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There is a reason people run the meta.

Ok this is an observation I have had for awhile. I love the fact that the meta is going to change. It's so boring to go up against the same thing all the time. For either side.

Here is my problem. There is a reason people run the meta. Killers run things like Corrupt, Scourge Hooks, Ruin, and Pop because the gens tend to go to fast.

Survivors run Dead Hard, BT, Unbreakable etc cause slugging, camping and tunneling exist.

I think what needs to change is the fundamentals of why people need to run those perks or feel they can play the game better or longer with them.

I don't know how they would change that. I am all for a meta shake up as the games tend to be boring on both sides when it's always the same builds.

What are your guys thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I agree with this completely

  • Member Posts: 54

    the randoms are the real killers, my meta changed with mmr, I mostly run any means necessary + windows of opportunity cause the times I died because of randoms can't be counted...

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    People will always run meta because it's the Most Effective Tactic Available

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    The state of the game defines the meta.

    Until there are fundamental changes in various aspects of the game, the meta will remain.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Here's the thing.. in the current state of dbd survivors dont need meta to do well. But any m1 based killer like clown or trapper needs it cause they just dont have pressure.

  • Member Posts: 101

    play with wraith on pallet town versus a SWF running all meta

  • Member Posts: 419

    It sounds to me like they plan on shaking up the meta a lol more often. Provided they tune some base game stuff, this sounds great. There has always been, and will always be, some sorta meta. The problem is they wait sooooo long that the metas get more stale than a loaf of bread in Bubbas basement.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    But cause the meta is basically required to have a good time

    if you are not in a swf, dead hard and DS feel required, you are not gonna have nearly as good of a time without meta

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    People run the meta because the meta wouldn't be meta if people didn't run it.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    People run meta because the game is balanced poorly.

    Tunneling has never been addressed, bleeding out on the ground for 4 minutes because the Killer is a baby has never been addressed, Survivors all spawning on 4 separate Gens hasn't been fixed even if it has been addressed before.

    Dead Hard is objectively unfair and brings D tier Killers down to F- tier, Iron Will removes an entire mechanic.

    Hopefully with the recent Anni stream the Devs will smarten up and actually have the stones needed to make some major changes.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not run meta, and I do not care if other people do. My only pet peeve are those DS apologists pretending the perk is useless just because it was nerfed once. It was nerfed BEFORE my time and they are STILL on about it. I respect their commitment, at least.

  • Member Posts: 500
    edited May 2022

    It's so funny to me that the same folks who thought the original COH was fine, that the initial buff to Boil Over was fine, are now going to overhaul the basic gameplay in an attempt to make tunneling, camping, genrushing less attractive AND change 40 perks all at the same time in accordance with that, and people are taking for granted that this is somehow going to be an improvement. This is BHVR we are talking about, either the changes are so minuscule it will literally change nothing or the whole balance (I know, I know) of the game will go out the window even harder than before. When Sprint Burst has a 20 second cooldown and Jolt regresses every gen to 0% on each basic hit, I can't wait to see the complaining.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I am not taking it for granted. I am praying 🙏

    There is a difference. Hope is not confidence, lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    @EvilBarney666 Agreed, and it seems BHVR does, too. Mandy said they're making base game changes for that reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    They will make tombstone Myers nurse level

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The 2 reasons are basically the same:

    • Killers run slowdown perks, because gens go to fast.
    • Killers slug, camp n tunnel, because gens go to fast.

    @AshInTheTallGrass While the devs statement that they are looking on why the meta is the meta, i´m pessimistic in the regard that they really see the problem. For the simple reason that Nemesis had addon nerfs, because to many people used the same addons. While ignoring why everyone used the same addons.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Yes, that's what I'm the most wary of. If for some reasons the devs misunderstand the problem or have the wrong approach to fix it, it may very well be game over. The last stream made me kind of hopeful though.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Strong perks make the game easier.

    It’s not rocket science.

  • Member Posts: 718

    The Meta of poo.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2022

    The devs don't balance the game properly ------->Killers are forced to tunnel and camp -------->Survivors run the anti-tunnel/camp meta in response -------->Killers are forced to stack the slow down meta

    It sounds like they understand why these perks are ran, but will they actually fix enough? I have doubts.

    The amount of changes the game would need for this to happen is massive and an undertaking that would take the devs literally years at their rate of work. They would have to go through shrinking the size of like 90% of the maps, reworking like 70% of the tile sets to actually be mind gameable for m1 killers and a ton of the killer roster that needs significant buffs.

    For the devs to actually understand how to balance the game properly they would have to first stop looking at kill rates as a metric for balance. This is why their balance is in a mess in the first place. The kill rate data is extremely flawed for a multitude of reasons. If they want to have a better grasp of killer balance they should be looking at hooks and not just hooks at the end of the game, hooks throughout the match. Most matches get like 3 hooks by the time all 5 gens are done and yet end the match with 6+ hooks. Those 6+ hooks are usually irrelevant as those are all from survivors bum rushing the hook because they don't want even 1 guy to die. Those aren't related to balance but looking at the 5 gen snap shot compared to the end game snap shot gives two completely different pictures of balance.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh i liked the stream. Don´t get me wrong here. But i´m not optimistic on regard of how they´ll rework the perks.

    Do we need more variation at the top? Absolutely! Not only in regard of perks, but also in regard of killers/addons. Its just that tiny little voice in the back of my head that tells me to remember how they managed things in the (not so far away) past.

    And i really, really hope that i´m wrong and everything turns out great. Buuuut...

  • Member Posts: 4,903

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