Why we dbd player complain and continue playing?

I don't understand people who complain every match still playing this game, or people who insult other people in endgame chat, why people find so funny telling a person to kill him self?
What makes you think they find funny telling them to kill themselves in the first place?
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Maybe start writing hahahha #########, hope you die of cancer whit your family, lol die
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They might be emotionally unstable. I have no idea why my words are like this.
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I have to ask you why u have a cage on the pic?
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Because sometimes I tend to be mischievous, mean, rude.
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Or maybe because they invested a lot of time in this game, they are attached to it and it's hard for them to quit. Maybe addiction.
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I for the life of me cannot think of any other reason why someone would say that to a random person on the internet. Not one that isn't almost cartoony malicious, anyway.
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I mean league still exists. There's your reason.
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I just complain and play sporadically. And I mean every few months if even that.
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regarding the people who complain and still play it's probably that they think that things could change (naive people... once i was like them)... regarding the 2nd it's cause they actually enjoy to be toxic without concequences (for whoever will say that they take reports of those things seriously i just laugh in their face since with all the reports that i did noone of them was answered and the guy who wrote the bad stuff still playing)
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I stopped playing a while ago, since MMR mostly, but im watching for news, fixes, balances and stuff.
Literally after the 6 anniversary event i give the game a shot, a few games without kills and bully survivors and bam, game forgotten again.
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Complaining is part of the experience. DBD is designed to frustrate and feel unfair at times so people want to say something about what they experienced while still playing.
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The game is fun, it's just the CONSTANT BM that gets to a lot of people and I don't blame them. Survivors need to chill and quit being so toxic every single game in high mmr.
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Addiction, people refuse to accept that DBD is addicting even with all the bad things going on, BP Grind, Game breaking bugs, DDOS, Balance Issues.
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The game is still fun most of the time.
There are no competitors worth a damn. (Well, there is one, for the survivor side, but it's very boring as "killer" so it's not good enough.)
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I really like the game concept. A killer who hunts some survivors. That's really cool. When I first read about the concept, I had so many ideas. Sadly many games (not all) feel total different for me. Although as a killer I'm in the power role it feels more like I try to survive the round. Instead of be afraid, many survivors laugh about the killer.
The rare rounds that are fun, the fundamental concept, and the hope for future adjustments keep me playing.
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Beside experience, one way to counter that issue is to play without thinking about winning. Instead play basically to "troll" and don't do what's expected of you. In my experience, it works particularly well on "bullies" as they are often destabilized by this.
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I only play for fun. Fun is my winning condition 🙂. I try crazy builds and what ever else comes into my mind, but always without bullying. But there are so many tryharding people outside who would sell there souls for an escape or 4k and make really terrible games.
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I have recieved awful comments during my time on DBD ,on both sides...
In fact I had this person message me,to killmyself because I escaped against his huntress.I only wanted to say gg and nice hatchets and he started trashtalking.
Later on things got a bit worse,so I kindly told him,that he should be careful who he says these things.Many people might take it seriously.
Personally I suffer from a serious mental health disease,during time I have learn to control some things that might trigger me but I can not imagine ,someone else in my shoes.
People just go to play their favorite game ,and out of nowhere they receive bad comments.
Even if you facecamp,noone should thinks that facecamp has the same value as killing yourself because they find your strategy boring.
DBD can be extremely stressing at time and to enjoy it,you really need not to look at the bad comments.
Even in your gameplay if everything goes wrong,jump to next game and try to see ur previous mistakes so you can get better in this match.
It is just a game.Sadly gaming communities has this type of toxicity.
Noone will do nothing about it.
Whenever I receive a bad comment now,I say gg wp and move on.
Do not allow toxic people further into your thoughts,enjoy the gameplay and think how you can improve on playing your favorite killer or how to be a better teammate :)
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Normally complaining enough gets things to be changed, but when the developers know best and, based purely on the past years, thinking any significant change is going to happen is just plain ignorance. People are passionate about what they like, and you can hate a lot about something but enjoy a lot about it. But I'll say again that the developers were never ones to care about players that have been playing for years, are passionate, or good at the game.
Statistically you'd cater towards your majority and the people that make you money, the people who don't really complain that often because they're casual players. While you sit there and complain you keep playing, keep paying, and they still win in the end. I'd call that a win