Cheating is out of hand! Get rid of the DC penalties!

Vaimore Member Posts: 11

Cheating is in just about every game I play now. If the stupid devs wont fix it, or are unable to fix it, then they should stop forcing all of us to be stuck in games. Drop the DC pens, guys. This is already a terrible game full of toxic rejects from all walks of life. I get it that everyone in this community and I mean -everyone- is a troll, but why should anyone be forced to be stuck in a game where the survivors already have massive advantage over every killer player? Now they cheat non-stop without any signs of the devs doing anything about it. Tell me why I should be forced to stay in a game or be punished for leaving one when I wont tolerate their toxic behavior?

When I first started playing this game, I had imagined it all wrong. I thought it was a survival horror game. Its not. Its a toxic race against severely fast gen poppers that have no fear what-so-ever of the killer, because of unrealistic mind-bending physics where when a killer stabs a person they have no issues from the injury and can literally FLY across to the other side of the map before you can hit them again. Thats just naming one problem I have with this game. There are dozens and I could go on and on about it, but my point here is WHY force your ######### community ( me included) to stick around in a game ( as killer) they have little chance of winning (thanks to your SBMM) sweat their asses off so they can be T-bagged at the end gates by hacking social rejects? Drop the DC pens.


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    It's obviously not so bad as you state.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited May 2022

    Your title talks about cheating, which is a fair argument to make even if the game becomes unilaterally worse without the DC penalty... but your post makes it sound like you want to DC against survivors acting rude, which is an entirely different ballgame. And that's incidentally part of the reason why the DC penalty shouldn't be turned off.

    I 100% agree people shouldn't suffer penalties for backing out of matches with cheaters and cheating is currently out of hand, and I have no love for toxic players, but ragequitting is bad and will always be bad.

  • ImAJoke264
    ImAJoke264 Member Posts: 163

    Taking out the DC penalty is a horrible idea, the second something goes wrong the only thing stopping a survivor or killer from DCing is that penalty, people would complain about how many survivors DC if the penalty was removed. Yes, the amount of cheaters is bad, but that is BHVRs fault and they need to make a better anti-cheat, not make a temporary fix that would make everything worse.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    They’re already improving the anti cheat system, my cheater games are way less than before.

    Deactivating the dc penalty is a terrible idea. People are already disconnecting a lot.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    They are working on something but won't say anything to let the hackers get a head start trying to get a work around made before it comes out. But the cheaters are not as bad op has said....I played 30 games over the weekend and didn't notice a single one.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,407

    This turned from cheating survivors to sweaty survivors real quick.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I only got one cheating team (lag-switchers) tonight.

    Hitting them wasn't working as they usually popped 16 or so meters back.

    Flashlights gave instant-blinds.

    Thankfully they weren't very good so I've still managed to kill half of them. As cheat'ers go, they weren't the most obnoxious ones.

    I got a few DCs though.

    Let's keep the penalties.