General Discussions

General Discussions

This game is dying real fast

Member Posts: 36
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

The player count is dropping like flies and it's certain that the next anniversary chapter is not going to bring people back to the game. This new chapter is already mediocre and because of that the player count will drop to 0 real quick like.

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  • Member Posts: 747

    If only I knew sooner!

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Well yeah...we know this. The game sucks.

  • Member Posts: 8

    the game has died like 50 times already

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    As long as it has no viable competition, people will play DbD. The Project W chapter will bring plenty of people back. I am going to be real, I am not even sure this anniversary puts us in the green, but it does not have to because we have lots of improvements coming after that. Kind of weird they didn't time the update properly, but what's new?

  • Member Posts: 5,295
  • Member Posts: 4,903

    If you look at the numbers for steam, it appears to have stabilized this month.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Yeah if these changes happen like soon this will be reversed

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    that depends a lot on how they implement them, but if the meta changes they announced are going to be good, i can definitely see myself reinstalling.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    It dropped quite a bit since the peak, but it has been holding steady recently

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Hey I watched the anniversary stream and I heard 50 million people play (have played?) this game so I don't see how the player count can be dropping. Maybe DBD just doesn't appeal to as many people as it used to.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Not all the killers. Just 99.9% like the dentitsts that recommend you their toothpaste.

  • Member Posts: 5,502
  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited May 2022

    You claim playercount is dropping like flies yet steam chart numbers has been fluctuating between -300 & -500 for the entire month of may. Hell it's currently sitting on -19.2

    Also the playerbase will never drop to 0 completely because there are people who will always play DBD no matter what, so it will never go below a certain point.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    While I don't think it'll ever drop to 0 as the OP suggested, it is fair for people to say and think that the player count doesn't seem that great. When you have someone on the anniversary stream mention 50 million players for the game and yet players experience long wait times for matches its not hard to understand how people may question those numbers. As I mentioned above, DBD may not be appealing to the same number of people as it once did, so the question if that is true is, why? What has changed that has caused less people to be interested in the game in recent time? Is DBD appealing to a wider and more diverse audience and if not, then why not? Did more, less or the same amount of people find interest in DBD when they started incorporating representation elements into the game? I'd be interested to see some data on that. I could check the steam charts but DBD is on multiple platforms so I'd need to see overall data to get a better picture.

  • Member Posts: 762


  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited May 2022

    While I don't think it'll ever drop to 0 as the OP suggested, it is fair for people to say and think that the player count doesn't seem that great. When you have someone on the anniversary stream mention 50 million players for the game and yet players experience long wait times for matches its not hard to understand how people may question those numbers.

    I mean they may think that, but at the same time we know that the queue time differs depending on the day of time and which region you're on, as for the 50 million bit, i think it's more in terms of how many people have played during DBD's entire lifespan as a game in total, but that's just a guess really.

    As I mentioned above, DBD may not be appealing to the same number of people as it once did, so the question if that is true is, why? What has changed that has caused less people to be interested in the game in recent time? Is DBD appealing to a wider and more diverse audience and if not, then why not? Did more, less or the same amount of people find interest in DBD when they started incorporating representation elements into the game?

    I honestly don't think there is a single answer as to why people are in general drawn to DBD, why they'd leave DBD or even why they return to DBD and it can be of many different reasons that varies from both outside and inside the game that can cause them to do any of them.

    I'd be interested to see some data on that. I could check the steam charts but DBD is on multiple platforms so I'd need to see overall data to get a better picture.

    I don't think any stats would show specifics as to why people come and go, but it definitely would be interesting to check for alot of reasons other than the total current active playercount cross all platforms itself.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 2,374

    All fair points. I have noticed que times are different based on the time of day. I usually play late at night and for me on any given day of the week the que times vary between a couple minutes to sometimes upwards of 10 minutes or more. I figured night time would be prime time for a game like DBD given its horror themes. I'm not sure how the que times are during the day or early mornings.

    I think DBD appeals to a lot of people just on the basis of its uniqueness and theme. Content I think is the biggest factor on bringing in new and returning people to the game. Even still, when companies do things with their product (like the representation element I mentioned), its sure to have mixed responses as we have seen. Whatever the reason may be for someone disagreeing with things like this, it can be a deterrent for many people. It can also appeal to a lot of people. The question to ask after doing something like this and seeing the response is, was it good for the product's future?

    The stats from the charts only show numbers. There would need to be surveys or an examination of feedback based around whatever they did for the game at any given time to connect the reasons with the data and even still there could be speculation. Even still, seeing public reaction to things is data in and of itself and if there is negative public reaction to something and also numbers going down, I think its safe to come to some conclusions there.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Content definitely brings people in like with the Resi DLC, but the poor performance/optimisation; bugs and imbalances are definitely something that drive those people away.

    I have to wonder how many of those 50 million players, actively played matches or just logged in for the free bonus points; or how many did that but turned it off after 1 or 2 games.

    There’s definitely a lot bringing players in, but also a lot turning players away.

    For me as a console player, it doesn’t matter how good or bad the content is when the game doesn’t function to a reasonable level and hasn’t since the Resi DLC; and it was pretty sketchy even before that. There’s clear neglect in some areas.

    Like that meme of the swimming pool its BHVR holding up and having fun with new content and cosmetics to sell us, while the balance is barely holding its head above water; and the game performance is the skeleton on the floor :’)

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I've seen this happen to other games over the years. Its freaking disheartening as hell. Great games should never abandon their roots.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Traffic is way, way, way down - which is worrying in many ways.

    While the game is far from dead, after the disastrously bad launch of MMR and Boon Totems that wrecked the game for a bit - followed up by a lackluster meta and an incredibly underwhelming Ringu chapter - the game is only a few nails away from its way down to the killer basement.

    I think the fan base is more volatile than it's ever been, but it's better to have hope than to concede to pessimism.

  • Member Posts: 118

    The only thing dying really fast is my tolerance for threads like this. It's getting boring.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Carthage should be destroyed.

  • Member Posts: 279

    The Game Title "Dead By Daylight' Of course The Survivor must be dead...

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited May 2022

    i am seeing so many streamer fb gaming on my region leaving DBD , they shifting to play valorant or fps shooting. Maybe boring or just sick of SBBM.

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