Community choice event is a great idea!

Got nothing else to say really. Just make sure to do the poll peeps. Well done, Devs. Genuinely a really cool idea!
I think the number of shards is the same for the top two choices, right?
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Community choice? God the community is going hate this one.
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I really like the idea but would've preferred some different choices tbh.
Don't like that the shrine choices are basically the same ones we normally see. I'm pretty sure Flashbangs haven't been in the shrine yet.
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I wish there was somewhere you could look to see what the current votes are instead of only right after you vote.
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The link for anyone interested in participating without loading up the game.
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So they're giving us a poll for Shrine of Secrets perks and even STILL there isn't an option for Soul Guard. Which is soon to have been in the game for two years without ever being in the Shrine.
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I quite liked that they gave us so many options! Not sure how I felt about the map weighting, and it has a chance to be kind of bad depending on what gets picked (even if I like the maps that are chosen, I'm not a fan of getting the same map over and over...), but I'm really glad they let us pick shrines and bonuses. Even choosing which outfits to go on sale was neat; here's hoping that transfers to shard discounts as well as cells. And I hope the data they gather will help show that people generally aren't interested in Rift Fragment bonuses except at the start of the rifts, because this far on, they're completely wasted on a lot of players.
The shards are the same in those options; the difference is that one gives more bloodpoints and the other gives more rift fragments.
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Will the daily reward be literally every day of the event because thats 20K shards in total?
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It'll definitely be a Double XP Event solely because of Never Stop Slashing being put in the store.
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It'll likely be a total of 2500 shards, 500k bp, etc over the course of the week
To Bhvr: this is a great idea! Please keep doing things like this! @MandyTalk (just want you guys to see my feedback :))
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Dead Dawg was the "favorite map" :)
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I'm like super excited for that. I love the Dead Dawg Saloon and the Eyrie.
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I’m glad lol
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Anyone else notice that most of the perks listed for the possible shrine of secrets during this time are also on the graphs for the perk overhaul? 😂
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sorry for coming off as being glad that you’re disappointed, I promise that I don’t revel in the suffering of others
I am glad that people prefer bloodpoints, because that means we get more bloodpoints, and bloodpoints are good.