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BHVR, Please Add Voice Chat

Member Posts: 1,425

As a killer main, SWF can be a problem. Instant voice communication is a massive advantage. And trying to give solo's the same information without using voice chat does not seem to be working. I say just give everyone the option in game, that way you can actually balance the game around that, knowing everyone has the same potential advantages. That way Killers can get the buffs they need, and solo survivors have the same chances as SWF.

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  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Every other team game has it, and has a mute button. I think its a necessary evil that needs to be added to make the game easier to balance. I would rather just not have SWF at all for how the game was originally intended, but we are way beyond that at this point. So I would rather just give everyone the option for voice chat. Keyword OPTION.

  • Member Posts: 333

    text chat would be better because voice chat between strangers in this game would be really bad and i dont think many people would actually use it

  • Member Posts: 91

    So if you add a voice chat option. What do you add to balance that out for killers? If every game is then near guaranteed to have survivors on voice chat. I imagine most killer mains aren't in the best of the best and would just suffer even more if the rate of communication went up even more. To an extent I can understand how it would be good yes, but the usual online game bad mic and toxicity(that the game already does well enough in) and making the advantage near always there would just be making more people stop playing killer or even leave the game.

  • Member Posts: 152

    For me solo doesnt even have to end up on the same strength level but it should get closer. I think voice chat would ruin the last bit of atmosphere we have in this game - which could turn a good portion of player away and in this vein is also unhealthy for the longevity.

    For communication i would like to see a mix of aura reading and a creative non spammable way to communicate very basic information that doesnt do huge harm to the killer.

    - Totems and other important objects like traps could be markable for others and unlock aura reading on them for other teammates, together with a "shout" option to inform others that new information is available.

    - When hooked, survivors should see each other.

    - For chase we could expand the entity claws on the character picture for the obsession on all four survivors while still making the obsession identifyable.

    - When someones working on a gen or interacting with an important object like jigsaw boxes, the object could be shown next to the character picture.

    - When someone wears an item, the item could be shown next to the character picture.

    - When someone is going for a specific action you should be able to announce this action and show it next to the character profile like going for an unhook or looking for the box vs pinhead or looking for devour hope.

    - Injured survivors should be able to request heals and healthy survivors should be able to offer heals and if accepted could unlock smth like aura reading to find each other.

    Stuff like this could help in the right way.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    I say add text chat if anything not voice chat.

    voice chat would ruin this game more then help.

  • Member Posts: 968

    for custom matches 100% yes

    for normal online matches no 1000000% no

  • Member Posts: 888

    Voice chat is the worst thing to happen to multiplayer games. I could do without DBD being yet another game that involves some jerk yelling slurs in my ear.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Proximity chat at most, but either way probably no.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Evil Dead has this, 90% of the time someone has a mic, they're using the mic that comes with the Playstation controller and its just a bunch of echoing the game, sniffling, and fan noises.

  • Member Posts: 467

    Player base is too toxic I doubt it will be pleasant everyone will keep screaming for unhooks etc and everyone is going to be blamed and flamed.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Survivor mains act like they are not toxicity incarnate until you recommend voice chat, a feature that would solely benefit them, and out of nowhere, they all of a sudden know what you are talking about and want nothing to do with other survivor mains.

    I hardly blame them. But it is always funny to read them inadvertently admit that it would be a deal breaker even with mute options. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No thanks. Already difficult to find other people on EU server who chat in english, don't need that in voice chat too.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Can you explain how listening to russians in voice chat will benefit me in any way as someone who doesnt understands russian? Because they're basically 80% of people in my lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Please god no, I don't want to have to listen to 12 year olds yell racial and homophobic slurs at the top of their lungs.

  • Member Posts: 3,969
    edited May 2022

    so lets say it gets added, with an opt out like other games do (say, Evil Dead.) The devs will either balance around it (a combination of buffing the killer role and/or nerfing survivors) or leave it as is and hurt killers even more.

    Now what happens if you want to opt out?

    The game is suddenly even worse for you as a solo than it was before. You have now been put into a choice of either dealing with having to audibly communicate with the worst the average dbd survivor vocalizes in an average match, or being exactly where you were before but weaker.

  • Member Posts: 489

    They were referring to during matches, as in Survivors being able to talk to each other as a team. With the Killer not able to listen in, of course.

    And doesn't this already happen with text chat? Honestly, nobody seems to type in my match chats and/or I never get salt when someone DOES talk. It almost seems like the toxicity everyone talks about doesn't match up with what's in-game. Unless the toxicity is at low MMR or high MMR, specifically?

  • Member Posts: 489

    How would you be weaker, exactly? You can use perks to compensate if you didn't want to use VC. Kindred is god tier for solo queue, it provides tremendous amounts of info frequently during a match.

  • Member Posts: 6,353

    Lots of peeps here seem against adding Voice Chat to the game. I believe the devs themselves also have stated they're not planning to add it, mostly because of language barriers and the prevalence of comms already in use.

    I get it, but I also do not see any other huge change likely to happen to bridge the gap between Solos and SWF's either. They will not debuff, limit, or separate SWF, and they cannot buff most Killers to handle SWF without handicaping Solos even further.

    At the moment they are apparently looking to improve the info surv get from the HUD, and possibly a perk or two becoming partially basekit. While nice nothing they really can do to replicate the potential of using comms directly.

    So if Voice Chat isn't coming, what do you guys really expect to actually bridge that gap?

  • Member Posts: 152

    @JPLongstreet the kind of stuff ive mentioned above, lemme know what you think what more infos are required.

  • Member Posts: 6,353

    For instance, when I'm in a group I run Distortion. This allows me to immediately inform my team "Ruin" or "Lethal Pursuit defend yourselves" or what killer it is should I see them first. Later in the match I will call out BBQ or Nurses or seeing Wraith/Blight.

    Aside from Distortion, there's immediately telling my mates "Hex is over here..." or "they have Iron Grasp or Agitation or Starstruck don't bother bodyblocking, or "basement is here..." or "they have Franklin's hide your stuff" or "we need to do a gen on the other side to prevent a 3-gen" or "I'm ready for pickup" or my favorite "they have Knockout I'm over here."

    And there are many more examples I could cite, but the most important part is IMMEDIATELY. In a game where time is crucial for all Killers, I can use comms to save so much time and confusion, and quickly dismantle a Killer's build also, so usually we know their four perks by endgame and can know if NOED or Blood Warren or No Way Out are even possible.

    Now keep in mind I am just a barely competent surv, basically a scout and genjockey who sucks at looping. Imagine four very good survs sharing and coordinating and even sectioning off the map together. Solos are miles and miles behind my dear friend.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Bascially noone ever uses voicechat properly in any game. Its a blessing that the devs never even tried to introduce this nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 51

    the vocal is the biggest cheat allowed on this game, it is time for the killer to know if he has a team in front or not before accepting the game

    especially since the teams don't mind bodyblocking, they are the advantage of vocals but no, they are also an ultra toxic behavior

    every month killers stop the game because of the teams, it's time for bhvr to take an interest in the teams to do something

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    they won't add that. they'll icons, maybe add ping markers which do the same thing. still think easiest way is to just give everyone global bond or kindred for teammates aura only.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    They should add a ping wheel like overwatch

  • Member Posts: 152

    Im fine with solo being a bit harder, its a challenge to coordinate a team of total strangers with less information. I dont think we need to make Solo Q the exact same experience as SWF, but we should buff the moments when soloQ feel like they have to less information and therefore have to make good guesses whats the correct play in a situation since thats the biggest issue in my opinion - you dont know what your mates are doing and where they are.

    I also think in SWF there is often not really a big variety of what infos are getting shared and swf rather profits from how consistenly and immediatly these infos are getting shared. So the idea would be to give away all infos which are not gamebreaking to solo q as well via the HUD and to give some positional knowledge via aura reading or ping maker.

    And of course voice chat is gamebreaking it breaks half of the perk roster like Knock Out, Empathy, Bond etc. thats also why right now is a good point to buff solo as they reworking perks anyway. 3 Gen Scenarios i count under game experience, if theres only one person in the solo survivor team who understands how to avoid it then they should loose.

    Could be Included in the HUD:

    • - The Perk build of all of your teammates and their perks current activation status.
    • - The Entity Claws on all Survivor Pictures to give away whos in chase. The obsession claws have a different color.
    • - An Icon Symbol to reveal if and on what task the survivor is currently working. (Gens, Totems, Killer Objects)
    • - An Icon Symbol that reveals if and what Item the survivor currently holds.

    Could be Included as Communication Rose / Ping Makers: (Non Spammable, Few Basic Sentences, Bindable to Short Keys)

    • - "Coming to Support" + "I need support"
    • - "Working on objective" + "Do your objective"
    • - "Looking for Killer Object" + "Killer Object is here"
    • - "The Killer is here" + "Watch out"
    • - "Where are you" + "Im here"
    • - "Im getting chased" + "Not getting chased anymore"

    Could be Included as new Feature:

    • - Marking Important objects such as Totems and Traps as Survivor and revealing its aura and location for all other teammates.
    • - When a Survivor is hooked, all survivor see each others aura.
    • - Revealing your own position to your teammates for certain time.

    Its quite alot what a simple voice chat can do isnt it.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I very strong No from me on this one.

    It would ruin the immersion.

  • Member Posts: 13

    The fun thing is swf don't consider they are ruining the game, they just blame on killers not working hard to get more kill

    And BHVR doesn't solve this issue because they can keep earn easy money from swf.

  • Member Posts: 9,428

    BHVR, please add a way to mute voice chat.

  • Member Posts: 118

    The moment voice chat gets added I uninstall immediately. No way I let a 12 year old throw insults at me because I didn't bodyblock for him when I am dead hook and injured or for other reasons. And many streamers prove how toxic people can be when the game doesn't go the way they want.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I am American, I sometimes forget that there are other countries and whatnot, you must forgive me. I only know two Russian words and both of them are naughty no no words. But I imagine I would be able to understand the Russian survivors despite that fact. Not to brag or anything.

  • Member Posts: 283

    Take toxic dbd community and add voice chat to it...

    Are you serious?

  • Member Posts: 746

    One word: NO!

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    We can give it a chance and see what happens.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    And most of them may as well not have it - because 2 in 4 people simply have it disabled, 1 in 4 use it properly and 1 in 4 is the reason the 2 in 4 have it disabled. Plus, DbD has weird servers - I routinely get paired with people from Chile, Mexico, China, Korea, Japan and similar.

    On the other hand, pings and emotes are pretty universal.

  • Member Posts: 5,973

    Also, with voice-chat comes VC abuse. Abuse that will need to be handled by the support team. Lord knows how they'd manage that when the curent system is already as...lackluster as it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,969

    because communication destroys balance and completely nullifies multiple killers powers, so they would need to be buffed to compensate. and If they're not, you're only going to go vs camping and tunnelling blights and nurses even more than you are now

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Wouldn't mind them adding it as long as I'm able to shut it off in my settings. Give everyone the advantage but leave me to my silence.

  • Member Posts: 3,969

    this too. voice creates another layer of moderation necessity, and one that could easily be much worse than text. Meanwhile their censorship is so bad it censors strategies, perk names, even some of the actual survivors and killers names. You'd need to go through as many hoops as their cheating report system requires now for every person who is disruptive/derogatory/etc.

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