Do YOU look at people's post histories before replying to/engaging with them?

Just a question, for curiosity's sake...
I'll get back to you in a bit. It's going to take awhile to go through 5864 posts.
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Depends on what they say I guess. If they say something that looks like potential bait, I might check out their post history. Otherwise, nope.
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Out of boredom or bewilderment. Otherwise, not really.
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I don't outright check people's posting histories, but I do occasionally remember people's posts around the forums and sometimes I'll get a picture that someone is either pretty cool and trustworthy, or a bad faith actor and not worth responding to or taking seriously.
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If anything I find it kinda weird to do so. Always seems to be for no other reason than to stamp someone as a <role> main and then use that as an arguement to why they're wrong and smelly, which is complete thread poison to begin with.
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I'm more interested in the thread topic when I reply to somebody on a discussion. I do notice familiar faces in threads tho. Always nice to see for the most part
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Couldn't care less tbh
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Not long ago someone replied to me saying "judging by your post history" and I honestly found just a teeny tiny bit creepy 👁️👁️
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No generally the people that post a lot I can remember at least when I see the name so it isn't needed and it's not something I can be bothered to do anyway.
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Judging by your post history you clearly don't own an air fryer
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I know and my life is miserable without it. Buy me one?
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Bringing up post history is like dismissing an argument because of punctuation or bad grammar, thinking it's the ultimate "got'cha".
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Only time I look is when they say something that contradicts what I saw them say on a previous post recently and I check to make sure that was them and I'm not mistaken. Like if they make a post saying people shouldn't be greedy for BP and BHVR shouldn't do BP events but then complain about a BP event being 1.5x instead of 2x because they aren't getting enough BP.
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Just the sort of nonsense someone with your post history would come out with
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You didn't have to turn my notifications german just to tell me this...
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No - Everyone has their own views that develop over time. I try to focus on the present not letting any history affect my bias or cause a bias. Like if it's relevant to a specific patch I get it but I personally don't find it worth my time to sift through post history unless I feel someone is on an alt account and making suspicious post. Granted I've not seen anyone on this forum that made me even consider that.
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Do people actually do that? Like, I've never heard about this being a thing before...
I do however occasionally do it, if I suspect them to be a troll - so about once or twice a year xD
Anyway, if anyone actually does do this, then they are going to have a nice evening with my profile, considering not just the amount but also not unusually large length of my posts xD
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I do not.
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Only when I'm sensing a pattern. Which feels fairly often.
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Thanks for the heads-up!
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I'm a bad, bad man
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Ive never looked up someones post history. Although there are a few names Ive come across enough times that I remember them and can usually predict how they will respond. There's a few that I look at and think "There's no point trying to debate with this person. They are clearly a bias X main"
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Considering most of the active users here have been on the forums for 3 years plus no
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Only if I read an extremely flamey post to check if they are usually like that or just a one thing time, I usually try to not respond to professional flamers or baiters, its a waste of time.
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No, Why should I?
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not really, no
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If I see a newer account with a bait post, I liked to check their history to see if there is more I can look at. It's pretty fun sometimes looking at the responses.
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No because I am not a disgusting Redditor lol
6 -
Depends on the post / response / person
mostly out of curiosity though
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Not unless someone claims they are a troll. Even then it's only to fact check.
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if it looks like bait I'll check.
Same goes if it's a joke that would be inappropriate/hateful if they weren't being self-deprecating.
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Nope. I just don't take any game's forum that seriously. They're just a central repository for complaints and whining, regardless of what game forum it is.
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Yes. Yes. Yes.
I won't waste my time to reply if I found it's Sluzzy's post.
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No because I'm not going to judge on a forum for a game.
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No, i don't look it up but being on here quite frequently you get a feeling for people when they post similar post over a long time.
Even in this thread i see a dozen or more people I see regularly and for some i have a certain picture of their usual opinions regarding certain matters.
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Just because being on these forums is wasting time, doesnt mean I have THAT much time to waste
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No. Why? What do you hope in achieving with that? People can change their mind and opinion. So there is no point in digging out the post history of someone.
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Not at all.
1 -
Judging by Your Post History, You CLEARLY don't have Broken Bones...
I Am Utterly Disappointed...
3 -
No, couldn’t care less about post histories.
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Not really. If it's relevant and I remember their comments/posts then I'll bring it up but I have a good memory and know where people stand on DBD issues by the 1k posts mark.
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Depends on the take
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no. I'm not gonna be that guy that goes through hundreds of posts to find one thing from 6 months ago that even slightly contradicts the point that they are trying to make.
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Only for Sluzzy when i want a laugh.
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Never. If you dwell around her enough you know the typical poster and even then I always view what they say at the moment.
I myself had bad days or misunderstandings and some people might be more emotional or invested in certain topics so I can't judge them on what they say about balancing for example when we right now talk about
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I've seen the post yesterday that probably prompted this thread. I guess some people are like that.
I'd typically ignore threads by new users dropping hot takes. Anyone who has been here for awhile I take them at their word unless I know otherwise.
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You got me.
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No? Who even has time for that? There are only like 3 people here who have consistently bad takes to the point where their post history is burned into my memory. And one is a legend, Sluzzy. I feel comfortable name dropping them because I have a positive opinion on their antics. The other two, sadly, aren't as nuanced or interesting.
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I Better See Fuggin Broken Bones in Your Post History OR I SWEAR ON ME MUM,
I will call you Cute,