Killer Tier List (Based On How Much Fun I Have Playing Them)

Pig and Myers both drop a tier if I'm not running Letter or Vanity Mirror, respectively.
Demo supremacy!
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Hag in the top tier is...intriguing, to say the least. Anyway, here's my list.
Side note- Blight is kinda a special case. He's the most fun when I'm doing well as him, but he's incredibly tilting when I can't get it working. It's not even the skill of the survivors I'm going against, it's just that I am incredibly inconsistent with him.
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Artist and Hag S tier?
Sadako and Nurse are low tiers...
We definitely have different tastes.
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Hag was my first main - I just love her more tactical style. Easily among my favorite killers to this day.
Blight...yeah. Some maps I can rock the Casbah. Some maps (Eyrie...oh hell) are just awful.
Artist and Hag are both very tactical killers, which suits me. Demo is just endless fun.
Sadako...urgh. I like her design in theory, it just feels like barely any part of her kit has synergy or has a meaningful impact on the game.
Nurse - I don't mind playing, but I find that playing a lot of Nurse makes me worse at other killers.
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Is this list upside down or something?
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Making out with Demogorgon is a bad thing?
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Each to their own, I guess.
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The fact that you put Kazan, Billy, and Clown in the bottom tiers is a sin.
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Oni feels like a slog sometimes. Billy...just don't enjoy his style, especially on indoor maps. Clown - both his visuals and audio are bleh.
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I understand Billy and Oni, but Clown? There's no way you aren't even slightly amused when you, a fat, burping, farting geriatric Clown kill a 4 man Swf.
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I guess when I think 'scary clown', I'm after a tall, skinny Terrifier or Pennywise - not a murder hobo.
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Murder hobo is actually the perfect name for Clown, just a dirty old guy stabbing people and licking their fingers.