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6 Hours Killer Player

I don't know why he was in our lobby. All survivors are +500 hours

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Well then we need 200 hours limit for new players. People who is under 200 hours should have different mmr. I felt bad for this guy.

  • Member Posts: 168

    And what should happen, if there are no better matches available? Aren't he allowed to play the game or should he wait forever? You all assume that there are always all kinds of players ready for pairing.

  • Member Posts: 390

    It is called "Based matchmaking" for a reason

  • Member Posts: 168

    Ok, but what would you do as a game designer, if there are no matching players available? He should wait maybe 30 min. or longer for a match? If you handle it like that he/she will leave the game and at the end you have lost 1 player.

    I'm pretty sure there are more new killer players with the same problem. That means we can multiple the amount of players who would leave in my example. In sum this will increase the queue times for survivors, because we would have less killer players.

    I know it's frustrating and it's absoloutly unfair for the new player. But what I mean is, that the solution is maybe not so trivial.

    If I would face a newbie killer like that I would loop a little bit with him, give him some hooks or sacrifice myself at the end. It's just bloodpoints, but a nice gesture 🙂 .

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I give him first hook but others were not nice. I would give him kill too but i really don't wanna go low mmr again. I am finally have good teammates.

    And i am using my bp offerings, i have not any on Jill.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    MMR is for survivors. The "killer mmr" is thrown away 99 times out of a hundred.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    What time of the day was it when you played this match? At weird hours when a role is nonexistant the MMR dissappears and just puts people together for the sake of starting matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited May 2022

    This game has been out a long time and it can only match you with "the best" choice from the pool of players currently playing. A 6-year-old game will not have many newbies so killers will have to jump in on the deep side in many matches.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Not enough killer players to go around, so the matchmaking for the survs ends up very lax and you end up with this.

    The messed up part is that if you had killed a couple cuz they messed up, your MMR would have shot up drastically cuz of the difference in your rating. So it would have been easier to get matches like this in the future.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Because the game doesn't have enough killer players, it's as simple as that. So throw the baby killer to the thousand hour survivors to reduce queue times.

  • Member Posts: 440

    It's the other way round, the survivors must have been waiting for a long time, and since there aren't many killer players available, the game threw the baby killer their way.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    My survivor queue was instantly. I have longer killer queues, so i doubt there is not enough killer. This was just weird match.

  • Member Posts: 168

    It's not important that there are more survivors or killers in sum at a certain time. What matters is, if there are enough in your skill level. Let's break it down:

    8 Survivors are online. All of them got a mmr of 2000 points.

    There are 3 killers online.

    2 got 2000mmr, the other 500 mmr. The 3rd one is waiting for 7min.

    Now you have to pair them. You can not ignore the low skilled player who wait for 7min. At some point you have to match him against someone.

    You can increase/decrease the amount of suvivora in this example how you like (except their mmr). The problem will stay.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    When I first played killer I got bully squads after like 2 hours playing. They only purpose was to just do flashlight saves I think I managed to kill them eventually I don't remember exact details. I also got head on squad soon after that and was stunned with it over and over again I got two of them eventually but other ones who stunned me the most escaped. This game can be pretty miserable for baby killers. Luckily I also got practise with my friends in custom games.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    That Dwight red suit 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited May 2022

    Hey, that Trapper is me. Don't feel sorry for me. I'm used to it.

  • Member Posts: 31

    when i was around 160hrs Id get survivors well over 2k hours im at 217hrs now and still sometimes get what i assume new survivors based on how they play. Sometimes wonder if MMR is real XD (im a killer main)

  • Member Posts: 638

    And another player that never queues as killer again

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Because SBMM doesn't know where to put new players.

    It's the same reason it's possible for brand new overwatch player's to go against diamond player's in thier very first placements, it takes time to calibrate.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I love to use funny stuffs on Dwight, he is most chill survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited May 2022

    There is literally no benefit to the matchmaking system this game has. It just seems to increase queue times and not do much else. I've been SWFing with my very casual friends and we just get sweaty killer after sweaty killer. Last straw was a sweaty nurse with both range addons, starstruck, and three gen slowdown perks. How are causal survivors getting matched with that in a functional MMR system? How are we supposed to win that game? We just decided to call it because we couldn't win at all when we were consistently going up against killers like that. That combined with the 5-10 min queue made it unbearable.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Why is there this basic assumption that there is a constant infinite pool of players of all skill levels that could always be matched together perfectly, it's just the MMR system and Behaviour that is bad?

    Depending on region and time of day the types of players available is going to vary and sometimes things just aren't going to line up perfectly.

    I think they've improved it quite a bit. I have more hits with matches than I have misses.

    Also, its really obvious when you're up against a totally new player that's struggling, why couldn't you help him out and give him a few hooks or kills? Every BP helps starting out.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The mmr prioritizes faster queues over fair matches. That's the reason.

    Now ask yourself how long would most people be willing to wait. In order to get a fair match, when there is a disparity between the different roles.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    You know something, I think if we skipped lobby altogether we could have fairer matches. Why not just find players, have an "accept match" button and then bring people straight to loading screen? Maybe with a 20 second period to fix your builds. That would solve the "backfill" problem. It would also be kind of lonely to not see your teammates before a match and all, but would be great for matchmaking. It would also reduce time spent in queue and waiting for a match, and reduce killers juking lobbies cause there wouldn't be a lobby to juke.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Isnt that normal? Its always one way or another, having people play it out with similar experience is very rare

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    This situation feels worse when you are a survivor going against a beginner killer than the other way around.

    When you are going against inexperienced survivors, you usually notice it easily and can control the flow of the match to make something of it (purposefully ignoring fatal mistakes, feigning to not see someone, going to look on the other side of of the map to watch grass grow, ...) and, ideally, you can finally decide the three survivors to kill.

    When you are going against an inexperienced killer, it's not so easy to notice and even if, there isn't much you can do. At best you can finish the gens and leave, at worst, anything you do short of letting him hook you will look like bullying. And you cannot let him hook you (and potentially kill you) or your MMR will drop.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    pretty sure he/she will leave the game anyways after that match so it don't matter the wait time.

  • Member Posts: 561

    It's always like that for both sides, as survivor I was matched against a 5k ghost face and a 3k hour nurse when I barely had 100 hours of gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    IN threads like this I always bring up PUBG.

    Why? BEcause when I logged in first time, got sniped in the head lasted about 45 seconds in game...

    And it went on like that for the next 30+ hours,... DBD is like PUBG you either play through the PVP intro growth period or you go back to HOllow Knight.

    Personally, I havent played Hollow KNight since I touched DBD in 2017

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Exactly, even inexperienced killers can seem the same as brutal top mmr killers to a survivor because of how killer sided the game is. I am NOT trying to bully new players, but I cannot tell if they are new or not.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    That's not what I meant. Survivors have way less interactions with the killer that the killer with survivors, by the time they see the killer play it may be half of the game already.

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