Why do Survivors D/C?

Jay_K Member Posts: 429

This is something I have always wondered.

Survivors D/C Ragequit out of the game at the most pointless times. Majority of the times im playing killer the survivor will D/C right before their last hook, They will D/C when they get downed on death hook or they D/C right before a game ends.

This seems pointless to me as it doesnt really deny me (the killer) anything and just gives me more BP for the quitter bonus.

However for the survivor they lose all their items, 0 blood points and a D/C penalty.

Please survivor mains. Explain to my why they do this.

Surely survivors arn't that salty that they die are they?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The penalty is legitimately less than queue times.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Why do Killers D/C?

    Please killer mains. Explain to my why they do this.

    Surely killers arn't that salty that they lose a gen are they?

    Doesn't it work this way as well? Could we stop the "us vs. them"? This is not a "Survivor" issue. It's a player issue, no matter the side they decided to play. Yes, I've met Killers who DC right before the last guy escaped the match because they got zero kill. I know, it's frustrating, I've been there. So, why losing all the BP made?

    People DC in all PVP games when they're too frustrated. Not everyone does that, but I mean, it's not because of the side you play, and it's not only in DBD.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    True, but it’s not like you can take the penalty while waiting in queue. You have to take your 5 minute (or more) timeout and then start your 5 minute (or more) survivor queue.

    I do think the upcoming change to incentivize players to pick a certain role will help. That was suggested a long time ago - shouldn’t have taken so long to implement

  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25

    Well what they do deny is perks that are triggered by hooking, e.g BBQ or Pop goes the Weasel. It happened to me that because of a DC almost all survivors escaped because my Pop wasn't activated. I might understand that it is frustrating when they get caught 3 times early because of the tilt (or unluckiness sometimes) and they dc but most of the time it is indeed pointless. Survivors might also rank up even if they die, provided that they did well at the match(not to mention the bp).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Its not gonna help my teammates.

    I am seriously tired of getting Survivor teammates that have less than 100 hours.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Who cares just take your points and move on to your next match.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Ok so clearly i struck a nerve for some reason. I asked a resonable question.

    For a killer if survivors are bullying or just way outside the killer skill level they can't just leave the game by throwing. A killer has to wait for all gens to be completed and then they can trigger end game.

    For a survivor if you don't like the game just get hooked and #########.

    My original question was actually why D/C right before they were going to die/game end not about D/C's in general if you actually read the post.

    I'm fully aware that both killers and survivors D/C during games because they are salty but my question was more about the stupid D/C's that happen when they have another way out of the game that doesnt hurt them.

    So sorry you got so Butt Hurt over my question and I in no way posed it as a us vs them. This is from my point of view a mainly "survivor" issue as its survivors who D/C right before they are about to be killed.

    Maybe instead of coming back with hate next time answer back if you have legitimate feedback.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    I don't care really. Any survivor who does this just gives me more BP. It was just something i was wondering. Why D/C and lose everything if your about to die anyway?

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited May 2022

    I'm not saying I agree with any of these or DCing in general, but here are some of the reasons I can think of:

    • Denies killer some points (depending on when it's done)
    • Denies killer hook-related perks
    • Teammates are terrible/not doing anything
    • Being sandbagged by teammates
    • Being tunneled repeatedly
    • Frustration due to many toxic matches in a row

    Is this justifiable? No, but this is also what happens when solo q is left to rot by the wayside *shrugs*

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Killers DC due to impotence. Whatever they experienced during that game, when you boil it down, it destroyed their agency. That's why they left and we know that's not why Survivor's leave. Being on the hook is a part of the game, survivor's are expected to be impotent occasionally because there are 3 other survivors to do work.

    Survivor's DC because they are petty.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    If I had to guess they don't care about the BP's that they earn just like a camper doesn't care about theirs.

    And their probably done playing closed the app so the dc penalty doesn't bother them.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited May 2022

    DCs before death hook are spite plays for the most part. They're trying to deny hook perks or challenges/achievements, or they're just saying "f you and f this match." Presumably they don't care about the bloodpoints - and at a certain point in this game, you do stop caring.

    It's the DCs on first down that drive me up a wall. Not even willing to see how the game plays out - just throws the computer across the room and ruins the game for the four other players because their first chase didn't pan out how they wanted it to.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Bruh, someone obviously doesn't play survivor, killers will D/C if they don't get a kill sometimes and you call survivors petty. What type of BS?

    Survivors can D/C for numerous amount of reasons just like killer and it all boils down to the same reasons;

    •They have to go do something and can't finish the gamez the penalty will most likely be over by the time they get back

    •They don't like the map

    •The game isn't going in their favor

    •(Killer) Because they got stunned once / (Survivor) Because they got downed once

    D/Cing during loading is no different;

    •Didn't like an offering someone brought

    •Again, they have to go do something and won't be back in time for the game

    •Spite (sad but true)

    So don't you dare just call survivors petty, killers can be equally just as petty, survivors can face the same impotence as killer

    Both sides are petty in their own ways and it's sad to see, but in the end the most common reason I see both sides D/C is this

    Because they had a series of bad games, so they know that by D/Cing, they can ruin the games for others, Killers since they can quite literally end the game by D/Cing, Survivors since they can screw over their teammates possibly and make the killer lose some points or that adept they were trying to get

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    40% of the games I play are survivor. I have hundreds of hours on survivor. - both my archives and my achievements and my play time supports this, but thanks for telling me what I do and do not play.

    • First bullet, noone cares about this, their fault for queing up with real life obligations
    • Second bullet, petty
    • Third bullet, petty
    • Fourth bullet, petty for both.

    See a trend?

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Again though, it's petty on both sides, not just one, I explained this, you said killers can sometimes feel helpless while playing, and it's the same thing for survivors, does this mean I D/C when things don't go my way, no. But that's not the case for everyone, people D/C on both sides for petty reasons, it shouldn't be limited to just survivors

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    The only late-game D/C that makes sense to me is doing it so their last teammate has a shot at the hatch.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    To inflict deepwound on killer IRL.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    I completly agree. Killers will D/C because they are petty also. Here is the thing. My question was not about D/Cing in general. It was a simple question as to why do Survivors D/C right before they die not when they are first downed or anything. 9/10 they are not denying the killer anything and they arn't hurting the other survivors because they would have died anyway.

    As a survivor can just get themselfs out of the game by unaliving themself on first hook i don't actually see why survivors D/C at any point but mainly right at the end of the game.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Agreed (although i hate it as a killer when survivors do this)

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    I think the outcome of my original question is this.

    Survivors D/C right before they die because:

    • They think they are hurting the killer (when they actually are not)
    • They think they are hurting other survivors who may or may not be very good (again are not if they are dead anyway)
    • They are salty af that they got killed this game

    At the end of the day both sides D/Cfor various reasons, Some toxic some legitimate (pizza arrives) but D/Cing at the end of the game when your about to die anyway will always be just a petty thing to do.

    Side note this applies to killers who D/C when final gen pops.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    If you want to believe that the large majority of killer DC's are due to pettiness and not complete and total loss of agency - feel free to do so. I won't try and change your mind. This thread isn't about the killer.

    I maintain - When I play Survivor and Killer, I see survivor's DC all the time when there was literally no reason to - they were being petty.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Disconnecting never made sense to me as the bloodpoints earned go to waste. It is basically a tantrum and barely held in check with the penalty.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    A false sense of not really losing because the killer didn't kill them.

    Their teammates suck without realizing the teammates probably think the same of them.

    The ideal killer playstyle wasn't being utilized.

    The ideal killer wasn't being played.

    First survivor went down too fast.

    They went down first.

    Muscle memory.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    5 minute queue as Survivor? not anymore, at least not in Europe during morning and evening times, queues for Survivor start around ~21:30 here, right now if you get something you hate its faster to DC once and wait the 5 minutes than enduring 10-20 minutes of something unbearable. I agree DCing when you are about to get killed is pointless but sometimes people just break and say "ENOUGH!!".

    About the lost BPs?, people who have enough time on this game dont care that much about BPs, losing between 10k and 15k (what you usually make if die) is a drop of BPs on a ocean of grind, the items? if you are going to die you lose your items anyway so that is unaffected and the penalty if its the first of the day its not that much, even if its the second and you are going to stop playing its also negligible.

    P.D. take on account if you are a Killer main and see a bully squad on the lobby you can always dodge while Survivors have to eat wathever they get served, I despise Twins, I DC every single time I join a game and hear the "release victor" prompt or their chase theme, believe me I would dodge the lobby if I could so I dont ruin the game for the other 3 Survivors but sadly I cant and Id rather eat a 5 minute penalty and switch to Killer for the rest of the playing session or stop playing altogether for the rest of the day.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited May 2022

    "Their teammates suck without realizing the teammates probably think the same of them."

    That's just not true. Most of my teammates (that I can see) have less than 100 hours and 99% have less than 500. Sometimes they just immediately throw the game because it's funny to them or they could just be so inexperienced they run from nothing and can't hit skill checks. I'll post clips of recent games once they're uploaded and suitably blurred.

    Like, what am I supposed to do here?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Ego & poor sportsmanship, they use mental gymnastics to convince themselves they've taken something from the opposition.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    They're tired of taking it up the rear I think.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    No way that was happening on the last clip. Lmao. That’s why we play in swfs

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    First clip was clearly a new player who didnt hit the skill check. Clearly they freaked out because the missed skillcheck would have allerted the killer and given your against oni if the oni had their power they would be over in a heart beat.

    Second clip granted those team mates suck and players like that are whats wrong with DBD Solo Q. Honestly there needs to be a better way to report players who don't participate in the normal gameplay (doing gens, unhooking teammates and so on).

    One thing i don't agree with is that all survivors under 500 hours (rough estimate based on previous comments) are trash teammates.

    Having teammates that are not as experienced isn't their fault and they shouldnt get ripped on for it. This is purely down to the matchmaking system.

    As a killer main i have maybe 50 ish hours in survivor maximum as i actually find survivor incredably boring to play so i can't really comment to much on solo q but during games as killer when i see someone just meming about whilst others are trying to win the game i genurally go a bit easier on them and just kill the idiot :)

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    The same reasons killers D/C probably.

    I've seen survivors DC from a game on their first down and I've seen killers DC after losing their Ruin totem 30 seconds into a match.

    I've seen survivors DC right as they're being hooked and in the dying animation and I've seen killers DC literally as me and my team are running out the game because they couldn't secure a kill. Like...... the game is ending, just let it happen and get your BP. it makes no sense to me XD

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I understand why Killer would DC even if the games going to end soon,survivor doing it is pointless when that can just kill them self on hook be out killers can't do that.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    The only time I dced on purpose was when a Nea was hookfarming me mid-chase right in the face of Slinger when I was one pip away from the next grade. - Hookfarming can happen, sure. - But that was something else. She was blocking a teamie who had bt and was there to unhook me once the two of them took their chase elsewhere; instead of seeing someone going for the hook rescue and taking the chase somewhere else she ran straight at the hook to unhook me herself. Thing happened two times in a row, in the time span of maybe thirty seconds. I was so pissed.😂 Though, since it takes a moment to actually leave the match I think Slinger even got his mori on me and I was technically dead before I left - because smh I still pipped from that match (which I thought was impossible with a dc?). But since I got the timer I count it as a dc.

    There was also an swf round where we contemplated to just all dc at the same time after we got basement bubba several times in a row and were just sick of it. - And another time where the killer just decided to slug at 0 hooks and 5 gens and let us bleed out because I really don't know why. I think both time we didn't. For basement bubba we just all walked into the basement. As for the slug I think we all just got drinks and snacks and by the time we got back the match was over. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    As for other people ...there are some strange situations where people dc - and I think much like me it stems from some kind of being annoyed or upset. Some people are just much more easily upset / annoyed to the point of dc-ing than others. At times it's really hard for me to understand what about a situation could possibly have been that upsetting/annoying but I guess... some people just are like that.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,574

    Body is 1 character too short.