If Game Balanced Around min 75% Kill Rate...?

If game balanced around min 75% kill rate, would you play survivor?
Let's say BHVR decided to make killer real power role. Now all killers have min 75% kill rate with less effort or easier than current. Would you still play survivor? And which role you are playing more right now?
Still maining killer and would until solo improvements come
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Of course no. If the killer needs to feel powerful because of a powerless real life is his/her problem
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Noooo. I think 50/50 is fine. Of course the more skilled player can up that greatly.
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This is a trick question.
Kill rate was around 75% 2 years ago. Now its around 50%.
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I am waiting solo-q buffs for years and BHVR always ignored us. I lost my hope on that.
I found a few people to play with. My game experience as survivor has gone better.
This is not a trick question.
I ask people for their opinions. I didn't share mine. Question is on whether they will change the role they play if the BHVR buffs killer to power role. There is not any trick.
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The only thing that changed in those 2 years was the survivor queue times during prime time. So while having higher escape rates is more appealing, it also results in longer queues.
Which leads to the question: what do people prefer?
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If the survivor would be more fun and more rewarded than it is now, then yes. I dont really mind dying that much tbh
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I wouldn't, if I still were in my right state of mind. And I wouldn't play killer either.
75% kill rate minimum would be the equivalent of turning dbd into a single-player with perma easy setting. And survivors would be but glorified NPCs. Bots are already on their way. No need to use humans for a machine job.
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No, why would I? I would also stop playing Killer too, I dont like being spoonfed.
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People always prefers win, no matter what. No matter which role. Maybe there is some exceptions but this is true for most of community.
What about you? Would you still play survivor if those changes happen?
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At this point, you are just a point-provider for the Killer.
Often enough, if the Killer tunnels someone out early, you are already a point-provider, a 3v1 at anything more than 2 Gens (and even then it will be very hard) is unwinnable if there is not a huge Skill Gap between Killer and Survivors. And at this point, playing is basically pointless, at least when you want to escape.
75% Winrate sounds like this would be the case for 4v1s as well... So the case of being a point provider if the Killer tunnels someone out early would be way more common.
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Yes and no, people like to win but most people like to win with a sense of fullfilement, if you are handed victory after victory at first they feel great but it becomes very dull, very fast.
Ive seen streamers starting to complain when the other side goes AFK, especially when they got several matches like this in a short span of time, if they cared only about winning no matter what why would they complain? AFK rivals are the easiest, fastest win anyone could ever get, yet nobody really enjoys those wins.
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Of course i would. Played survivor back when kill rate was much higher.
Escaping is just a 5k bloodpoint bonus for me. No real difference for me.
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So you don't care about escape as survivor.
Do you have same mentality for your killer exp? I mean if you have fair 8 hooks but no kills, how would you feel about this match?
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I always thought dying should be the usual thing, because of the game's name 😄 . The sad thing is, that the reward for escaping is so good/important for many players, because of the heavy grind. That causes much frustration to loose all the BP.
I personal do not care, if I die as long as the game was fun.
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Right now i have only 2 types of matches as killer. I either completely stomp survivors and get 8 hooks with 4 gens up or i get completely stomped with 3 hooks by the time the gates are powered.
Neither is fun.
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Neither does not looks fun, i will give that. But BHVR wanted balance game with this way. We just can hope next balance changes makes game fun for both sides.
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I wonder what would be if they balance around skill not 50% or 75%
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^ Basically these two comments
So no, I wouldn't at all
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What do you mean by 75% kill rate? Do you mean consistent 3k or overall the escape/kill ratio is 75%?
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I'd say the killers should have 75% kill rate with effort that isn't with ease.
Essentially they can get the 3 man without swearing their genitals off, but they still have to play well or at least know what they are doing.
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3 kills usually
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Ah ok. In that case I would say yes but the 3rd kill has to be relatively hard to get.
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The question is how the 75% average is reached and what consequences there are.
First, the current SBMM would certainly have to go, because otherwise survivors would be stuck in a downward SBMM spiral by default. Kills vs escapes couldn't be the metric to determine matchmaking at all, actually.
Second, while I don't care too much about escaping if the match as a whole was exciting/fun, all too often an escape is a compensation ("well, at least I escaped..." kinda thought) for a match that was more of a meh-experience. Now, I doubt a 75% kill rate makes matches more enjoyable - based on my limited experience I'd instinctively say the opposite would be the case. So changes to the game play would have to be made to make matches enjoyable and not turn them into a stomping or sweating simulator.
Third, there are people who care about winning on both sides. If the default is "the killer wins" I assume that would lead to even more selfish plays than we currently see in SoloQ. That sounds inherently not fun. (And at least I would pretty much exclusively play swf then. Atm it's a 50:50 split and I go solo mostly to practise; I'm still mostly trash at running tiles and can concentrate better on what I'm doing when I'm not in vc --- but I guess my friends would just have to put up with me saying "shut up - I need to concentrate for a sec" every now and again.)
Fourth, while I'm sure there is a point where BP (and by extension pips) become an afterthought, I'm far from being there. I care about the BP and I care about pips for more BP at the end of the game-month. And escaping helps you a lot with both - especially because it adds up over time. Consistently pipping without consistently escaping becomes pretty hard - same with getting a reasonable amount of BP (without WGLF).
If those points were addressed and survivors compensated - both in terms of in-game rewards, as well as emotional rewards: being the designated punching bag isn't fun in the long run - then the 75% seem more like an afterthought to appease killer players who chose that role for a momentary power trip. And I get it; people who want to feel in power are probably more likely to gravitate toward the killer role / are more prone to get upset about not getting consistent 3k/4k.
Or in short: if a 75% killer win rate can be turned into a win-win situation on the whole then why not? Not that I can see how that would be possible - but if someone were to figure it out, I'd give it a try.
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It would make me want to play survivor more because I don't want to wait more than 15 minutes for a killer lobby.
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I think no one would have a problem with a higher kill rate as long as their calculating MMR & skill with what you've done in the match.
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I would quit playing solo survivor but would still probably play with friends as sfw would probably still be strong enough to survive sometimes. Killer would become easy mode for me my kill rate already probably is around 70%. I think that would cause me to play less killer as when I dominate couple matches im just done. My last 6 matches I have 5×4K and one 2K.
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I don’t remember the average kill rates ever being higher than around 55%. Where are you seeing that 75% figure?
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From here
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Devs nerfed Nemesis addons, because everyone used the same addons. Instead of looking why everyone only used the exact same addons.
I´m not optimistic in regard of that balance change. But maybe the devs surprise me.
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50% is fine, but they should really pick MMR group and focus on that.
Right now you got nerfs on Wraith because of low MMR and nerfs on Twins because of high MMR (which doesn't make sense btw).
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its a 1v4. It shouldn't be 50/50
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why not?
I mean, it shouldn't in theory but for different reason than you said.
it's two teams, doesn't really matter how many players in terms of balance. Winrate should be 50% not kill rate tho.
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I don't think the game being balanced around 75% would be any better.
Personally I just think the devs need to factor in that majority of games the killer can secure at least 1 kill. That gives you an average of 60% instead of 50%.
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Depends on what we mean by "kill rate".
DBD's current kill rate statistics take into account the entire playerbase and disproportionately favor/represents weaker players, where killers are strong regardless. That's why we have an ~ 50% kill rate despite killer overall being weak and Nurse having the lowest kill rate while Pig and Pinhead are up high. So in that case the game might actually be more balanced funnily enough.
If you mean in games with good players than no, it should be as close to 50/50 as possible.
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You could fix that by tracking winrate instead of killrate. 4-3 win, 2 draw, 1-0 lose
that is something that should be around 50%, not really a kill rate.
I don't think killers overall need many buffs, it is just more a specific killers thing imo. But then you see them nerf Wraith / Deathslinger / Freddy / Twins and you lose hope.
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Neither of those charts shows an average kill rate of 75%. The overall is 56%, the “red ranks” is 68%.
P.S. The “red ranks” chart by the way is “matches with a killer who is red rank”, so the number is 68% because those players often face lower skill players, not because killers on average in close matches have that kill rate.
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How about that one?
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You know that neither of them are valid anymore, right?
For example freddy got nerfed to dust.
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Nah 50% is alright I would just love if the fun we have gets more.
Atm you roughly have a 50% win rate wich is fair but the problem is that most of the games you lose feel like a kick in the guts because there was no chance in winning and most of the games you win feel like there was never a chance of loosing. The amount of games that felt fair and you had a fun exiting game no matter if it's a loos or a win are just to small and that goes for. Both sides
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I am not sure that can really be fixed to be honest.
DBD can't really be carried by one survivor. Even one bad teammate can lose you whole game. They tried to fix this by MMR and we know how that went.
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Thats kinda the point...
Killers already had a kill rate around 75% and people played just fine. Claiming now, that survivors would stop playing, because it would turn survivors into bloodpoint piñatas is simply wrong.
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There is a difference if one killer has high killrate or if you want average of all killer to be there.
Freddy was a good killer and easy, that's why he got there and I think they overnerfed him hard. If they just changed his addons so forever freddy is not a thing everyone would be fine.
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Measuring balance around kill rates is a flawed metric to begin with, it should be around hooks and hooks after 5 gens are done, not when the game has ended. Hook bombing and noed kills at the end don’t reflect game balance.
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just because gens are done it doesn't mean you lost. Even without noed / no way out.
Kill rates are boosted tho, because it's not hard to secure 1k unless you gave up in most games.
I would want to see data with winrate instead, which is something they made MMR around so it makes sense.
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Everything I said above applies to those. Those charts don’t show an average 75% kill rate. And the “red rank” charts which have around 68% kill rates are matches with red rank killers against all opponents regardless of rank so those kill rates are inflated versus kill rates in matches between equally skilled opponents.
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Killers never had a 75% kill rate, the charts you’re showing don’t have that.
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Individual killers had 75% and above. Freddy, Spirit and Billy. The rest of the roster was slightly below 70%. With Clown being the weakst somewhere between 60 and 62%
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Where did i say average? We had individual killers with that kill rate and most of the roster slightly below 70%. Thats way closer than the current 50%
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No, individual RED RANK players using a handful of specific killers had a 75% kill rate. That’s like saying “the kill rate is 80% because Otz’s kill rate is 80%”. His kill rate is that high not because the average kill rate for killer characters is like that, it’s because he faces less skilled players than himself in a lot of matches.