More info on prestige patch pls

Hi. When can we expect more info on the prestige update? It is mentioned that the patch will go live in summer, so most likely one of the quickest bigger updates mentioned in the stream. Meaning that we don't have a lot of time to decide what to do with prestiging our chars.
For me the two most important questions are:
- what do we get as unique prestige rewards?
- is it correct that P1 and P2 will get nothing at all, only P3 will get this reward?
To me this is important because depending on this information I would adapt my choice of which killers to prestige to already aim for unlocking perks and to which killers I try to get to P3 in time to get the reward.
Feel free to add further questions, maybe this results into a collection thread and we can get an overview of the most important qquestions on that tpoic for the next Q&A
Well they said that the reward isn´t a cosmetic or a charm. So i´m not really sure if rushing to prestige would be a good idea now.
The reward could be a different char icon or something as trivial like a couple of shards or bloodpoints.
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Thats why I ask. If there is something cool I definitely want to go for it. If I miss this opportunity... Just think you would have missed Legacy skins back then when you had the opportnity to do so. Wouldn't be sad about it today?
Another thing that was not clearly stated (I think) is
- Do you still get bloody cosmetics for prestiging chars to 1-3? Or will bloody clothes disappear or wahtever?
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Lucky me, somehow I knew they'd change the grind as I finish it.
The only killers remaining for me to p3 are the ones I dont enjoy playing LOL
everything else p3
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Nah, the bloody clothes won´t disappear. They specifically said, that they want to avoid a situation which creates some kind of legacy skins again. So you would get the bloody clothes even after they reworked the prestige system.
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I don’t know what else they could do. Looking forward to the reveal. And the reveal is expected for the next Mid Chapter. I suspect that’ll be around four to five weeks from now.
My guess is it’ll be announced with the PTB around June 21.
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My only "concern" (I'm not TOO worried about it LOL) is while I understand they don't want to tell us upfront what the reward will be, I'd at least hope IF it were going to be something like in-game currency, they would at least say that. While, yes, an exclusive cosmetic would be cool, I understand A) that's not what it's going to be, and B) some reasons why they're avoiding cosmetic rewards altogether.
But for a pre/post lobby banner, or maybe even a cool animation you can now do with those P3 characters (like the pointing or "come here" animation, but adding a little goofy 3rd animation for P3 characters if done before the change), I'd still think grinding until the change is well worth it, to me at least with characters I don't have discontinued event items. I mostly have been collecting those on my characters I already have p3'd anyway so as not to lose them. P.S. I don't think it will be something like a bonus animation, but something that is still a possibility, even if not likely.
But if it were to be in-game currency, I know a lot of people won't feel its worth it, me included, so I'd hope we get that clarified sooner than later. Now Mandy stated it won't be "legacy 2.0" and wanted to be clear on it to manage high expectations, but I'd argue that the possibility of in-game currency as the reward, if it's not, would be managing expectations on the other side of the spectrum. Some people just assume it will be shards and are saying they're not P3'ing anymore characters because its not worth it. And I know there are people grinding assuming it's not shards or something and will be bummed if it is (life's a gamble tho, what can ya do XD).
I personally don't think its in-game currency as I've seen them use words like "distinct" and "unique" which in-game currency isn't really either. I wouldn't see any reason for them to have to be secretive about it really. My money (hopefully not in-game currency tho right? LOL) is on an exclusive pre/post lobby banner/icon for your P3'd characters.
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You're probably right. I mean, they did mention you could prestige past p3 after the update goes live, and that it would show in the lobby. So a special thingie in the lobby for having someone at p3 prior to the update would fit that line of thought.
EDIT: but if that's the case, I don't see why they didn't just flat out tell us that's what it was going to be.. it's pretty underwhelming as far as "unique rewards" go
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@akaTheBARON @Marcavecunc That is what I'm afraid of too. I wouldn't throw away a lot of perks / addons on any character up to three times just to get a special crest in the tally screen. I would go for P3 characters then and give them the BP from the anniversary event (cakes n stuff) rather than leveling characters that will lose the progress afterwards. But if I think it is worth it, I would try to go for as many P3 as I can get
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Does it worth to prestige a character? I'm newbie in the game (just about 300 hours) but I just want to do it with Meg Thomas so that I could get whatever they are going to give away
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Currently you get the default clothes covered in blood. For each prestige lvl one item and the a slightly increased chance for better items in tthe bloodweb. But the chance is really low. The disadvantage ist that your character becomes lvl 1 again and loses all perks and addons. That's how it works now.
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If it really is worth to prestige to lv 3 now to get the unique reward with the next bigger patch is not clear yet. thats why I asked for details here because they did not say yet what the reward will be. if the reward is not worth it, I would not prestige until the patch is out, because you avoid losing all your progress.
on the other hand, once they announce what the reward will be, it might be too close to get another like 5 million BP to get from prestige 0 to prestige 3 -.-
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If its not unique cosmetics as they said, idk what the "unique" reward would be. And I don't care if its not cosmetics tbh.
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Here take a skin you will lose in 3 weeks due to fatal error like legacy skins.
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Honestly, I say in your case, prestiging characters to P3 is actually worth it regardless of what the reward will be, at least for 1 or 2 survivors you want the reward for. The rest, you could wait until after the change so you don't lose progress on the items. You likely don't have any items/offerings in your inventory from events you can't get any more so you have nothing to lose there. Plus once the changes come into effect, every P3 character you have will pay off. Say you get Meg up to P3. Then her 3 perks will be automatically put on all your other characters as well once the change happens later this summer. If you're going to P3 Meg for the sole purpose of getting the reward, just make sure you have enough perks you like to use on at least one other character. You obviously don't need every perk, just enough to have some decent ones to play around with and not be stuck with 10 lousy tier 1 & 2 perks LOL. Because as of now, before the changes take place, each time you prestige a character, it gets rid of your perks/items and you have to start from scratch each level you prestige. This won't be the case after the change tho which is nice. After the change, you prestige a character, you keep your perks/items. Hope this helps. Also sorry it was lengthy, I'm not too sure about what you already do and don't understand about the current prestige system.
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We'll be giving out more information as time gets closer to when this is released.
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Exactly, Meg is my main so I have a special interest in P3 her. I will prestige the rest of the characters with the new system.
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Thanks Mandy I just think alot of us are worried we will miss something....I'm not worried....I dont have time to even get anyone to p3 so I'll miss out anyway lmao
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If you havent got anywhere near max perks on a character, it's a no brainer. P3ing them will not only get you the reward but will also give you that characters perks on every other survivor once the progression update drops.
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I'm mostly curious about when the patch will drop. I have a feeling the reason they're doing a Blood Hunt right now is because they'll drop the Prestige Rework with the anniversary on the 16th. Which would be a shame if the unique rewards are worth grinding for, or something feel like you "missed out" if you don't get them.
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I'm not worried at all cuz all my characters are p3 full perks (grind over basically).
Would be cool to know now if is worth tho
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Survivor and killer? If so how much did it cost 🤔
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Hi Mandy. - As always thank you for keeping an eye on threads in the forums. - Would it be possible to say how much time there will be - roughly - between the inormation being released and the changes going live? I think a lot of people feel antsy because it says summer and it kinda already is summer 🙈
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I've got two questions:
- Will characters that I have invested millions of Bloodpoints into but never prestiged be eligible for the "distinct reward"? (If not, then why not? Why would I want to lose hundreds of Killer add-ons and offerings just to qualify for an unspecified reward?)
- How do perks purchased through the shrine translate into the new system? Example: I do not own Ghostface, but I do own all of his perks. If I were to purchase a new Killer, would Ghostface's perks appear at tier one in the Bloodweb, or automatically appear in the new Killer's loadout at tier three?
In regards to question two, if perks purchased through the Shrine are not automatically unlocked a tier three upon purchasing a new character, my grind will hardly be reduced at all, since I have been playing since 2018 and the only Survivor I have purchased is Jeff. I have purchased a few Killers as well, but nearly all perks I have unlocked for my characters have been through the Shrine. I worry that these Shrine perks will not automatically be given to a new character at tier three and therefore will do almost nothing to reduce my grind on a new character.
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Hopefully on Late June/early July Dev Update segment. I love reading those as it gives me hype and excitement. As for massive update, I figure it will be mix with The Twin, Perk and other QoL changes. SPECULATIONS, EXITEMENT, REEEE! xD
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I do think this rollout is very confusing. There should be a clear, definitive statement as to whether players would benefit from rushing to prestige now or not. It's quite vague as to whether someone who has a maxed out no prestige character should prestige them now or not.
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@MandyTalk Please recognize this if it's within the scope of what you're allowed to address. Even without context, having confirmation on this issue would be immensely helpful.
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The only thing that reaching P3 will give you is the distinct it's going to be completely up to the individual as to whether they wish to prestige based on that.
We have already addressed that we are looking at players who didn't prestige and instead concentrated on perks with the whole "catch up prestige".
There will be further information closer to when this system will go live, as of right now I do not have a set date on that.
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For question 1, having put in the blood points but never prestiging won't get you the distinct reward. They are doing a "catchup" mechanic meaning that when the new system rolls out, those characters that you put a lot of time and bp even tho you didn't prestige will be prestiged up (by how much IDK, depends on how many perks and bloodpoints spent). So they'll level up prestige levels but won't get the distinct reward since they would have to be P3 by the time the new system goes live. As for the "why that is" I don't know. My guess is while you did put in the time and bp, those that actually prestiged actually had to start over each level where as those who didn't prestige to not waste bp, while fine, shoudln't get the same reward as those that did. Just a guess as to the reason, I'm not telling you what's what, or implying you should have prestiged or anything like that.
For question 2, using your example with Ghostface, so if you have all his perks, but don't actually have Ghostface, those perks will have to be unlocked each killer's bloodweb like normal. If you get a new killer, same deal for those ghostface perks. For those perks to be unlocked automatically for other killers you'd have to buy ghostface, and for each prestige level, that tier version of his perks would be unlocked automatically. So you prestige ghosty to lvl 1, everyone now has his base perks at tier 1. Prestige him to 2, everyone now has those perks at tier 2, ect.
For the second part of question two, you're right. General perks, or perks you get in the shrine who's killer you don't have prestiged at any level would still be the same grind. But... those perks come up faster as there will be less perks for them to compete with as other perks now get unlocked for everyone automatically when you prestige that killer. So overall the grind is reduced a bunch.
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Mandy can you confirm that the P3 reward is not cosmetics or charms?
Thank you.
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One thing I want to know is what about perks from the Stranger Things chapter? They're generic perks now but I'm hoping those that had p3 those characters will automatically get those perks on the other characters instead of having to go through bloodwebs.
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I have already confirmed that.
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Can you confirm that P3 cosmetics (the bloody cosmetics) will still be available, and would be received with catch-up prestige?
Thank you for your time Mandy!
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I decided to get P3 for some survivors, including my fav one who has all the perks and valuable items.
I won't do it for killers because most of them have all the perks. Even if I can't get the P3 rewards, I'll try to convince myself that showing play skills is more important than showing the reward to other players.
Post edited by Jirobeko on0 -
It really doesn't need to be.
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A legacy skin for the original characters that came out after the nurse's chapter
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Well, this was not what I asked for :(
I guess it will just be hit or miss with my prestige decisions
It is said "summer" and as the anniversary content was mostly part of the PTB I dont think that the prestige patch will be next month. Earliest I would guess is the next midchapter patch
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These prestige rules you state, consist of bloodly cosmetic and slightly better bloodweb rng. I didn't see anything saying I was entitled to anything more.
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I hope you're wrong about the Shrine perks because that's a raw deal given my time and Iri Shard investments. They're gonna do what they're gonna do but it would be decent of them to consider aspects like time and currency investments (Shards, Cells, AND Bloodpoints) when they hand out the rewards. Would've been nice of them to have more details when they announced because I really hate the FOMO effect this is having on me. Almost kind of hoping the "distinct reward" is lame so I don't feel bad about missing it.
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Same, I mean, they have their reasons for not announcing it now, I just hope it's sooner rather than later if it's in game currency so I can not worry about it. I'm not "worried" but I mean I can stop grinding a bit. I mean I'll take free shards or whatever but it's not worth prestiging for it, so I hate this FOMO aspect to.
The only other reason I can imagine them not being able to say anything could just be a marketing tactic. It could simply be they don't want to give us ALL the news, we get unhyped waiting for it, and it doesn't entice people to stick around and grind, at least not nearly as much as people are doing now. A lot of people weren't playing this game before this news, they've had a huge drop since the last RE chapter, and now more are playing again hyped for all these changes, the p3 rewards, ect. So we got the anniversary coming up, they figure people will show out for that, but will still feel like there's more after the event. Then the next chapter releases. Those usually do ok, at least for a bit. Some do better than others but the PTB for this one has some good buzz. THEN.... they have this bloodweb rework that, if it has a mystery to it, will keep people looking forward to that, keeping people in the game to grind. Who knows. I'm grinding in the meantime, it will at least help with getting perks unlocked for the other characters, which I would have done anyway. Any character I have discontinued offerings/event items are already p3'd anyways. We'll see. I'm mostly just happy the grind is going to become less of a pain. So many perk builds I want to try but a lot of times, there a perk or two I don't have LOL
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Great news for me then. Now all I need are cakes during anniversary and I'll prestige the whole roster easy peasy. I'll actually come back with a list of a few survs and how expensive it was to prestige them, but it seems for now that it's a few thousand below 1 400 000 BP to go from 1 to 50 if you go purely for the cheapest webs.
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For now though it's probably best to not prestige though right? If we prestige now we lose all of our perks. But with the patch that won't happen.
I would think getting every character to 50 and then stopping until the patch would be the ideal situation?
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Not, if you want to have the reward. But if you don't want to have the reward... but you don't know what it will be... that's my point
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@MandyTalk another important question that came up, which I didnt find in the regular information. for the unique reward, do you need to have the character at P3-50 or is P3-1 enough? Do you have that information?
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I have seen Mandy mentioning that P3-1 should be enough!
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thank you, that is important information xD otherwise I would have to bring another 11 killers to lv 50 first