
What is everyone's thoughts on farming? As a survivor, I appreciate the break from usual sweaty games.
I don't main killer, I suck at it and it stresses me out when I try too hard lol. But, I've been grinding killer tome challenges to get BP so that I can P3 my survivors. So I essentially just farm with the survs to get them done. Idk, I just have fun messing around with survivors. Like, when the survivors GET IT, it can be so funny and they can be super sweet and it's just a wholesome experience.
Sometimes they even let me get my 4 BBQ stacks which I appreciate.
Overall, I just find farming fun, and a much easier way to get BP than sweating in survivor games. But I know there are some people that just want to take the game seriously and play. I just like putting on some music and vibing with survs.
It doesn't happen too often, so when it does I don't have a problem with it.
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I haven't had a killer farm with me in so long, so I don't mind it. The last time I can think of was last tome and a demo dog needed a mori (I was the obsession and they had rancor). I knew what they were doing so I took advantage of it and decided to get some pallet stuns (which was my challenge). I get some people don't like it, but I personally don't mind. Although, I will say I don't trust certain killers who want to "farm." (Ghostface, trapper, Bubba)
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NO I'M A GHOSTFACE THAT FARMS!! I like to teabag with the survivors it brings me joy.
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Farming would get tiring if it happened often, but it really doesn't, so it's a nice break from the usual sweatiness and an opportunity to do some rough tome challenges when it happens. Sometimes it's nice to just chill and goof off, especially when you're on a map with props like Chapel or Dead Dawg.
As killer, I won't ever try to farm from the start unless I see 4x party streamers or I find the survivors straight-up memeing. I may decide to farm at the end of the game or after I've functionally won, though; I'm pretty reactive to silly moments and sometimes that leads to making friends mid-game.
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Trapper? Really? To me, Trapper's one of the likeliest killers to want to farm because people don't like doing his daily (which is understandable, because it's something survivors control, not the killer - Pyramid Head has the same issue.) Quite a few times I've found a Trapper who gets close to you and then sets up two traps and gestures at them. Never had any of them betray me.
Myers and Bubba are the ones I don't trust. Or at least, I don't trust them if they try to be friendly from the start - if one starts the game off by wrecking the survivors and lets them go, I'll go along with whatever they want because I'm only alive on their graces anyway. On the flipside, if a killer is failing the game hard and then suddenly wants to farm, I'm skeptical - doubly so if they camped or tunneled, because that's pretty mixed vibes. That sort of thing just makes me think NOED's coming.
Though I pretty much always trust farming when there's an annoying tome challenge for that killer that recently dropped. You were seeing a lot of farming Plagues when Scourge of the Purge was a thing, or Trappers when there was that 'catch a survivor in a trap, reset it, and then catch someone else in that trap' BS.
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It’s explicitly against the rules, and very boring. I’d rather get creamed and move on, if given the choice.
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It's against the rules to play with the survivors in a way that's not sweaty? Lol. I mean, how would it be against the rules if I just so happen to not get a 4k? Like how would they enforce that rule lol. Survivors get a ton of BP and an easy escape and I get to complete a tome challenge done. Haven't heard any complaints yet...
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That's not true. It's been stated that they disapprove of farming but don't consider it against the rules unless a player who does not want to farm is being held hostage by those who do (as in, if you don't want to farm so you do 5 gens by yourself and leave, that's fine, and if the killer only kills you and farms with the other survivors, that's also fine, but if the killer keeps slugging you and the other survivors keep healing you and they prevent you from ending the game in a timely manner, that's breaking the rules.)
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See I never hold anyone hostage in my games. If they wanna farm I let them and if they wanna do gens I don't stop them. If they want me to chase or hook them I do. Like I get it could be boring but compared to killers that camp / tunnel etc...?
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Farming is fine if all the players want it, but there shouldn't be any expectation there that if you want to farm that anyone else has to go along with it. I've had survs get salty with me because I didn't want to farm, which is kinda BS. I think we should always assume every game is going to be standard unless otherwise indicated.
As killer, when I encounter a surv team that seem to want to farm, I will signal as clearly as I can (usually with a smack and "no" motion) that I am not playing along, give some time for that to sink in, then proceed to try to kill them all.
I have been held hostage that way before, and it was annoying af. But also super rare.
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it's mildly annoying if it happens due to a survivor insta-DCing but i don't mind it in most cases
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I like to farm as both killer and survivor. Is it the most fun game play? Of course not. But it's also freeing to know you can putz around the map and not worry about being killed.
It's so rare to find killers that farm. It cracks me up when I see a post that goes on about how terrible farm games are. Sorry you had one out of hundreds of games be a little less challenging. Rest assured you can go back to sweating your genitals off next match.
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Not sweaty, and farming are two totally different things. You can get banned for farming if you get reported enough. Personally I hate farming, I'd rather dc or just get the game over with quickly, its so
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Farming is only bannable if you're holding the game hostage to do so and forcing them to farm with you. Do gens and leave. I'll open the exit gate for you too lmao
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Farming doesn't happen enough for it to be annoying,I just enjoy my BP and easy challenges
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Unless they changed their stance recently, it's never been bannable and is instead just frowned upon. Forcing someone to farm however is bannable. Such as downing and hooking them when they're not doing what you want or stopping them from doing gens to leave, etc.
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I dont trust farming matches, I fix the gens, open the gate and get out as fast as I can, plenty of "tee hee, Im going to trick them into thinking Im friendly then my NOED+No Way Out+Blood Warden will screw them over, just as Toxic Streamer™ did on one of those superfun Youtube videos!!" or "Le friendly goofy moonwalking daddy Myers... with Tombstone No Way Out and Bloodwarden"
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For me it just depends on my mood. Some games yes some games just let me out.
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I'm always afraid they have everyone 99 stalked and are just waiting to expose everyone and just T-bag on our heads. It's happened to me once where I was victim, and then I was always skeptic. Since then I only had it happen once, and I just stayed clear of Ghostie because of trust issues.
You see, I thought the trapper was farming. I'm like, oh, he's just farming. So I go down, but he takes me to basement... And then my friend comes to rescue me, and he grabs him from the unhook. And now we're both in basement. And that's the moment I went to my friend, "I don't think he was farming, we just got duped." He was setting traps and just stepping in them, I was tricked. So since then I'm just skeptic if I'm near basement.
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I hate farming it's so boring , I would rather play a normal game
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Farming is a necessary evil for some challenges and archives. I would never want to do it a lot, but one game out of twenty is fine by me. Sometimes you just wanna cleanse that totem in peace, or escape with that new item, or whatever annoying thing you are trying to get done.