

Are you going to P3 characters for the new mysterious reward before the progression update?

Member Posts: 1,662
edited May 2022 in Polls

Just wondering, because if you are: what is your route (e.g., are you prioritizing original characters first)? and how many characters do you plan/want to P3.

Personally I'm planning to P3 as many characters as possible, even though I had none prestiged before the announcement. I'm starting with Jonah (already done with him actually) and making my way up through the original characters.

Are you going to P3 characters for the new mysterious reward before the progression update? 68 votes

Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update
20 votes
No, I will not be prestiging anymore characters
14 votes
I aim to P3 some characters but not all
23 votes
I already have all characters or the characters that I want P3'd, so no! 😎
11 votes

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  • Member Posts: 167
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    Might prestige a few characters that I like using, but definitely not all of them.

    I already have my mains that I use a lot, Steve/Jonathan (don’t know if there will be a reward for ST characters due to the license expire) and Pig prestige 3 and some other characters P3 too.

  • Member Posts: 286
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    I usually only play killer for fun, bp or just memeing around so I haven't really invested any bp into killers and mostly run around with whatever perks you get with lvl 15. There are a couple killers that I really enjoy for various reasons though and I might actually try and P3 them just in case.

    On the survivor side only Felix is missing a couple levels but then I got all survivors I want at P3 at P3.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m just Prestiging like I normally do, I’m not doing anything special one way or another.

  • Member Posts: 8,314
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    It's not because of the mysterious rewards, but as soon as the PTB is over, I'm gonna P3 some killers in preparation of their teachables being given to everyone else-- especially Leatherface.

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    Yes. I am choosing pain.

    well. All survs I already have on P3-50 (with most having at least almost all perks unlocked at Tier I). For killers I have a few on P-3 but some weren’t even P-1 yet…

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    god i'm gonna be in pain for the next few months

  • Member Posts: 7,224
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    I will P3 a few characters that I don't have a ton of stuff on.

    But I'm not gonna P3 my main characters on either side, they just have too much stuff already and it's not worth it.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    No, I will not be prestiging anymore characters

    My whole attitude toward Prestige has been that I don't want to have to grind for perks and add-ons over and over again. I'm kind of curious and jealous about whatever cool reward people get, but not enough to reset all of my stuff.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    I will probably skip Steve Demogorgon and Nancy since they probs wont get a reward

    and ill save licensed characters for last

  • Member Posts: 822
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    Characters i already haved P3'd are Dwight,Ace,Jeff,Tapp,Cheryl,Ash,Quentin,Bill,Ghostface,Legion,Nemesis,Pig,& Demogorgon

    Basically P3 Blight & Pyramidhead who are P2 Level 50

    Characters i want to P3

    Yoichi(Level 33)

    Steve(P1 Level 50)


  • Member Posts: 6,030
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    Proably save you bloodpoints when the change goes through. but id wait for that

  • Member Posts: 1,327
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    I'm definitely not gonna be able to P3 everyone, so I'm mainly going to prioritize characters that I like (myers, maybe oni that kinda thing) as well as characters whose perks I want available to everyone the moment the change drops (spirit and Billy for example because I love the endfury combo).

  • Member Posts: 897

    I have the characters I use in lvl 50 no prestige already. For now prestige is a waste of BP, so i'm not doing it. If they fix that, i'd consider it and only if the reward is worth it.

  • Member Posts: 8,330
    I already have all characters or the characters that I want P3'd, so no! 😎

    I have the characters I care to have p3 already there. Knowing that I can just pump BP into my none prestiged characters and they'll get adjusted is good enough for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    Yes, I plan to P3 as many characters as I can before the update

    I have almost all survivors P3 and some killers P3. I aim to P3 all survivors first and then all killers just because it's satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 72
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    just ones i main wraith/claudette

  • Member Posts: 3,333
    No, I will not be prestiging anymore characters

    I don't want to do the grind required just to sit there and burn perks, addons, and offerings. There is no incentive to doing and exclusive rewards are rarely worth the trouble. Can't theorycraft new builds with charms and cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2022
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    I'm ready to P3 some characters as soon as the aniversary starts to farm cakes. I had them at P2 lvl 50 even before the stream. I dont really care about this mysterious reward

  • Member Posts: 773
    I aim to P3 some characters but not all

    I already have had Nea, Bill, Quentin, Tapp, Kate, Nancy, Steve, Yui, Cheryl, Jill, Leon, Mikaela, Bubba, Freddy, Spirit, Executioner, Trickster, Nemesis, Pinhead and Sadako P3-50'd way before the Prestige changes announcement. And I am currently prestiging Feng, Jeff, Meg, Ash and Laurie to P2-50, so that I can P3 them on the Anniversary (waiting for event cakes). I might also consider adding Clown, Yoichi, David, Jake and maybe even more survivors to that list. And I am 100% P3-50ing Haddie and Dredge before the Prestige update drops.

    I also have some killers, who are either Prestiged but not fully (Pig, Ghostface, Demo, Doctor, Artist) or not Prestiged at all (Legion, Huntress, Myers, Oni, Wraith), who I will not be P3-50ing just for this "reward", because I either have a lot of perks on them already (Ghosty, Demo, Doc, Huntress, Myers, Oni, Wraith) or have every single existing perk on level 3 (Pig, Legion) with a bunch of addons. Especially after it was confirmed that this "reward" will not be a Legacy 2.0, so it's not like I'm gonna be getting anything unique or much interesting anyways.

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