

Male survivors

Member Posts: 228

Most female survivors has dye hair but only like 1 or 2 male survivors has it should they be more dye hair for male survivors?

Male survivors 66 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,294

    If it fits it ships.

    Many of the girls are super artsy - or very flashy.

    But the majority of the guys are very stern, straight-man, or stoic.

    I can't really see David rocking bright hair, because he takes himself a bit more seriously than that.

    Most of the guy characters in the game do (Or are licensed - so good luck with that!)

    Ace is the closest thing we have, but he's more of a James Bond type rather than a flamboyant type.

    Jonah's a blank slate, but he also works for the CIA - so I'm not sure how against-the-grain he really is.

    Meanwhile, flashy cosmetics for punks like Meg/Nea/Feng, fashion freaks like Kate/Zarina/Yun - it makes a lot more sense.

    I can see Nea or Feng wearing something super loud and distracting, while I can't really see Felix or Adam doing as much.

    I can see Zarina or Yun wearing some esoteric high-brow fashion-statement hair coloration, while I can't really see Jeff or Jake going for it.

    It's not sexist, it's just personality wise. There are 11 original female survivors and 8 original male survivors.

    I cannot, for instance, see Claudette wearing super loud and gaudy hair styles - it just doesn't fit her more insular and reserved demeanor.

    If they had a more rambunctious and free-spirited male who, perhaps, has a taste for higher fashion - I could totally see them having bold hair styles!

  • Member Posts: 707

    Yeah I’ve never liked Dwight getting the Ellis skin because it really doesn’t suit him but then I thought who does it suit?

    The point is there aren’t any free spirit/fun male survivors. Jake sort of but in more of an independent way and certainly not a fun/silly way, though Ellis skin suits him more then Francis IMO. Adam has shown some potential to be but in his own quote he was raised by a very strict man. So yeah, we kinda need a cloud cuckoolander type male character.

  • Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2022

    I mean David is one of the 2 that does have dye hair but it would be nice to have more dye hair options for male survivors like when always a original females survivors come out they get 3 new hair colors

  • Member Posts: 286

    I would love some more colours on our boys.

    And even if something bright and unusual might not suit many of the male survivors (who are, indeed, kinda more in the 'grounded' camp as a whole) there can still be different more natural hair colours just to suit player preferences some more. Much like the base outfit recolours. - I can easily imagine a blonde David, a light-brown haired Dwight or Jake and a reddish-brown haired Felix.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Oh definitely. The only thing we really got is Jake with blue hair.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    If it fits the character then sure, why not.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't see why not, as long as it fits the character.

  • Member Posts: 495

    YES. I literally don't play males because their outfits are so boring/colorless. Honestly. :/

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    There's literally no reason to not get different hair colors for men. Even if bright neon colors don't fit their personality they could get more natural looking dyes (like Meg for eg, she has a bunch of blonde / brunette variations).

  • Member Posts: 495

    I just wish they weren't all short hair styles. Like, I feel this with David and Felix. All of their hairs seem either really really short, or really short lol. I want some variety.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Actually Felix, along with Jake & Jeff are the only three I can think of that have long hair cosmetics (and Jake is the only one with multiple hair dyes as well i believe, but I'm not sure about). Pretty sure Felix has the longest hair of them all lol, but yeah agreed we need more varieties for male survivors, frustrates me so much when we get head recolors and the only thing that changes is the glasses...

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