I'm excited for the perk overhaul coming soon, so I wanted to put forth some of my own ideas.

Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 41
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Context for my changes: Most of them are in the spirit of BHVR's announced intention to change the meta. Therefore I'm more focused on buffing perks up rather than nerfing them, which can come later if needed. Additionally, I've given survivors many information perks as basekit features in order to lower the disparity between SWF and solo. Meanwhile, killers have two free extra perk slots.

General game changes:

Gates can no longer be 99'd, they degenerate at a rate of 2% per second when not being interacted with.

Endgame Collapse now lasts three minutes instead of two, but begins as soon as the final generator is completed.

Perks that reveal the Killer do not work on killers that are in stealth/undetectable (excluding Spine Chill.)

Survivors: Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Kindred, Aftercare, Deja Vu, Empathy, Situational Awareness, Visionary, and Bond are now basekit (passive for all survivors.)

Killers: Killers now have two extra perk slots.

Call of Brine is now basekit, but only works on kicks. Additionally, kicking a gen immediately knocks off 5%.

Basement Hooks are now considered Scourge Hooks.

Killer Perk changes:

Beast of Prey - Walking on pools of blood increases your movement speed by 10%. This effect is immediately lost and goes on a 30 second cooldown if you are outside of a pool of blood for two seconds. (Makes chases without mindgames viable)

Blood Echo - Additionally makes survivors Broken. Hemorrhage effect is no longer on a duration, and will only be removed upon fully healing. No longer has a cooldown.

Jolt - No longer has a cooldown.

Coulrophobia - Still has the same effect, with an addition: When a survivor looks at you, they are filling a Fear Meter. When the Fear Meter reaches maximum, they scream. Beginning a chase with them and hitting them by any means also increases Fear.

Thrilling Tremors - The ability will only go on cooldown if it blocks all generators.

Bloodhound - It still makes blood brighter, but with an additional effect. Upon stepping on a survivor's pool of blood, all sounds they make become twice as loud for 30 seconds. This includes footsteps, breathing, repairing, etc. ALL sounds. This effect can only be on one survivor at a time.

Brutal Strength - Kick speed increased from 20% to 30%. Basic attacks cause Deep Wound.

Coup de Grace - No longer based on tokens. Your lunge range is increased by 50%/60%/70% if the survivor has one, two, or three debuffs on them (Deep Wound counts as a debuff.) This perk only works when in chase with a survivor.

Deathbound - The Oblivious status effect is active regardless of the survivor's distance to the healed survivor.

Deerstalker - Still works the same but with an addition: Survivors that are in a 0.3 meter radius to a tree have their aura revealed to you. You move 15% faster when within a 5 meter radius of a downed survivor.

Dying Light Maximum tokens changed from 11 to 7, with increased slowdown per token, reaching 33% at 7 hooks.

Enduring - Works against all stuns, except DS.

Fire Up - Ramp up per token increased from 4% to 6%. When the final generator is completed, your killer has a bright flame visual effect on their whole body, and you move 5% faster.

Furtive Chase - Removed from the game.

Gearhead - Now procs on Good skill checks instead of Great. Now provides a noise notification and no longer reveals aura.

Hangman's Trick - In addition to current effects, survivors with toolboxes within 8 meters of you while you are carrying a body, are slowed down by 10%.

Hex: Undying - A cleansed hex will be sent to an active Dull Totem instead, while also bringing along any tokens the hex collected. Hex: Undying shows its aura to survivors that are within 4 meters. Every time a Dull Totem is cleansed, this radius increases by two meters. Whenever a Hex is cleansed, this radius increases by six meters. Undying does not work on itself.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby- No longer a hex.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - When the final generator is completed, all Dull Totems on the map light up extremely brightly. The skybox of the map gains an eerie golden Entity glow and massive claws will slowly start to grip around the map from above. The End Game Collapse will last half as long (one minute, thirty seconds), but 45 seconds are added to the timer whenever a totem is cleansed during the Endgame Collapse. NOED will not activate if there are no Dull Totems on the map remaining before the Endgame Collapse. Survivors are no longer Exposed. Killer still moves 4% faster.

Insidious - Being in between a distance of 32 and 8 meters of a survivor will charge up Insidiousness as long as they can't see you. The meter charges up faster the closer you are to the survivor without being on their screen. When at maximum charge, Survivors no longer gain a speed boost when you hit them. This resets Insidiousness to 0%. The Insidiousness meter does not charge while in a chase.

Iron Grasp - The extra time you can hold a survivor is increased from 1.92 seconds to 4 seconds. Additionally, your body naturally pushes aside any blockers.

Iron Maiden - Works as normal, but no longer Exposes. Survivors who enter lockers become Injured and are inflicted with Hemorrhage, but cannot be Downed by Iron Maiden.

Knock out - Works as normal, but downing a survivor also inflicts them with Hemorrhage and stuns them for five seconds. The decreased Field of View lasts for the entire duration of them being down, but the Deafened effect still fades after fifteen seconds.

Lightborn - In addition to current effects, standing in well-lit areas (Completed generators, lamp posts, etc.) charges up Enlightened. When reaching 100%, your Red Stain is twice as long and is replaced by a White Stain. White Stains will slowly damage and burn survivors. It takes three seconds of direct contact with the White Stain to lose a health state. The burn will decay when the Enlightened killer isn't looking at you. One second of burn is lost per second. If 30 seconds have passed, or if a survivor is Injured by the White Stain, the buff is removed and must be re-acquired. It takes 10 seconds of standing under a light to become Enlightened.

Shadowborn - No longer increases your FoV. Instead, FoV is now a slider in the options menu. Shadowborn reworked: Standing in Shaded areas (not just unlit areas) builds up Nyctophilia. When Nyctophilia reaches 100%, your Red Stain turns into a Black Stain. The Black Stain disables windows and pallets but only when you are looking at them. Nyctophilia degenerates at a significantly faster rate while a window or pallet is being held down. It takes 10 seconds to fully charge Nyctophilia. (For context, Nyctophilia at 100% will be drained all the way to zero after just two seconds of looking at a window or pallet. Because it will never actually be at 100% due to natural decay, two seconds of blockage can never actually be reached.)

Mad Grit - In addition to its current effects, after the first successful hit, Madness is triggered. Basic attacks while holding a body have no cooldown even if they successfully land. Madness is lost when the body is dropped or hooked.

Merciless Storm - Requirement reduced from 90% generator progress to 85%. In addition to its current effects, you receive a Loud Noise notification when the generator reaches 85%.

Monstrous Shrine - It is now a Scourge Hook.

Oppression - Minor rework. Upon damaging a generator *by any means,* one additional random generator pops for -8% and begins regressing. Cooldown of 60 seconds. Oppression will not proc on generators that have no progress. Oppression will not proc on the same generator that triggered it.

Overcharge - Reworked. Hex: Overcharge - Whenever a generator is popped, either by a failed skillcheck or effects such as Jolt and Oppression, the generator explodes in a blast of electric lightning, Deafening, Blinding, and Slowing nearby survivors by 10% for 15 seconds.

Overwhelming Presence - In addition to current effects, also has a 25% chance of dropping the item on a failed skillcheck.

Play With Your Food - Tokens are only consumed on Downs. This counts regardless of how a survivor goes Down. (For example, if they are Downed by Deep Wound instead of one of your direct attacks, you still lose a stack.) Lose a stack upon hitting the Obsession. If your attack downs the Obsession, only one token is lost, not two.

Predator - In addition to current effects, walking survivors also leave scratch marks but with far less accuracy. Whenever a survivor is within 8 meters of another survivor, both of those survivors are 25% louder. This stacks.

Shattered Hope - In addition to current effects, destroying a Boon Totem also crushes all other Boon Totems currently active on the map.

Territorial Imperative - When this perk is active, you always spawn in the Basement. Receive a Loud Noise notification whenever someone enters the basement. You move 5% faster when within a 16 meter radius of the Basement.

Trail of Torment - No longer reveals generator aura to Survivors.

Unrelenting - Reworked. You are 25% resilient to stuns (Stacks additively with Enduring. This means that you can reach up to 75% stun resistance.) The slowing effect incurred from a missed attack lasts half as long.

Post edited by Leon_Loves_Cheryl on


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    This so lengthy that to properly respond would take quite a lot of effort. In short, many of the perk ideas in here are great. Iron Maiden. NOED. Great.

    Many are bad. Brutal strength.

    The basekit buffs are way too much.

    I think I would nitpick just a few cherries from the perk ideas.

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 41

    Basekit buffs are too much for which side? I focused mainly on information perks for Survivor, in order to bridge the gap between solo and SWF, then buffed Killer to compensate while also providing a couple of extra free perk slots to offset the 9 that survivors get.

    It's true they get BT and DS, but these perks merely discourage tunneling. If my changes hypothetically were to happen, and killers really did get a lot stronger, it would in turn buff camping and tunneling severely. Therefore, making anti-camp and anti-tunnel perks basekit for Survivor offsets how much stronger that toxic strategy becomes, while simultaneously keeping the increased level of overall strength for Killer to compete.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Lol troll post. Had me at the first half not gonna lie haha!

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    "Furtive Chase - Removed from the game."

    I've gotta stop you there - everything else you've suggested is definitely reasonable and should be basekit (😛), but what on earth did Furtive Chase do to you? 😆

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Most of these changes are worth their own thread. White stain? Really wild and out there ideas.

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2022

    My post has been edited by a mod but I don't see any immediately recognizable difference. Was something wrong?

    Edit: Nevermind, the post was just moved.

    I don't think "Suggestions" is a fitting classification for this thread because I'm not literally suggesting these as changes to the game, the point was to share my excitement for the future of the game by expressing my own ideas and looking for the input of others. I did not frame this thread as "here's how I think the game should change" so I feel that Feedback and Suggestions is not correct.

    Post edited by Leon_Loves_Cheryl on
  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    Imagine a freddy running remember me, NOED and no way out with the black box add on lol.

    I can just see every survivor frantically searching for every totem while one is doing the let me in meme by the exit gate waiting for it to unblock.

    But yeah like other said, there is a mix of good and broken idea.