The game is going downhill...

The overall experience of the game is just a 4/10, even worse in the weekends. Just trying to have some fun but the whole camping and tunneling is just getting out of hand, I would understand the end game camping but it's all game every game... S tier killers, A tier killers and lower. It got to a point that it doesn't matter the killer excuse for camping, the map, the layout, the chair is not comfy enough, all this things are definitely survivor's fault! It's like they are entitled to win every match and you can't do anything about it. I mostly play solo q and most of my teammates own the game for a few months, most of their perks don't even have an exhaustion perks, it's usually some rng cr*p you can make up on some perk randomizer website. This people don't even last 20-30 seconds in the first chase, while the whole map is full of pallets. I can describe my last two matches in solo q: 1. Omega blink nurse getting full advantage from the ruin on mother's dwelling, the random lasted 15 seconds in chase she then decided to camp him out with 5 gens, until second stage, then she let us save him when she went for me, after me being saved and healed she went for another person, hooked and went back for me but this time while I was in chase, she decided to switch the target for the guy that's already dead on hook. If it's a strategy, they I think survivors should have an option to build a ladder and escape the map through the fence. At this point I just gave up cause it was still an active ruin with 4 gens and 3 vs 1... 2nd match it's billy on saloon, first chase was Feng who literally went down in less than 10 second by melee, yes, your read that right, two melee attaks with Billy, I think she watched too much Ayrun gameplays and thought she is the smartest player in the game. And guess where she went down? -Exactly! Shack's basement, this whole time I let the killer see me to engage in a chase, but his decision was to just camp the basement. This game literally got to the point to abuse a '''legal exploit'' which is camping and tunneling. If this is the new dbd normal, then don't count me in...
- People are allowed to run any perks they want, never expected that I would need to say that in this community as I've had to say that in LoL and Paladins now
- Camping and Tunneling are not "Legal Exploits" as not even as a joke...every game has a version of these as Tunneling is eliminating the weak players or taking out the stronger players first so you don't have to worry about them later, while camping helps confirm one elimination, these are being changed yes but its being changed due to how every meta perk is being changed all at once due to the game becoming stale due to facing the same thing over and over again
- "Omega Blink Nurse" isn't even real any more as she can't blink 5 times anymore without fatigue, its 3 blinks thats locked to an ultra rare add-on that also has a negative (Not defending this add-on btw I hate Nurse with an undying passion)
- That Billy actually played that pretty smart as he didn't know if other survivors were around, you actually made it look as if you were trying to pull him away for other survivors to save so he stayed due to the possibility of multiple survivors not being on gens, thats why alot of people say that when a killer camps, just do gens
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i'm going to answer point by point, so..
- Of course people is allowed to run anything they want, but it's not like it's going to help teammates in any way, for example if we compare 2018 with 2022 people before only ran the top meta which was dh, unbreakable, ds, bt, andrenawin. Now since those players are not playing anymore, they are bringing the new players which have no clue where to start from, and basically these people are ruining my games.
- The games literally just started, there was absolutely no reason to camp out the guy, I instead of rushing gens (which would still lead to nothing) cause no comms, the rest of players would probably crouch, walk, then crouch some more, then walk some more next to the hooked guy, when one person is trying to do 5 gens! Please stop making excuses for killers to camp.
- You have no idea what omega blink was/is it's pretty much the same long distance blink and not multiple blinks, if u were an og, u'd know that.
- You can call it a strategy or any other justifiable word for it, for example if someone kills a person in real life and calls it taking a person's vitality, it doesn't stop being a kill. Targeting weak link, trigen, camping and tunneling it's a legal way of winning every game. I can give u an example, noed camping bubba most likely to use an anti genrushing perks like corrupt to slow down the gen speed to make sure he gets at least a 2k... please explain to me what this person did to deserve the gen slowing? His decission was made outside of the game, corrupt it's just given, ruin it's just given, there's no objective like pop for example where you need to hook a person. Of course you can say but you guys have unbreakable, which is also '''just given'', yeah but this perk is made so that the killers stop slugging, it's always a counter to a killer's exploit, ds, unbreakable, bt. They all were made way before all the survivor nerf, at this point killers keep finding excuses to do all these things or just because they are toxic and they don't wanna have fun and let others have fun.
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"I think survivors should have the option to build a ladder and escape the match"
LMFAO I'm crying right now 🤣🤣
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Formatting, my guy/gal.
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But you need a crafting table and 7 sticks so it's balanced!
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Lol!! Survivors can't teabag on the way up the ladder how in the world is it balanced?