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Something wrong with the matchmaking?

drsoontm Member Posts: 4,582

I mean, particularly wrong?

I've just been matched against single digit survivors. The matching was instant

They weren't playing badly (way better than what their number of hours would suggest) but they were still very inexperienced.

Granted I'm not a very good Trapper but I still have around 2.5k hours. That doesn't feel right.


  • WesClayton
    WesClayton Member Posts: 31

    I just went up against what must have been really new survivors as well. Was practically a free 4k They almost got 1 gen done. In my case the que did take awhile. In your case maybe there que was taking long time. Maybe there are not enough baby killers on right now?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Usually get this kind of thing if I play at a weird time of day or the previous killer dodged

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,582

    Maybe : I'm at my third team in a row now. One had two decent players though, but they didn't stand a chance with the two others.

    It's not that late yet. (Usually teams around 01:00 are often pretty weak.)

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Around this time of day in NA (3pm-ish), there's lots of killer players and not many survivor players. So you'll get matched with a lot of people outside your skill bracket.

    Opposite with 8pm-12am. Lots of survivors, but very few killers.

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95
    edited May 2022

    As a killer sometimes a play against these ULTRA experienced SWFs and then I will receive 4 players who just have maximum 100 hours.

    As a survivor when I play in SOLOq I will get maximum people with 1k hours.

    1k hours if I am lucky,usually it goes like a ... person will have 400 hours and the rest from 12 to 60 hours.

    The killers I play against most of the time are experienced,but I do not have a team to support that.(i die on hook,not doing gens etc.)

    Or the killer will be new,and it feels extremely wrong.

    I have 5k hours. There are days where matchmaking goes completely bad tbh.I roughly have 1 intresting match.

    It feels unfair and sad on both sides.And as a new killer/survivor ,you will never get better at the game if you face players with so much experience while you just learning how to press the skillchecks or how to hit your hatchets.

    As an old DBD player,it becomes quite unfun .

    (p.s. I do not think that all people with not many hours are bad,I know people with 300 hrs who play almost like pros.The players mentioned above are inexperienced,causing the result of the match to be obvious and expected,unfun for both sides)

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,582

    It's the same here in Europe.

    Yes, the experience distribution seems to be mostly located below 1.3k hours. It's pretty rare to see more than 3k hours teams nowadays.

    I've seen players with less than 500 hours give me more trouble as Nurse than many 3k hours or even a certain ~7k hours streamer (granted, he was a killer main).

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,738

    Time of day and region certainly plays a big part of this, but often it's is a result of dodging, either killer or survivor.

    The current matchmaking gets one single fairish shot at a balanced match, and when a surv or the killer leaves it can grab a newby with less than 100hrs to backfill the hole.

    We are actually making the problem worse with all the dodging.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    I can fail to escape 10 games in a row as a survivor and that only puts me up against sweatier and sweatier killers beyond that point. Just revert SBMM and go back to ranks/emblems.