The feeling of getting out-perked.
You know, sometimes I feel like maybe we shouldn't change perks like Unbreakable and Dead Hard. But then I get those teams that let themselves get 3 or 4 man slugged, pop their quad unbreakables, and act like they're team oracle. This is pretty much unique to killers (aside from Noed) and it reminds me of when I get killed in survival pvp games by hackers and have to watch as my health slowly goes down, and hours of my time is stripped. If you can't tell, this just happened to me, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna make some random team suffer.
And thus, the cycle continues.
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There is no cycle imo, some people will just play like me and that Swf every game until they get bored and quit DBD.
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Bring pinky finger as clown
Its like the most frustrated thing for survivors main, i swear everytime i rage equip this, i get one or two dcs
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Unfortunately, I don't have Clown on this account, hopefully proper cross progression will arrive soon.
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But do you have the skill though to play such a vile killer such as nurse?” :). You chose to play a certain way to win and they countered it by using unbreakable.. I don’t see the problem. DH becomes less of a problem the more experience you have playing killer. Wish people would understand that.
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I didn't "choose to play a certain way", the survivors crowded another downed survivor and I had to either slug, or they get flashlight saved. I have 1.5k hours on DBD and if anything, Dead Hard has become more of a problem for me recently, you literally can't play Huntress without having several of your hatchets Dead Harded.
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I feel that. I face dead hard the most because I play Legion. Exact reason why I bring blood echo to counter it. But then you have actually competent survivors that split up to make it hard to spread the injuries and then you have the weirdos that dead hard frenzy. I respect the ones that split up since they're thinking and not just pressing E. Still hurts my soul when I see everyone equip it. Excited to see what the perk reworks will be.
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1.5 k hrs isint very much, keep practicing. Try baiting out DH by holding your hatchets, if they DH to get behind a structure then immediately go for the pick up as they can’t DH to Flashlight save anymore, and if there’s more then one survivor keep faking picking up the downed survivor cause who’s doing the gens?? Like I said 1.5k hrs isint much. 3.5k hrs in and I promise what those survivors did to you wont be a factor..
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You know saying ":)" along with what you're saying is making people think you're saying this in a smug manner. Hope you understand that. :) (If you felt irked by me using it then now you know how we feel.) Also it becomes less a problem with the more experience you have on killer? I have 2.3k hours and I still have to deal with the same E to fix mistake whenever I play because I want to play Legion who's still an m1 killer when you're unable to chain feral slashes. Does this mean I should be understanding that I'll get all of my work taken away with a good mindgame just from the press of a button and be okay with that?
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"You know saying ":)" along with what you're saying is making people think you're saying this in a smug manner." Dude above me perfectly describes what I think, no one is gonna listen to you if you act that way. If you think Dead Hard is fine, then I hope you play killer some day.
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I have over 5K hrs and play nothing but Blight, Nurse and Hillbilly. You’re choosing to play a killer that doesn’t have a lot of consistent mobility and as you say an m1 killer that doesn’t take any mechanical skill. So yeah expect to get screwed over by DH once in awhile :). It’s like showing up with a Honda Civic at a Lamborghini drag race and trying to argue that your Honda Civic sucks because it’s slow but it’s light weight and easier to drive :)
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Mimimi... I was greedy and used killer strategies but survived used perks to deny my entitled kills. Typical killer thread.
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i feel like one of the primary failings of the game is that the game is only really fun when all players have a similar competitive mindset. This Nurse setup is fine if you're playing against survivors running an equivalent loadout or at least having a competitive mindset.
But you never know what your next set of players are gonna be like. Next game you might come across survivors who only want to joke around and then you feel like you wasted everything you brought.
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I didn't know I was greedy by slugging someone while people with flashlights were swarming me, guess I'm entitled¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
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Got it, so only play 3 killers and you won't have to deal with Dead Hard, cause that won't get incredibly boring after a while!
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You said three were slugged. There is no reason to do this at all other than being greedy and relying on a game flaw that caters towards you.
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Or maybe I'm trying to snowball the game since I was at 2 gens with 3 hooks?
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Both of the first two are so overused that it's boring. Hillbilly I respect, though.
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Slugging is high risk, high reward. Your attempt to slug failed.
But you're not stopping there. You give us a nice walk down memory lane, and using those sentences "get killed in survival pvp games by hackers" and "hours of my time is stripped" you're seemingly trying to frame your story in the context of hacking and wasting time. Jeez. This is really something.
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Woah woah, slow down there, I didn't share much of the story here because I assumed that you guys would get the idea. I played pretty fair that match, I got someone in basement early but left to go chase someone else, I only slugged when I saw how relentless they were with gens and unhooks, but they got a 4 man out and clicked at the end, I'm not trying to pretend like that's similar to what getting killed by hackers and losing hours of your time, I just felt similar feelings because I played seemingly pretty fair and got done that dirty.
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Fair enough
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Blight and Hillbilly are literally the only fun killers to play though like what??
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Fun is subjective, I love playing Billy and Nurse, but despise playing Blight.
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It is not really a flaw as long as unbreakable exists. 3 man slug means survivors messed up BAD. It only "caters to killers" because you managed to get a lobby of potatoes.
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And a typical answer from mister "nice exploits" :)
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you know, this is why i left dbd... i can accept that people won cause they deserve it, but i don't accept loosing because perks (or being in a swf) carried people... usually those kind of people are also sore loosers/winners so it doesn't matter how you'll play, they'll always blame you for everything, even for things that you haven't done at all
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Exactly, you must pick up the survivor straight away. And no abusing exploits like facing a wall, you have no right to decide whether or not survivors use the items survivors have spent their hard-earned BP on.
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Or the only thing you can do when you've been gen rushed down to one gen and need to put some pressure on to even have a chance. Unless one or more have unbreakable, and then theres nothing you can do, weeeeeeee! :D :D :D :D