General Discussions

General Discussions

Last survivor should be allowed to try and kobe if it's his first hook.

Just like in the title^. This is rare, as I think that survivors have it waaay to easy in this game considering everything... but this little thing simply makes no sense to me... especially that we have 3 perks affecting self-unhooking chances, offerings and other things that could actually result in escape.

I do understand that it is in place to prevent a survivor simply hanging there and wasting time so here is my proposition: If X is the last survivor in game and they are hooked for the very first time they have a small window of time to try and unhook themselves. If they don't do this, the entity simply takes them (as it is now).

Window: 5 seconds. Finishing an unhook attempt adds 1 second, so in case you have slippery meat you have enough time for all 6 attempts.

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Survivor would go on the floor for 60 seconds and then back on the hook.

    This wouldn't improve anything gameplay-wise for either side.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited May 2022

    I just think it extends the game for little reason. Unless the hatch spawns right next to you, its just going to be a 60s + stare down. Let's wrap it up.

  • Member Posts: 440

    No, survivors get enough second chances as is.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Why should they be rewarded for being hooked.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Not only are they not doing that, but BHVR is doing the opposite and ending the game immediately as soon as the last remaining Survivor is downed.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    BHVR is never going to add this back in as they've made a point to remove unnecessarily ways to extend the game so people can just move on to the next one.

    Instead, you should be trying to take a hook for the team. While there is no guarantee the killer will hook you, it's far better to be in the killers face trying to take the pressure off of someone dead on hook than it is to let them die.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    In most circumstances, kobeing as the last survivor is pointless. And that's including DS in its consideration; unless you were hooked right next to an open gate, the killer's going to wait it out and you're going back up in a minute anyway. There's only three scenarios I can see it making a real difference.

    -The aforementioned "everyone else left, the gates are open, I have DS, and I can crawl out."

    -As a corollary, if the gate is 99ed but you also have Unbreakable and Soul Guard.

    -If the killer is 20+m away from the hook, such as chasing another survivor out the gates - but in that case, you already had a chance to kobe and your dying-state vision should have told you that now was the time to use it.

    Even stuff like DS/Flip-Flop/Power Struggle doesn't matter because the dominant strategy on the killer end would be to bleed kobes out and not take chances. And that would be really awful for everyone, just like survivors refusing to struggle for 60s and stall the game wasn't an enjoyable feature. It was simpler to nix the whole thing.

  • Member Posts: 496

    @MilManson How is this reward? Right now survivors are actually getting punished for being the person who never got hooked untill now. Everybody had their kobe chance, except for them

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Great idea, now the Killer stands on the hook, hits again and waits 1 minute to avoid DS, you just got slugged for 1 extra minute, super thrilling and fun experience.

    There is a reason why they got rid of the struggle if everyone left alive was hooked and in second stage.

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