Killers Tierlisted By How Sweaty They Generally Play

From what I've seen over the past while - the only tricky ones were Spirit and Cenobite, who can range all the way up to 'A'.
as a blight main i can confidently say most of us are at least B
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There's something about the laugh that brings out people's inner villain I think. He can also make it literally impossible to unhook with his power.
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I love how you implie that killers are more sweaty than survivors by putting "as sweaty" on c
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How on earth did you get that at all? Seriously, relax mate. It's a Saturday.
I'm saying that if the survivors seem to want to meme around, or are newer, or obviously doing archives the killer will likely play along, but if the survivors are going hard they will go hard too.
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As a Plague and Trapper and Billy main, I do agree, but from my experience as a survivor Billy should be in B.
Otherwise it's surprisingly accurate
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I think they meant, they will play as sweaty as the survivors.
so if the survivors aren't sweaty they wont play sweaty
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All I can say is that camping at 5 gens is the least sweaty style by a long shot. We be chilling, fam. Not even playing, realistically. You can text while you do it. Rofl.
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Eh, you get the occasional exception that proves the rule (much, much scarier is the dread 'slugs at 5 gens with Knockout' Ghostface) but generally, Ghosty and Billy play really chill and generally go in for funny stuff more than sweaty stuff.
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Spirit might be higher because so many of them rely too much on MDR+DCB.
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ghosties always tunnel
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There's somethng about his laugh that makes me want to turn my sound off.
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Seeing Artist as Chill is cap,they are the ones who run DMS & Pain Ressonace like 99% of the time
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I can promise you the Big Chill Blights exist.
Also, I have literally NEVER seen a nice Doc. Not on Youtube or Twitch, not while playing, and not by hearing about someone's game on Forums or in other places.
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No, it's something I'd see from time to time on killers - just being nasty, never hooking anyone, just slugging and letting them bleed out. Then Otz started running Knockout on Hag and suddenly I'm seeing it way too much. It's not too bad on M1 killers, but it's outright evil on killers that can instadown.
I've seen chill Blights.
I'm an extremely nice Doctor. Once I have the game under control, he's a BP farming machine and I won't go hard unless the other side goes hard.
He's also not a very strong killer, and can be incredibly frustrating to play when people just predrop everything.
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I'm Plague, Trapper, Legion and GF main so I guess I'm pretty chill lol
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Its kind of a guilty pleasure to keep hitting a person on hook with 8 stacks of stbfl as demo or clown to hear the scream/laugh.
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Ghostface should be S tier on this list they usually always hard tunnel and camp.
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Pinhead deserves his own tier at the top in my experience
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Hag can only be a 5 or 1, with Endgame builds its always a 1 at the start of the game, then suddenly ramps up to a 100 just when noed starts working, not to mention you need to time the insta down with the gate opening.
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Nemesis probably belongs in the A tier ngl
He's one of my fav killers to play and face but I notice in a lot of my games they tunnel a lot. Sometimes to their own detriment (As in they continue chasing a survivor who they can't simply catch)
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Who asked?
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Billy and demo are one of the sweatiest bm bastards out there
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I've never played against a chill artist.
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What kinds of games you had with them to think so badly of them :o
Never in my thousands of hours have I met a sweaty/bm Billy/Demo. They're the most lovely players in this community. Even when they tryhard, they're ALWAYS up to goofing around, either as showing you some cool tricks as Billy, or letting you pet them/playing catch as Demopupper.
I won't accept Billy/Demo slander in this house :V
(I hope you'll meet those gems in your games tho, they're the only hope to fix our sad, toxic community <3 )
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LMAO Spirit down there? bahahaha
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Live look at me bringing Demo up to S-tier by myself
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Idk, I don't think doc is a good camper, aside from his shock power of unhooking but like... just not get hit by it and unhook, just like @TheShapesMixtape said, you have alot of targets, not really a need for camp
If you can't tell why I'm defending doc, yes, I'm a doc main, lol
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Seriously? Then you've never been in a match with me, 9/10 times I'll 2 hook everyone and you can go, no camping, no tunneling... also side note just out of curiosity, how many docs have you seen?
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Don't you dare