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Can you guys just say the P3 reward?

We all wanna know and after finding out its not a cosmetic or even a character specific charm it killed A LOT of hype. Can we at least know what it is because atp I don't wanna play the game to continue to P3 some of my favorite characters since there's no point in it if we aren't getting an actual decent reward. There is 0 reason to be so secretive about the reward besides you wanna fudge the numbers and add more playtime (which won't even help)

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  • Member Posts: 203

    I feel like they can't decide on it. The only non-cosmetic rewards they can give are bloodpoints, bloodpoint modifiers, iridescent shards, or auric cells. And the latter two hurt them as a business, especially because dedicated players are most likely to buy cosmetics and DLC.

  • Member Posts: 698

    They did say that they are not making it a cosmetic in anyway. I'm hoping for cells.

  • Member Posts: 698

    Cells could work as mobile gives 10 on prestige 1, 20 on prestige 2, and 30 on prestige 3, which is 60 altogether. So this would encourage players to play more and grind for more characters. I think this is most likely what they will implement.

  • Member Posts: 762

    That's giving out free money, and Behavior would never do that, they would give out like 30 per character max.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    The website says this: "For now, note that each prestige level will modify your Character-specific Prestige crest, which other players can see in the post-game tally screen. That way, you can proudly showcase your commitment to your favorite character."

    So I think the reward will be like a special crest to show everyone that you P3ed your character before the rework, which would be very disappointing to say the least, I'd literally take bps over that.

  • Member Posts: 203

    So like a new version of prestige, but only in the post-game screen? Interesting. Would be nice to see that combined with some kind of iridescent shard / small auric cell reward. But alone, yeah that is disappointing.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    We're definitely never getting auric cells for free lol. If we get iri shards it would probably be a ridiculously small amount, but it'd be cool if we got 21600 shards per P3, aka enough shards for 1 outfit for each of them, which would make up for not having an exclusive cosmetic.

  • Member Posts: 16,696

    This is way too much. I have all Killers and Survivors P3-50, so I would get around 1,2 Million Shards in total.

    The result would be that BHVR would release way more cosmetics for Auric Cells, because players will be more likely to have more than enough Shards to get the Cosmetics they want. So it would just be more expensive for those who dont have that many Characters prestiged.


    Just go in with low expectations. Just dont think it will be too much, because honestly, getting Characters to P3 is not really an effort compared to getting all Perks on them.

    But I know for sure that whatever the reward is, players will complain that it is not enough.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Devs: We're going to make sure that we call it a distinct reward

    Community: Okay so it's going to be a cosmetic or charm of sorts

    Devs: No

    Community: ...

    But seriously, if they do a reward and give us bloodpoints that's not good. The new prestige system will, more or less, destroy the grind. You'll barely need bloodpoints anymore unless you don't have every perk on every character. Which, depending on how many characters you have P3, that might not be that tall of an order. Even just prestige in general because for every prestige your character is, everyone else will get that perk unlocked at the tier that corresponds with the prestige. (Last sentence was worded horribly, but we get the idea)

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I know 21k shard per p3 is never going to happen (even 5K per P3 would be too much), if we get shards it'd be a really low amount. I think we'll only get a special crest, which is going to sadden the many people who wanted legacy 2.0...

  • Member Posts: 67

    If the reward is adjustable like BPs or Shards, it could be delivered to P1 and P2 as well. So, I guess the reward will be something different.

  • Member Posts: 435

    It would be an absolute cheek, all players who have taken so much grind on themselves, with a few shards, bloodpoints or some meaningless lobby symbol or something to fob off!!! Who has brought characters to p3, lost thereby massive items, addons and offerings. And in contrast to this, those who have consciously decided against prestige are rewarded and get this retroactively credited and receive the bloody outfits. 

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    They dont have the rewards ready yet so they cant tell #########

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    It's weird because what could they give us that's a distinct reward that's (I'll just assume) already obtainable in game?

    Here are the only(?) things: Auric cells, blood points, or iridescent shards.

    Unless they add in something new we don't already have in game, it one of those.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, I only have 2 people P3ed, and that's doc, and kate, and after this update... probably still doc, and kate, lol

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    They already said there wouldn't be legacy 2.0, they made that quite clear from what I remember

  • Member Posts: 16,696

    A Legacy 2.0 would be super-boring. And not really special, because many players will have it.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Personally I'm speaking from a standpoint that I feel a lot fewer people would have. As of right now on live servers, I have every killer and survivor Prestige 3 Level 50, if they hand me bloodpoints when all teachables are basically going to unlock at Tier 3 on every character anyways, it's not going to feel like I was compensated or rewarded. It will feel like, "What's this for?"

  • Member Posts: 16,696

    I am 100% sure that it wont be Bloodpoints. It would be a very bad move to give Bloodpoints for people who have unlocked so much already and will not really need them due to the grind reduction.

  • Member Posts: 220

    I wouldn't be so sure at this point. i have everyone p3, all survivors Max perks, but most my killers are missing ringu perks. For someone like me, yeah I wouldn't care for bloodpoints.. but I've got a friend that has all killers p3 but no survivors prestiged and they'd prefer bloodpoints over everything else. It depends on the person. I've put a massive amount of time into the grind in this game so I'd prefer a decent amount of shards since we're not getting cosmetics. Wouldn't surprise me if they just give us a little of everything though.. a small amount of bp, shards, and a flair/emblem or whatever

  • Member Posts: 714

    They won't tell you what it is so u can play and increase the player count, smart move from bhvr, i don't care anyway tho

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I agree it would be very boring but what else would they do?

    It's not a cosmetic or charm

    They probably aren't going to give iri shards for cosmetics or new characters because we'll have those

    They aren't going to give us auric cells because that's a bad move on their part

    what else is there really? I guess they could do something new or give us rift fragments but people who have the time to Prestige probably don't have issues gaining rift fragments

  • Member Posts: 23

    I know many people are expecting Legacy 2.0, which in my opinion would be the best reward, but it's just not viable for behaviour to do such a thing since the game have WAY too much characters compared to 2016 where Legacy was introduced, so the amount of work they would have to go through to design free cosmetics for every original character would be humongous (and yes, original characters only since they can't add cosmetics to licensed characters without permission).

    In my opinion, since the whole point of the prestige rework is to reduce the grind, they are likely going to give every character with P3 a permanent bloodpoint multiplier (50%-100%) and/or give a special prestige crest to people so you can show off that you prestiged before the rework.

    This would be enough for me, as long as I can show off to people I prestiged someone before the rework and can get extra bloodpoints to grind infinite prestige on my favorite characters I will be more than happy.

    Doesn't change the fact I would like Legacy 2.0 tho.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Survivors should get a Fortnite like dance while they're in the exit gate area.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Smart point.

    Unfortunate tho, especially with the bloodhunt for an entire week and then a community event. You can get so much bp rn, but idk if it's worth prestiging or unlocking other teachables (actually I would prestige a particular killer, but I have some discontinued offerrings on him and don't wanna lose them.)

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Its actually not hard. Maybe tedious but definitely not hard and would easily be done in under a day

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm expecting it to be a prestige character portrait.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2022

    If what I've seen and read about "crests" and all that, a crest for being prestige 3 on the old prestige system, seems like a "distinct reward" to me, obviously it's a guess, but seems like a possibility. We will see what they do, clearly they're working on it. Let's just really hope it's something cool. Personally, I wish it was some unique cosmetic, that's the best way to show off something.

    The people worrying about Blood points, don't forget it's "character specific" Blood points wouldn't make sense, or Iri shards, and since it's not cosmetic, anything in the game currently, wouldn't make sense as a "distinct reward" that isn't cosmetic. Clearly it's something new they're gonna add.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    You still need a lot of BP. Most players arent even close to have the total amount of BP to get it on all killers, let alone all characters.

    Right now, only 50 players or so have the amount of BP needed to get all characters p3 all perks. Changing the prestige system would give about 30% of players p3 all perks on all characters.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, a crest would be cosmetic, wouldnt it?

    My personal guess is that it might grant a permanent BP multiplier or multiplied prestige rewards(aka, if p1 unlocks 100k increased BP cap, you'd recieve 150k increased cap. So instead of unlocking 8 million, you'd recieve 12 million total if you p1'd all characters).

    I personally was hoping for Legacy Prestige 2.0, since arguably, this BP change is much more impactful than the last one. So maybe at the very least, this will unlock the Legacy Prestige outfits on existing characters. But Legacy Prestige 2.0 would also take a huge amount of time considering the amount of characters. Back in the day, it was only 9 outfits, now it would be 39 outfits. Let alone that they would also need to be good outfits too. Not only that, but 20 characters would be excluded due to licenses. That's nearly half the cast.

    The thing is, the devs are really excited about it, a special crest isnt really something to be excited about. It might be part of the full package, but I am assuming it is gonna be something that people have asked a lot, and the only people who definitely would need certain things are people who played this game over 1000 hours(again, bloodpoint cap being increased doesnt really matter for a huge portion of the players, but it does for veterans). If it's not cosmetic, its 100% going to be mechanics that are not part of the game.

  • Member Posts: 800

    Yo I gotta ask. What did you run on Survivors while doing this? I can never decide what build to run on them while grinding out BP. Always swapping out the other two perks whilst wglf and prove thyself is always on it. Also may as well ask since it's a bloodhunt, does your build change any for those? I'm close to havin all killers P3, about 2 left to go...with alot of them being all perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2022

    they already said is not gonna be skins so u can imagine, Shards or more BP there is not much more. however i dont think will be points cause they alrady are reduing the grind so bhvr wont just give us way more poitns to make it easier to have everything, so maybe not points, maybe some shards... not many cause peoiple wouldnt use real money to but characters, u know what? forget about shards aswell they wont give us more shards cause they would laugh at our faces with 50/100 shards or 500 top so instead of getting all the names from the community most likely will do something else.

  • Member Posts: 2,811
  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I'm not trying to say that's not true and I guess I didn't phrase it that well. It's not a good reward to give bloodpoints because the people who would actually benefit from a reward like that, aren't the people getting the reward since the reward is dependent on how many characters you have Prestige 3. The devs phrased it like, "Each prestige level 3 character on your account at the time of the update will receive a distinct reward, with specifics to be unveiled a little further down the line." If it turns out to just be bloodpoints, which at this point is real possibility because everything that feels distinct is out the window in this context, it would suck. Let's say you have 1 Prestige 3 character, you're getting 1/57-59th the reward of someone who has all the characters in the game Prestige 3. So who's truly getting rewarded? The people who don't need a currency reward.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    You are expecting way too much from bhvr, watch it be 100k bloodspoints per pretige and a little animated charm.

  • Member Posts: 2,184
  • Member Posts: 3,558

    To me it would truly suck if the further prestige's were based on the BP you pour on to the character.

    I adore Ace, absolutely love him, but once he has all the survivor perks in the game, i switch to killer to put points into them, as I would never want to play killers without a full loadout.

    If I have to now choose between pouring points into Ace for prestige (personal achievement), or Killers/other survivors (value, gameplay improvements), its going to drive me up a wall.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    Exactly thats why I expect a rushed charm when they realize the comunity wants a cosmetic but they have nothing planned, so theyll give away some bp and a charm and say that they added it due to the players wanting a cosmetic, I personally always expect the worst scenario.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Best case is they decide to ACTUALLY give us some form of legacy or maybe blighted cosmetics even.

    I think it would be cool to get default versions of each cosmetics covered in blight serum as a way to show we were prestige BEFORE the system rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,526
    edited May 2022

    Blighted cosmetics are more sunonimous with the halloween event, If i were to make them id make the same spots of previous prestige but instead of cheeto dust make it iridecent, however max well get are some bp and 500 shards if they feel generous.

  • Member Posts: 349

    As long as we don't lose the Bloody Cosmetics I don't care. I just wanna be able to get Bloody Cosmetics on my favourite Characters.

    Don't want another Legacy Situation.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Legacy is basically an gold splash texture over the default outfits of the characters, it would be cool if legacy 2.0 was an black or blue splash texture over the default outfits of the characters. I dont think it would be too much work

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited May 2022

    I think at this point it is best to just max perk out any character you care about and let the auto prestige take care of the rest when the time comes. The loss of all the perks and items is not worth it anymore.

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