Why do so many people love Dead Dawg?

I’m not sure I understand the hype around this map, I personally hate is as killer, it’s okay for survivor. But I see a lot of people calling it the best map in the game. I find it so clunky to play on, especially that jungle gym with all the breakable doors, and speaking of breakable doors, why tf is there SO many. It’s pretty irritating
I hate it at survivor just for the fact That the strongest killers thrive on it.
But they again there are some interesting loops not on any other map (so I kind of love it for that)
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It's a good map as a killer due to its size. It has open areas but also has some close loops.
The only time i've hated this map is when i had to go against x2 Coh's on it that covered 90% of the map and the gens.
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I love the map as killer LOL It's usually a granted 4k IF you just ignore chasing in main building. I hate it if a survivor brings the map in my soloq tho cause it's usually someone who just plays SUPER immersed which usually means all they gonna do is hide in bushes all match long.
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The map is visually interesting and somewhat balanced.
The strong tiles have breakable walls to reduce their strength (sadly saloon is more mandatory than optional)
It's small so easier to patrol but survivors have a few gens that often aren't worth trying to defend.
While the map has some weak areas there's still a pallet or two that can be played around.
It's really one of the better maps in the game which really says a lot about the other maps.
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i like it both as killer and survivor cause:
1 not too much big (killer)
2 gens are quite near each other but they are also with good protections (killer/survivor)
3 relatively balanced. The saloon and the shack are still formidable loops, but everything else is doable and gave enough space for mindgames (killer/survivor)
4 few places that are ultrasafe (killer)
5 i like the aesthetic
6 a lot of bushes and good places to hide (survivor)
7 totems are easily spotted (survivor)
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It's one of the most survivor sided maps in the entire game if you ask me, the main-building (saloon) features some of the strongest loops ever. It's basically an infinite if you don't break the doors right away and even then it takes so damn long to reach someone who simply holds W as they circle the exterior of the building. The saloon gen absolutely needs to be placed on the floor-level of the building, it's literally impossible to defend it as a killer. The generator at the gallows is equally busted and impossible to defend. And don't get me started with the extreme amount of doors located at the western side of the map. I absolutely loathe this map, it's unwinnable for me.
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I personally hate it
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I’m glad someone agrees. I have the exact same issue!!
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As killer: Iit's one of the most killer sided maps (if not the most), and you'll win 8/10 times on it if you play well (aka if you don't waste your time defending the saloon's gen)
As survivor: Bushes everywhere :D, stealth is fun sometimes. Also the loops feel different that on other maps, it's refreshing.
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it's one of my favourite maps cuz it's pretty balanced and i dig its aesthetic. The only thing i don't like is the unnecessary amount of breakable walls
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It has the right map size for low mobility killers and design wise its one of the more unique maps, its not just mainbuilding x slapped in the middle with the shack in one of the corners surrounded by multiple generic gyms.
Downsides are the 2 cocky gens on which the survivors usually spawn on top but in a way they are necessary to keep the map balanced and i like that the gallow and the second floor are highlighted on the map focus wise because they are cool spots fitting to the theme.
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It's a relatively balanced map in my opinion, definitely though leaning towards being killer sided. The map is small so it's easy to defend gens and move around to patrol. Good mix of safe and unsafe gens. I think what is nice is that even though the map is so small, it has elements that can still help survivors. The occasional bush hide can come in clutch and the breakable walls allow some ability for looping if the killer doesn't break them.
I think the breakable walls are fine on the map because it's a trade off. You spend a small amount of your time breaking them and making a loop much weaker, or you brute force it and most likely lose the game because you did that. For certain breakable walls, you just have to get rid of them and it basically makes the loop a quick chase because of that.
I love this map from both killer and survivor side.
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Its basically a win as killer due to its small size so I really like it
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What version of the map are you playing on that has easily noticeable totem spots, because my Dead Dawg has some insane spawns? There's one totem that spawns inside a log behind a bush that, if you don't already know it exists, good luck finding it.
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Don't defend the generator in the Saloon. Just let it go.
The best 3 gen setup happens in the bushes out behind the gallows, and the second best is where they're all lined up in a row on the street.
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always hate it as killer the bushes survivors can hide to well.
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Bushes can't hide you from Killer Instinct.
Which doesn't stop me from occasionally having the odd survivor that just stays crouched in a shrub while I come running at them as Legion, knife over my head.
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talking about killers with out Killer Instinct.
I main Legion so I know not hard find survivors on that map.
can't say the same with other killers.
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Its as easy or hard as your aura reading perks and experience.
I had a really fun game as Trapper on that map where I was putting traps off in large bushes thinking "no one is going to step in these things." but lo and behold, I caught 3 people simultaneously in them.
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well I use bbq and chili on all my killers also Trapper pretty good on that map because it hides his traps.
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It's because it's very balanced. It has about the exact right amount of open areas. It has a perfect balance of weak and strong perks. It's a small map, so all killers work well on it. It has an interesting main building. It has the perfect amount of random structures/loops. The gens are nicely spaced apart and the totems are in good spots.
It's not anything like the bad maps.
Shelter Woods (I think that's the one with the tree in the middle) - Too many dead-zones, the entire map is a dead-zone almost. There's no structures in it at all except for the killer shack. It's horrible and should be the next map to be reworked.
Old-Haddonfield - Too many structures.
New Haddonfield - Isn't great either. Giant dead-zone in the center. Really good loops on the sides.
Wrecker's Yard - Lot of dead zones, no structures. This needs to be reworked.
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I love the cowboy aesthetic
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Dead Dawg should've been the absolute brightest any map in this game got.
Alas, Reworked Corn and Eyrie of Actual Daylight came out later on.
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It's the only map in the game where breakable walls make any sense.
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It's fun as a survivor for me too, the aesthetic is so nice and there are some fun loops
However, going against Ghostie who can hide in bushes as your average Claudette and stalk you from there or Trapper is scary ngl
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It's easy to 4gen survivors.
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Because it's the only map that is not affected that much by rng.
It's pretty much always the same and there's not the risk of spawning with either 10 jungle gyms with 200 fillers or just 4 TL walls and 1 unsafe filler.
(yes it sometimes spawns with slightly better/worse rng but u wanna compare it to macmillan rng variance?)
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The aesthetics are very good and unique compared to other maps.
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the ultimate blendette map
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It has the best bushes in the game.
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Same I think its the ugliest map in the game and most unaesthetically fitting. Plus gameplay for both sides is terrible. Only like killers like Nurse and meta killers perform well. Besides meta killers most of them suffer. Not too much room for counterplay on most other killers besides breaking walls and to stop chase every time to break a wall is soooooo annoying.
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I like the sky in the game alot. I like that the map is split up between little looping areas, but lots of doors so the killer isn't stuck in them. Only one big house in the middle, but again has a lot of doors to help killer. But it also has a lot of open areas you have to run across. I think it just a fun layout honestly.
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I'm surprised to see people say it's survivor sided. It's by far the most killer sided map in the game. It's small, easy to pressure gens, easy to force a 3 gen, most of the loops are easy to counter if you break walls. The only survivor sided things I can think of is that boons will cover a huge portion of the map and it's easy for blendettes to hide. But once you're at high mmr, blendettes aren't as common.
There's a reason why in Otz' adept guide he recommended going to dead dawg for easy adepts most of the time lol. It's an amazing map for killers
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Yee haw
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Dead dawg is the most balanced map they ever created and that’s why I love it personally
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Killerwise: Anti-loop and mobility killers shine on this map however it feels bad to play a stealth killer here.
Survivorwise: If you don't target the gens on the gallows and saloon first, it's VERY easy to get 3-4 genned by the killer. Newbies always go for the gens on the outskirts whichs ends up killing everyone (I play SoloQ).
My opinion: I love the map. I just wish there was more RNG with the tiles. It feels like it's missing something????
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breaking 1 million of the same exact walls for the map to be playable as killer is soooooo boring.
as survivors i feel bad for any m1 killer because yeah connecting loops on this maps is so busted
-really good map for survivors.(unless you get bad teammates that lets the killer managed to get a 3 gen on the big deadzone of the map)
-miserable for killers except nurse or blight.
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It's a good stealth level
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* Great aesthetic (unique)
* Balanced map
* Excellent size
Probably is my favourite map rn, although I'm doing well as killer on it but getting rinsed as solo survivor.
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But my Claudette thrives in the bushes....she is the great Shrubbery Ninja. I'll stalk you and scare you as I jump from the bushes and yoink survivors off hooks or heal right in front of you but we'll hidden.
All jokes aside....it is a balanced map just need to check the bushes near Gens you find or if a survivor just vanishes swipe at a few bushes and you'll find those survivors.
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If you personally don't like doors, get that kicking in doors/gens ability. It's like me, I hate looping, I got Bamboozle.
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I had a match with my girl Claudette and a Ghostie. Me and him were playing hide and seek all game playing like a old cartoon sneaking through the bushes and rising up in different areas. It was a fun and laid back game where we just farmed each other before Ghostie let us all go.
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you couldn't have a take more wrong than this lol Dead Dawg is the most killer sided map in the game
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I love it cause it makes me feel like a cowboy baby
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I don't.
Its either 3 gen the part of the map away from the main building, or the survivors abuse the main building. If you're not an anti-loop killer that map is pretty annoying because the strongest loop is easy to access anywhere but from the corner of the map.
As survivor its hope your team doesn't 3 gen themselves and keep playing the same loop.
Honestly the main building is the main problem.
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Probably because it is the most balanced map in the game. For killers and survivors.
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Really?? I've had great matches as a survivor AND as a killer. I think it is the most balanced map in the game.
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main building sucks but the rest is cool
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With a lot of maps being dark its a nice change color pallet wise.
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It's a map I see less often and isn't midwich or RPD, therefore I like it.