A perk that'll allow you see trapper's traps?

L3kkim Member Posts: 4

Of course not everyone that would be broken, but a perk that would allow for you to see the nearest trap to where you are. Even give it a cooldown. I feel like every other killer is somewhat counterable (Except Huntress cuz hitbox on those hatchets be a big F). Of course I do have the handicap of being partially blind so this is also somewhat me feeling extremely sorry for myself for not being able to avoid the traps. So I'm just wondering if this is somethat that's been considered. I hardly believe the only counter (other than being in a VC with a swf) is to crouch around the entire map and hope the "Disarm trap" procs before you step in it. I believe Hag's trap are counterable with a flashlight. Same with Artist birbs.
