Killers shouldn't drop survivors.

Imagine that you are finally going to get some boil over vaule when suddenly the killer drops you. Worse yet, you see another survivor make a good sabotage play, then the killer drops you. The killer is able to maintain pressure in the game despite his bad play. Now teammates have to go find you and heal you. This is an unfair mechanic that should be removed.
I'm not sure I understand... you just accumulate more wiggle progress when they pick you back up.
Unless you mean when you break free from their grasp? At which point, they're stunned for a second and you get a chance to get away, so it's as if the match "reset" to before you were downed.
In either scenario, there's nothing unfair lol
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The killer didn't make a bad play. The sabotage that the killer easily identified and had time to drop the survivor was the bad play.
As for Boil Over. If you're about to get value out of it - and the killer drops you - congratulations, you are not on the hook and you got value out of it.
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"The killer is able to maintain pressure in the game despite his bad play."
Dropping you is the correct play
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I disagree, you don't deserve a free wiggle out after being caught and if it were that way survivors would abuse the ######### out of that until the killer DC and you would have sabo in every single game, how's it fair to the killer that just spent time to down the survivor? See gameplay like you're talking is exactly why I slug when I play killer, I won't even pick up anymore if someone is there I just start slugging because there's too many BS ways to get screwed out of a hook against a good squad
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You get wiggle progress whenever the Killer drops you, it's a fair trade off
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Imagine you are a killer and you down a survivor, you are carrying them to the hook and the other survivors body block you and sabo the hook you were intending to use. The survivors are removing your pressure despite the original survivors bad play. This is an unfair mechanic that should be removed.
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I'm not sure I understand... you just accumulate more wiggle progress when they pick you back up.
I think wiggle progress regresses while you're on the ground though.
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The regression was removed in 5.5.2. They should undo that imo
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I'm really sorry you didn't get boil over value once. Is that really work making a thread over? Is it really worth stripping decision making ability from the killer?
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If the killer manages to drop you off a ledge when you have boil over then they deserve to get the hook
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Sometimes, it's really, really easy to tell threads started by someone who never plays the killer role.
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No, pressing a button to cancel survivor perks, a toolbox and your teammate ability is not a good move, it's unfair. Then the killers complain about E for dead hard...
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Ah, yes, because recognizing something you're doing isn't going to work out and changing your strategy before it blows up in your face is illegal.
By that logic, sabo, flashlights, and wiggle off perks like Boil Over or Power Struggle shouldn't exist. The survivor made a bad play and got caught by the killer. With sabotage and flashlight saves, survivors are enabling their teammates' bad plays while maintaining pressure on the killer. These are unfair mechanics that should be removed. Right?
Counterplay's the name of the game, bud. Besides, if the killer drops you - in most cases, they can't pick you back up without you wiggling off. Forcing someone else to heal you is the best they're getting out what would have been a hook.
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A killer dropping you likely can't pick you back up due to the extra wiggle progress you get for being dropped. Meaning he's lost that hook due to Boil Over or Sabotage causing him to drop you.
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It's pretty weird to wilfully not play half the game. What do these people do when queue times hit five minutes on survivor?
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Or a troll account. Remember, this is the same person who made a huge deal out of blight and dredge looking similar (that is what they think) and saying that this will cause problems for survivors.
People shouldn't even bother responding seriously.
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So what, you're saying that if a survivor sabotages a hook, the killer should just lose the hook? No counterplay at all? Just, if someone nearby has a toolbox or Saboteur, the killer should never get any value out of a down?
That's not how an interactive game works. Both sides have opportunity to play around each others' strategies. Sometimes it works, sometimes they see it coming and it doesn't. What you're pushing is akin to saying that looking at a wall is unfair because it prevents survivors from being able to flashlight blind. Uncounterable strategies are really bad for the game.
Between this and your last thread, I'm starting to suspect you're trolling.
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There is one killer. Four survivors. You understand dealing with iframes 12 or more times in a match is going to be a bigger issue than not having your perk work how you want once, right?
Just play some killer for Christ sake. This is embarrassing.
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Not really. That progress hardly ever makes a difference.
I am in that dropping the survivor needs more of a downside than it actually has. Its just problamatic due to sabotage, that could be the next Boil Over issue.
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No, because that "trade off" only becomes active if the killer pick you back up, and that never happens, you will be slugged.
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I dont know if its still on the game but wiggle regression is/was so minimal it is/was barely noticeable. I didnt learn of it until years after starting playing and because someone posted about it on the forums.
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This is just objectively not true. I play solo survivor almost exclusively and I almost always break free after being dropped unless I’m dropped right by a hook for some reason.
If a hook is saboed and you’re dropped, simply crawl away from the hook and create some distance?
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It was noticeable if you got slugged for a really long time - I once got hooked in a situation I would have been able to wiggle off without it. That said, it was only the once where I ever saw it do anything. And if you get left on the ground for over a minute, that game's already gone sour anyways.
Yes? The trade off is that the killer knows they can't hook you, so you're only slugged instead of gaining a hook state and moving closer to being removed from the game. You did get something out of this interaction. The killer cut their losses and did not get to carry through their original plan of hooking you.
Complaining that the killer won't pick you back up when you're going to wiggle off is like complaining that survivors don't drop pallets all over the map and run into walls instead of looping. You can't expect the other players to be stupid and do things that go against their own interests.
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Thats objectively the only truth unless you play against pitty killers that dont know when to drop a survivor. They dont even have to pick you up again, they can down the next one, and come back the moment you get picked up, down you again on spot and have you lost all wiggle progress.
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For a moment there I thought this was another Sluzzy post
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Exactly, it's not about making it impossible for the killer to get hooks, but it's about dropping survivor not being as effective as it currently is.
"So what, you're saying that if a survivor sabotages a hook, the killer should just lose the hook?" No, it's about dropping survivor not being as effective as it currently is.
"Between this and your last thread, I'm starting to suspect you're trolling." You have not understood anything and my arguments are just as valid as yours, you do not have to discredit me in that way.
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Cheked the wiki, 0,05 c/s which translates in 360 seconds to deplete a full bar, more time than it takes to bleed out, being dropped 30 seconds increased the timer for a whooping 1,5 seconds.
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If I pick up the survivor and get stuck on the environment because they have Boil Over, what the hell other choice is there but to drop them? I should be forced to wait through their entire wiggle bar before they finally wiggle off my shoulder? How is that reasonable? If the ability to drop survivors were removed, everyone is bleeding out for the rest of eternity. Not out of spite or anything, but because that would be the best play in all situations other than the last survivor going down directly under a hook.
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No, it's not. You're either wearing hardcore survivor main glasses, or you're just really bad at the game. Either way, this seems to be a you issue.
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Except your threads thus far have been pretty detached from reality. If you want me to respect an argument you're making, you need to make a respectable argument. You're complaining that the killer gets value out of slugging someone who's been dropped, but you're forgetting the killer already caught and downed that person. They put a significant time investment into that survivor, the value of which has now been reduced thanks to other survivors intervening. The killer is now only getting part of the pressure they would have had, and unless the team screws up and allows a 4-man slug, they will have to chase and down that survivor one more time.
As it is, you're railing against the fact that killers have the ability to cut their losses against sabotage plays if they recognize them early enough. That's not acceptable. If the killer dropped you, they've already lost out on the hook they would have gotten. If you can explain to me why you think the killer shouldn't be able to do anything in this situation and the survivors are owed a wiggle off and nothing less, then maybe this can continue.
Yeah, it was a really slim margin. I don't care that much about the change one way or the other; realistically, it won't make a difference in most games. In this case, I was dropped near a hook that was sabotaged and was left there for a while. When dropped, my bar was just shy of the point where I would have popped off instead of being dropped. I didn't bother crawling away very far because I figured I'd be able to wiggle off as soon as I was picked up again, but it took about a minute for the Oni to chase everyone away, and by that point, the bar had decayed just enough that he was able to get me to the hook around 98% wiggle.
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the devs pamper the survivors. first the toolbox shouldn't allow hook sabotage, the toolbox is OP, because it does 2 important things: fast repair and hook sabo. secondly I play since a year ago and Devs always "forgot" to display the drop survivor UI button on the screen. I'm pretty sure a UI notification appears on the screen for survivors. E for deadhard, but the drop suvivor UI notification never appears, so less killers drop survivors. and thirdly even when you press the button, many times the killer doesn't drop the survivor.
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Dropping is a great mechanic. I don't want to be forced into carrying survivors to a hook just because they dive into a locker or refuse to stop an action before the grab. I prefer to play with 0 hooks whenever possible.
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But the killer still doesn’t get the hook state so he’s not denying anything. Your logic makes no sense.
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And with dead hard the survivor is still injured so he’s not denying anything, you can still catch him. Your logic makes no sense.
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Congratulations on getting use out of Boil Over in general. lol
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Ok but there’s nothing that benefits a killer with a Dead Hard and there’s no counterplay when they use it for distance. I play both sides and whenever I use Dead Hard, it feels so cheap.
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Boil Over almost always gets value as you will spend several seconds stuck on objects and clipping on terrain. It just doesn't always get the value the survivor is hoping for.
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you can press R, hold down R, it seems to work sometimes LOL
why is it so non responsive to pressing the key?
Imagine if the E key was so non responsive.
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Hahaha this is peak entitlement
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Wait, you're able to drop your survivors when they are past like 75%? I'm always spamming O on the PlayStation and it never drops them and then they escape
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if you don't like it then play killer... queues are much shorter and you'll have a good time...