo survivor a bit, so why not? Better yet, why not let us play a damn game or something while on hook? Straight up make a little minigame you can play, covering the screen so you don't have to see the killer camping or hitting on hook. And if a survivor is within 16m of the hook, it goes back to normal view so you're prepared for the unhook.

    The issue here is that there's literally nothing to do while hooked or downed. At least in VHS you can move around while downed and collect orbs or something, you don't just sit there watching your character do nothing.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Taking responsibility implies it means something.

    I'll kill whatever survivor I need to on a whim, because it suits me or because think it's what I need to do.

    People want to put a label on this? Good luck. Now, down they go.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Actually it's no joke. I have met many survivors who share this definition of tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 22

    The onus of survivor fun rests on the devs, not the killers. If survivors are having a bad time, it's a development issue and should be fixed through better game mechanics. In a PvP game you cannot expect the opposition to play suboptimally for the sake of your personal amusement.

    Personally, when playing killer, I will take the foot off the gas if I see a player struggling, but thats just a personal preference. Conversely, I have never seen survivors stop doing gens and take a breather when I'm 4 gens down with 2 hooks. Maybe I should cook up a taxonomy of gen rushing?

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Nobody takes those people seriously, and they don't represent the majority.

    Yes, the onus of survivor fun does indeed rest on the devs. I'm not suggesting killers ease up or anything of the sort.

    People should play the way they want to play, but if their playstyle happens to create an overall unenjoyable experience then they shouldn't expect those on the receiving end to be jumping for joy about it.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Most killers in this sub exaggerates a lot and enjoys torturing Below average SoloQ survivors for their fun rather than compete in the same MMR bracket they're suppose to be in. They all complain about dead hard and DS but never really cared for average SoloQ survivors who says tunneling and camping is unfair which are causing for the survivors to equip Meta perks in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Man... its like none of you know what tunneling is.

    Tunneling = tunnel vision. Basically the killer gets tunnel vision on said survivor and just wants them dead. All other definitions semantics etc is irrelevant.

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