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Why was Thrill of the Hunt.. changed?

Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

So. I went to try a hex build again, and noticed there were notifications people clensed my totems.. Why would you remove such a thing when Hexes are already such an RNG as it is?


  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    The whole reason I COULD run a hex build was because of Thrill of the hunt letting me know when PEOPLE MESSED WITH STUFF IN MY HOUSE .. Took a whole perk for it.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    it was a pretty lame nerf there is no point in using thrill of the hunt if you ask me

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,333

    Yep, they did Thrill kinda dirty

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    They need to REDO The perk completely ecause There IS No hunt and no thrill.

    Just 'Zzz' more XD

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    It would have been an issue on artist if they didn't change it. But it could use a buff now.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Once Dredge hits live servers boons will become irrelevant because of Pentimento + Shattered Hope / hex heavy builds.

    Thrill of the Hunt encouraged killers to camp their hex totems instead of patrol gens and chase survivors. You can literally throw an entire match if you try defending one totem all match and that's the kind of play style old thrill promoted so that's partly why they changed it.

    But yeah once shattered hope comes out survivors will probably run boons less and less. I'm more worried about a pentimento meta tbqh

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    you need 3 perks to get use out of pentimento... This means you have zero gen defence. It isn't hard to remember where you broke a totem or lit your boon, and it will be obvious where pentimento is if the killer uses shattered to break a boon and place it.

    Again, please think of survivors that know the mechanics of the game instead of the middle ranks that are still learning how to look behind while being chased.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    They never confirmed why but the widely agreed reason was Artist. Her ability to guard totems while also chasing survivors and protecting gens was too strong.

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    Eh.. I can see that.

    Still prefer if they just made 'thrill of the hunt' ONLY the mark over just keeping the slowdown eitherway.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I use a penti + ruin + undying + thana build on Plague and I get consistently great results with it. Accumulating enough slowdown to the point that gens take a painfully long time to complete is strong and a completely viable alternative to running all gen defense perks.

    I like to change up my builds and experiment with stuff but you don't need stacked gen defense to stall a match. All I'm saying is that with Shattered + Penti any killer can tap into immense slowdown. That and the fact that Shattered Hope is a buff for hex builds and countering boons.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I would argue her and other killers were able to get too much value out of the notification, making cleansing attempts futile and even impossible in some instances. So yeah, it had to go.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Artist is why

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I concur on a mobile killer like nurse billy or blight they'd be on that totem in seconds.

    Remember when people were complaining about billy and then reworked tinkerers? Same deal

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    I still use Thrill of the Hunt purely for the extra bloodpoints. I don’t mind the change if I’m being honest - there used to be some awful un-winnable situations when running Devour Hope and Thrill of the Hunt. Basically was game over at that point 😬

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Unpopular oppinion but i think thrill is better then before.

    50% slowdown is double the time it takes to do boons or hexes. The slowdown you get from thrill + a lot of hexes is huge and is a serious hamper for anyone using boons.

    In the old version people could just tap totems and instantly run away to make you waste a ton of time or force you to end up completly ignoring the notifications.

    New thrill was The answer to CoH boons. Nobody would spend close to a minute blessing your hexes without throwing the game in the process

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    It was never exactly a reason, but I think it was because of undying. They swapped a noise notification based perk, for one that (after a change) duplicated any hex perk. Undying started to be used way more, as although it is less consistent, it is stronger, they felt that killers did not need thrill of the hunt and undying. Though I may be wrong.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Because when they added boon totems they didn't want anything to be good against them, so that the Mikaela chapter would sell well. If every killer would have been able to slap on Thrill and actually defend their totems from being booned, there wouldn't be much reason for players to buy her for her perks.

    Now it's an absolute turd. No feedback on the work it's doing, it's still a hex so if you're not lucky it can be removed in a single cleanse/bless. It's frankly awful.

    If they stopped it being a hex it would be a decent perk. It's already weakened by 20% per totem removed from the match, so there's no reason to ALSO have a totem which removes 100% of its effect instantly. Since you can't use it to protect hexes any more, it would make sense to at least be a reliable boon-stalling perk but being a hex itself means it never will be.