Iridescent devout is almost imposible to get

I played couple matches trying to get iri devout rift challenge and turns out it is nearly imposible. Result from first match.
Second match I played fairly hooking everyone twice before started sacrificing but unfortunately david bleed out on the ground as last person just hid somewhere. I ended up getting 11 hooks and maxed sacrifice category still. But for now I give up this challenge. These matches just were enough hard without any reward.
"survivor moris" and that's where you went wrong. You need 9 hooks, 4 kills, and each individual survivor hooked at least once.
By the scoreboard, you got at maximum 8 hooks, as all 4 survivors were morid. This means no iridescent devout.
It literally says so on the emblem.
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I know but I think im actually gotten it even with mori:ing everyone in the past. The second game was so unlucky with 11 hooks and if I ever try this challenge again im going to use deerstalker. I think in the past I also got iri devout while one escaped so these games just left me so frustated.
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Yeah, it seems that you're misunderstanding on how to get Devout iridescent. I don't know how it was before, but since I've been playing killer, it's always been 9 or more hooks. So yes, this is difficult if you are just having a bad game, but this emblem definitely isn't hard to get if you're playing a relatively normal balanced game. Just be careful that you actually hook 9 times. If they reached second stage, it still only counts as you hooking them 1 time. So just make sure you two hook everyone and then just kill one survivor and you should get it. I don't know why you are trying to mori them if you want iri devout, but that's the main place you're going wrong.
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If you get nine hooks, the game was not even close to balanced. Maybe if you hyper tunneled the first two and got lucky with the last two cooperating with you instead of playing for hatch. But still, I wouldn't call that easy as it requires the other side to help you...
I would just use a low mmr killer to do that in one try as opposed to attempting it on your main.
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That's a fair opinion. I don't know how you play, but generally I try to 2 hook people because I get more bloodpoints and I don't want to tunnel people just cause I know how it feels. With how I play, I would consider getting 9 hooks balanced because that could mean I 2 hooked everyone and got 1-2 kills. For my win conditions on how I play killer, I would call this a draw, but I totally get that most people do not play like this.
I also didn't call this easy to do, I just meant that it isn't the hardest one in my opinion. I feel like Gatekeeper is harder to get because you basically have to dominate the early game and make sure the gens don't fly too fast and then guarantee that gates don't get opened. It's definitely not easy to have a good game like this when you're going against sweaty survivors, but considering OP was able to mori their survivors, it probably means they have enough games that they dominate where they should be able to get 9 hooks.
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That is a really good point in this particular context. I just, personally, hate the medal system. But you are correct.
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Oh yeah definitely. The emblem system is so flawed and you can have really great games that you get barely any emblems because of how the killer is designed. Like, that's so ridiculous at times. It's terrible for survivor as well. The system only looks good when it is the most optimal situation, but literally anything that deviates from 100% optimal, the system falls apart and you can see the cracks in it.
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Sounds you play very fairly I respect that. I try to hook everyone twice when I have good games as killer and as survivor so im more friendly then. But however when I get hard tunneled or killers are just very toxic for no reason I became toxic killer too.
Like today my team brought two cakes and killer hard tunneled and camped when he already dominated the game and there was 4 gens left. For me it was not possible to get good points my teammates were bad and killer took advantage of that and I ended up dying on first hook. Killer was rewarded he got good points unfortunately. Killers like him just show for me that survivors don't need nerfs anymore but killers do and killers are always the most toxic ones.
But back go my original post I also played games where I got 11 hooks but one bleed out on the ground as blendette hid probably in corner of the map and didn't help I regret not using deerstalker in that game. I played very fairly that one as I hooked everyone twice before killing anyone. For me iri gatekeeper is usually easier than iri devout. It's easier to stop gens than get 12 hooks and not do bit of camping. I also use gen slow down build and im pretty good avoiding quick 2 gen pop before first hook.
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Personally I try to get iri devout just by hooking everyone but at some point I take one out. And then make sure everyone is hooked twice before finishing the rest.
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Yeah, I certainly have my games where I play a little more ruthless like securing a second stage or if I have to proxy camp because the gens are too far to defend. I don't blame you for getting salty from time to time, it's sometimes very hard to keep your cool when other players ruin your experience by just going overkill or doing unnecessary things. As long as you're not slapping someone on hook or hard tunneling at 5 gens, then don't feel like you're being too "toxic."
And yeah, if your style is more dominate the early game and get instant pressure that pulls them off gens, then I can see how getting iri gatekeeper might be easier. I usually either play for the snowball or just the mid-late game pressure. My endgames are sometimes where I secure a 4k. Most of my killers that I play are ones that need set up or I just don't mind losing a gen early.
Good luck with iri devout. My best tip is to count each time you hook and get out of there. I've been screwed over because of bad survivors who don't rescue their teammate and then I lose a hook stage because they either go to second or die on hook. It's literally the worst when you just need one or two more hooks but they let them die instead of rescuing.
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The Mori will kill them too fast, which is not giving you points to get devout.
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It's a very annoying medal to max, as it depends more on the survivors not being schmucks than you.
Essentially - if anyone rage DCs, suicides or hangs on the hook for more than 1 state, you're not getting this at higher grades. It's generally the medal I have the most trouble maxing out.
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Ruthless wins your games and if survivors don't save the hooked guy soon enough I go back to the hook make sure he gets second hook. But usually im able to find survivor to chase so it's usually not problem. Sometimes they don't even save hooked guy when you are other side of the map.
But usually I never manage to be as toxic killer as some of those who I play agains't as survivor. It's just too cruel to be loser like them. Agains't swf you gotta be little cruel thought but I never tunnel at 5 gens. Usually when I take first out there is 2 gens left. When I do super tunnel it's usually the team's best looper who manages to make me mad. It's probably most stupid thing to do as killer but sometimes it even works.
I finally got the iri devout as well. It was lot of work to get in one of the mathes I actually had to let second last survivor to wiggle out and save the one on the hook. Poor survivor thought I was going to farm with them. Well at least it's not as cruel as some killers who close hatch on survivor face or let them open the exit gate but hit them immediatelly and mori them or hook.
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Dc:ing actually gives points towards it so it's still possible to get just debends when they dc. I had match were 2 dc:t pretty early and I farmed with the last 2 and killed the other at the end and let other one escape. After match turned out I was very close getting iri devout.
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At what grade though?
At Iri (or even Gold) you aren't getting this with an early DC.
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I'm glad you got it. Yeah, I've pulled the zig zag pathing to let the unhook happen so that I could get my last few hooks. When I do adept for killers I've done this to guarantee those 9 hooks. It's really sad when killers get rewarded by mmr system when they tunnel at 5 gens because a lot of the times they get away with it. I will say though that being hard tunneled but successfully escaping the match is the best feeling in the world. I had a nemi who tried to hard tunnel me out of the game, and he just eventually dropped chase with me because he lost 4 gens already (Red Forest Mother's Dwelling, decent main building helped me and some spicy jukes). A zarina somehow got hit with NOED and then he proceeded to take his anger out on her by hitting her on hook until she died. DBD be like that sometimes.
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Yup but sometimes even when you loop the killer very long and he gets you. Then he kills the rest of the team at the end with noed... This game sometimes rewards poor playing so much. But it always fun if you whole team gets away from killers like that then ofcourse I teabag to them at exit gate which is deserved.
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I think I had it at red ranks or at least gold rank. Believe me or not I would get it if I would finished the last guy as well.
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As far as I know, a DC gives credit for a single hook state. But I could easily be wrong.
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One of them was hooked once and he dc:t while on hook. Other just dc:t after that I got 40 dc points thought.
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Unless they changed it recently, the description of the devout emblem specifically says you must complete nine hook ACTIONS. So in theory, a DC wouldn't count unless they DCed on the hook (you already completed the action). Hence why you get really screwed if survivors suicide on hook, go to second stage, or never get rescued.
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I got 10 hooks, 4 kills in a round with Sadako and I still only got gold emblem. I'm guessing you need to be perfect with 12 hooks to get iridescent.
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It's bugged curently last kill does not count so it's harder to get. Try to get 11 hooks and 3K that works in gold and lower grades. But in iridescent grade is not possible earn iri devout now. 10 hooks should been enough though did you hook last survivor only once? The game probably didn't count that at all.