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I legitimetly played more than 10 games and at least had 1 DC in each of them. This is a problem

Every single game I played today was a 3v1 or had someone rage DC or whatever. It is super annoying.

3v1 games should never happen and people who rage DC should have a huge penalty. It's annoying to waste addons and offerings and time with this unfun and toxic #########.


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  • Member Posts: 70
    Very one sided argument.  So if a person is camped and tunneled off hook, killer ensuring they get no blood points or get to enjoy the game they should give him the courtesy of a third hook.  Good luck with that mentality 
  • Member Posts: 70
    It’s also fair to take away some of the killers blood points if they play like a d bag
  • Member Posts: 70
    It’s very apparent that reading comprehension isn’t your forte.  If you are hooked once and then camped off hook that makes you a sore loser?  Stop being so killer sided and look at it from the other side of the fence.  The devs reduced points awarded by camping because it was such an issue.  The point of this post is people rage quitting.  I’m merely saying the style of play by the killer influence the frequency of disconnects.  If you can’t wrap your “adult” brain around that then we are done talking.
  • Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2019
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Very rarerly it happens that I get good teammates at rank 1 vs a good killer and it ends up in a 1-2k fun game. Usually I die or get the hatch, cause of bad teammates.

    Suggesting to add harsher bans is ridiculous at this stage. They'll have to ban like half the playerbase. What they need to do is fix the ranking system (make it how you do in a chase count like 80% towards pip), rank hacking and boosting and after that see what balance issues they have.
  • Member Posts: 685
    edited January 2019

    @Sinner said:
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Very rarerly it happens that I get good teammates at rank 1 vs a good killer and it ends up in a 1-2k fun game. Usually I die or get the hatch, cause of bad teammates.

    Suggesting to add harsher bans is ridiculous at this stage. They'll have to ban like half the playerbase. What they need to do is fix the ranking system (make it how you do in a chase count like 80% towards pip), rank hacking and boosting and after that see what balance issues they have.

    Not really, the game itself is not the issue, people will abuse and do anything they want and do more and more of it as long as they are allowed to do just that.. As for nerfing nurse and billy....really now?

  • Member Posts: 334

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Sinner said:
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Very rarerly it happens that I get good teammates at rank 1 vs a good killer and it ends up in a 1-2k fun game. Usually I die or get the hatch, cause of bad teammates.

    Suggesting to add harsher bans is ridiculous at this stage. They'll have to ban like half the playerbase. What they need to do is fix the ranking system (make it how you do in a chase count like 80% towards pip), rank hacking and boosting and after that see what balance issues they have.

    Not really, the game itself is not the issue, people will abuse and do anything they want and do more and more of it as long as they are allowed to do just that.. As for nerfing nurse and billy....really now?

    Ofc the game is the issue when almost every game someone rage quits. People rage quit when they are on a losing streak for whatever reason, and they had enough. Almost every game someone rage quits, how is that not an issue with a game? Sure this happened before, but not like now. I play for 3 years and never seen it like this. What do you think banning people will solve? They will just move to another game, simple as that. They need to look into the reason why people are dc'ing and fix that. Billy maybe not, I'll give you that, but nurse, she sure needs a nerf. They buffed her when they fixed blinking up and down too much.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    @Gemasuda said:
    It’s also fair to take away some of the killers blood points if they play like a d bag

    Lol? A killer gets 700bp for the hook + sacrifice. The killer gets 625bp for a dc. So the killer misses out on 75bp. Well done! Do that 100 times and you just cost a killer 1 ultra rare addon. Lulz.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Standard, garden variety DCs I can live with, but these idiots that DC and cause the game to crash. Yeah, not so much. I'm a reasonable person, if I'm a killer and there is a DC I'll farm a little if I'm not in a hurry. If I am a survivor and we get no gens done and folks start dropping like flies I'll turn myself in. However, I can't do either of those things if I crash. I say, fix the crashing now, then the DCing later.

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    @Sinner said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Sinner said:
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Very rarerly it happens that I get good teammates at rank 1 vs a good killer and it ends up in a 1-2k fun game. Usually I die or get the hatch, cause of bad teammates.

    Suggesting to add harsher bans is ridiculous at this stage. They'll have to ban like half the playerbase. What they need to do is fix the ranking system (make it how you do in a chase count like 80% towards pip), rank hacking and boosting and after that see what balance issues they have.

    Not really, the game itself is not the issue, people will abuse and do anything they want and do more and more of it as long as they are allowed to do just that.. As for nerfing nurse and billy....really now?

    Ofc the game is the issue when almost every game someone rage quits. People rage quit when they are on a losing streak for whatever reason, and they had enough. Almost every game someone rage quits, how is that not an issue with a game? Sure this happened before, but not like now. I play for 3 years and never seen it like this. What do you think banning people will solve? They will just move to another game, simple as that. They need to look into the reason why people are dc'ing and fix that. Billy maybe not, I'll give you that, but nurse, she sure needs a nerf. They buffed her when they fixed blinking up and down too much.

    Not really,

    The Nurse is the only killer in the game that can give a killer control which they should have anyway it's the power role the 1 vs the 4.

    EVERY other killer simply capitalises on the mistakes of survivors.

    A good team will have the gens done and be out the door in 1-2 hooks, if you can even find them in the first place.

    And EVERY game that has ragequitters out there has to fix it?

    Fortnite has ragequitters, Overwatch, CoD, DbD, LoL you name it has ragequitters.

    And it's easy to say "X is OP plz nerf" Y needs changing Z is not fun.

    You won't please everyone but you can sure make it better for those of us that don't wanna be a baby quitter every game by banning these people.

  • Member Posts: 869
    Gemasuda said:
    Very one sided argument.  So if a person is camped and tunneled off hook, killer ensuring they get no blood points or get to enjoy the game they should give him the courtesy of a third hook.  Good luck with that mentality 
    And your argument is not one sided at all. 
    Also as killer when they dc it doesn’t hurt me at all. In fact you save me the trouble to down and hook you 2 more times. The only damage here is to your teammates. They get a disadvantage start because you “don’t have fun”. 
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Sinner said:
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Very rarerly it happens that I get good teammates at rank 1 vs a good killer and it ends up in a 1-2k fun game. Usually I die or get the hatch, cause of bad teammates.

    Suggesting to add harsher bans is ridiculous at this stage. They'll have to ban like half the playerbase. What they need to do is fix the ranking system (make it how you do in a chase count like 80% towards pip), rank hacking and boosting and after that see what balance issues they have.

    People would DC in any other competitive game too if things were like in DBD.
    And no, this has nothing to do with the ranking or matchmakign system which are both broken AF.
    Its simply the fact that there is NO punishment for DCing, you can literally do it 20 times a day and still walk away if you just play enough other games

  • Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2019

    Not on this scale. This is an epidemic and makes the game unplayable. They need to change something and bans is not the solution, they need to find out why people DC and fix the core of the problem. Bans are just a palliative.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    There is a DC at least 1 of 3 of my games regardless of the role I am playing. It seems worst than it ever was before the banning started.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    @Claudette_Baguette said:
    Every single game I played today was a 3v1 or had someone rage DC or whatever. It is super annoying.

    3v1 games should never happen and people who rage DC should have a huge penalty. It's annoying to waste addons and offerings and time with this unfun and toxic #########.

    some of this is due to patch problems. I dc a ton on consoles just because they haven't actually fixed 2.4 patch still.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    I’m a killer player and a survivor player. As killer if I see a DC or load into a 3v1 game. I will make it my goal to get the survivors out of the game ASAP so they can play a good game. Which basically means playing normally. As survivor I will also play to get out of the game ASAP which will either result in doing gens quickly or running straight to the killer depending on how badly we are doing.
  • Member Posts: 281
    Orion said:

    @Gemasuda said:
    Very one sided argument.  So if a person is camped and tunneled off hook, killer ensuring they get no blood points or get to enjoy the game they should give him the courtesy of a third hook.  Good luck with that mentality 

    It's not up to your opponent to make your game "fun".

    So in that case, it's not up to the survivors to make it fun for the killer. So let's all D/C because we only live for ourselves and nobody else 👌🏼
  • Member Posts: 891

    @Broosmeister said:
    So in that case, it's not up to the survivors to make it fun for the killer. So let's all D/C because we only live for ourselves and nobody else 👌🏼

    Well, you're mostly hurting other survivors when you d/c, not the killer.

    Also, my input:

    I get one or two disconnects every match without fail, for sure. It isn't rare to get three.

  • Member Posts: 281

    @Broosmeister said:
    So in that case, it's not up to the survivors to make it fun for the killer. So let's all D/C because we only live for ourselves and nobody else 👌🏼

    Well, you're mostly hurting other survivors when you d/c, not the killer.

    Also, my input:

    I get one or two disconnects every match without fail, for sure. It isn't rare to get three.

    Because it is fun to play against survivors who stand almost no chance and mostly just give up?
  • Member Posts: 92

    Same, every game there's a rage quit. It's pathetic and is ruining the game, I play solo survivor every day other than Saturday, but it's gotten to the point now where I'm probably just going to wait for my friend to come on as I can't seem to rely on randoms not to disconnect as soon as they get downed.

  • Member Posts: 58

    @Sinner said:
    You guys aren't seeing the big picture. Considering how huge the DC problem got, there is clearly something wrong with the game, not with the players.

    My money is on the ranking system. Balance wise it seems okish. I'd just nerf nurse and billy.

    Go ahead and nerf nurse and billy and this game dies. Hope that comment wasn't serious and just bait.

  • Member Posts: 1,607
    Sinner said:

    Not on this scale. This is an epidemic and makes the game unplayable. They need to change something and bans is not the solution, they need to find out why people DC and fix the core of the problem. Bans are just a palliative.

    People DC because they are pussies.
  • Member Posts: 214

    @Orion said:

    It's not up to your opponent to make your game "fun".

    Au contraire, mon ami. It absolutely is. Most people just play for fun and if the killer player denies the other side their part completey, what point is there in finishing a round ?

    Try entering a bar and asking 4 strangers for a round of pool billard. Never hand them the queue or the white ball. If you are lucky, they will just walk away. If not you might need a good dentist.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Sheldor said:

    @Orion said:

    It's not up to your opponent to make your game "fun".

    Au contraire, mon ami. It absolutely is. Most people just play for fun and if the killer player denies the other side their part completey, what point is there in finishing a round ?

    Try entering a bar and asking 4 strangers for a round of pool billard. Never hand them the queue or the white ball. If you are lucky, they will just walk away. If not you might need a good dentist.

    Here's an analogous situation to my statement, since yours is more akin to lobby dodging (albeit barely):
    Play football against a much better team who scores goals in ways you don't know how to counter because you've never developed the skills necessary to counter the strategies they're using, and then complain that it's not fair if they don't let you score goals as well.

    Survivors do not end up on the hook spontaneously. Killers had to find them and win the chase before they could be hooked. If someone was hooked, then they failed at stealth and lost the chase.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    FairyFox said:

    @Raccoon said:
    It's ok.

    A lot of "children" play this game, complete with the implied mentality and sense of entitlement.

    I hate that you have to DC more than 40% of your games (which is insane) in order to get punished for it. I think you should get punished for every DC.

    I'm not sure where the 40% number is coming from but it's not true. I've seen it mentioned a couple times now and that's not the case.
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peanits said:
    FairyFox said:

    @Raccoon said:

    It's ok.

    A lot of "children" play this game, complete with the implied mentality and sense of entitlement.

    I hate that you have to DC more than 40% of your games (which is insane) in order to get punished for it. I think you should get punished for every DC.

    I'm not sure where the 40% number is coming from but it's not true. I've seen it mentioned a couple times now and that's not the case.

    No matter what this number actually is.

    Fact that jendenise who regularly DCed to derank in order to hover at certain ranks has still not been banned.

    Thats just ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 912

    @Master said:

    @Peanits said:
    FairyFox said:

    @Raccoon said:

    It's ok.

    A lot of "children" play this game, complete with the implied mentality and sense of entitlement.

    I hate that you have to DC more than 40% of your games (which is insane) in order to get punished for it. I think you should get punished for every DC.

    I'm not sure where the 40% number is coming from but it's not true. I've seen it mentioned a couple times now and that's not the case.

    No matter what this number actually is.

    Fact that jendenise who regularly DCed to derank in order to hover at certain ranks has still not been banned.

    Thats just ridiculous


  • Member Posts: 264
    Gemasuda said:
    Very one sided argument.  So if a person is camped and tunneled off hook, killer ensuring they get no blood points or get to enjoy the game they should give him the courtesy of a third hook.  Good luck with that mentality 
    By staying on the hook you give your team extra time to extra time to do gens and escape. 
    As for hook farming, devs should prevent that.
  • Member Posts: 2,015

    The frequent DCs and fairly common games that load with less than 4 survivors is part of why i've barely played this game recently.

  • Member Posts: 1,532
    I’ve noticed an increase in DC’s as welll. Not sure why it’s been such a trend lately. 
  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I played over 20 killer matches, 1 DC.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Peanits said:
    FairyFox said:

    @Raccoon said:
    It's ok.

    A lot of "children" play this game, complete with the implied mentality and sense of entitlement.

    I hate that you have to DC more than 40% of your games (which is insane) in order to get punished for it. I think you should get punished for every DC.

    I'm not sure where the 40% number is coming from but it's not true. I've seen it mentioned a couple times now and that's not the case.
    40% or not, you aren't allowed to tell us truth since you aren't suppose to tell us about DC %! Nevertheless, the ban % needs to be decreased but with a shorter ban duration.
  • Member Posts: 14,110
    Gemasuda said:
    It’s very apparent that reading comprehension isn’t your forte.  If you are hooked once and then camped off hook that makes you a sore loser?  Stop being so killer sided and look at it from the other side of the fence.  The devs reduced points awarded by camping because it was such an issue.  The point of this post is people rage quitting.  I’m merely saying the style of play by the killer influence the frequency of disconnects.  If you can’t wrap your “adult” brain around that then we are done talking.
    But you did say the killer should get reduced points for playing a way you don’t like, that’s being a sore loser.
  • Member Posts: 891

    @Broosmeister said:
    Because it is fun to play against survivors who stand almost no chance and mostly just give up?

    No? I think you read my post wrong.

  • Member Posts: 214

    @Orion said:

    @Sheldor said:

    @Orion said:

    It's not up to your opponent to make your game "fun".

    Au contraire, mon ami. It absolutely is. Most people just play for fun and if the killer player denies the other side their part completey, what point is there in finishing a round ?

    Try entering a bar and asking 4 strangers for a round of pool billard. Never hand them the queue or the white ball. If you are lucky, they will just walk away. If not you might need a good dentist.

    Here's an analogous situation to my statement, since yours is more akin to lobby dodging (albeit barely):
    Play football against a much better team who scores goals in ways you don't know how to counter because you've never developed the skills necessary to counter the strategies they're using, and then complain that it's not fair if they don't let you score goals as well.

    Survivors do not end up on the hook spontaneously. Killers had to find them and win the chase before they could be hooked. If someone was hooked, then they failed at stealth and lost the chase.

    In your game the entire pro team would lie on the ball together denying the other team access to it.

  • Member Posts: 567

    I had 2 games today where 2 people disconnected and one game where 3 survivors disconnected becase the killer had a mori in the loading screen. Pathetic. This should be punished way more. When I play killer and survivors disconnect I lose all my items and its boring to just have a 2vs1 game...

  • Member Posts: 912

    i played 15 games now and in every single game except 1 someone disconnected because he got downed or slugged or whatelse. when will this thing be punished? i mean like real punish?

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    They know how ridiculous the situation is, that's why nothing's gonna happen.

    Let's be realistic here, if they punished people for DC at least half the Survivors playerbase would get punished on a regular basis.

    Result? Shitstorms & review bombing.

    They are afraid of it, simply put. They're afraid to trigger the majority of the playerbase. That's also why they'll never touch SWF.

  • Member Posts: 26

    @Gemasuda said:
    It’s very apparent that reading comprehension isn’t your forte.  If you are hooked once and then camped off hook that makes you a sore loser?  Stop being so killer sided and look at it from the other side of the fence.  The devs reduced points awarded by camping because it was such an issue.  The point of this post is people rage quitting.  I’m merely saying the style of play by the killer influence the frequency of disconnects.  If you can’t wrap your “adult” brain around that then we are done talking.

    If you are camped that's unfortunate but it happens. By you DC'ing, you are also giving the Killer free reign to start roaming again instead of helping out your teammates by keeping him at the hook.

    DC'ing is bad. Just don't do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,052
    edited February 2019
    FairyFox said:

    @Raccoon said:
    It's ok.

    A lot of "children" play this game, complete with the implied mentality and sense of entitlement.

    I hate that you have to DC more than 40% of your games (which is insane) in order to get punished for it. I think you should get punished for every DC.

    I have always said that DC should not be bannable. Instead, every single perk you have bought with that character should be deranked by 1(or lost entirely if it was already level 1) and in order to get them again, you have to find them in the bloodweb all over again. EVERY single time you DC. However, I also am aware bugs exist, so you should be allowed 1 free DC every 24 hours.

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