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General Discussions

My average killer experience now. Thanks to dead hard.

Member Posts: 440
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

So i'm a killer main who switched to survivor main, but recently i've been trying to get back to playing killer. But whenever i try getting back to killer, i get atleast 3 dead hards every game, my downs and outplays at loops are denied by the single press of a button and i get frustrated and quit playing killer again. Then i tell myself that i'm never playing killer again until they nerf this broken perk that single handedly destroys the entire killer roster. Hell i'm ready to give up a perk slot, i'll play with just 3 perks, but just get rid of this "press E to outplay" perk. They need to kill switch this perk right now, not wait for a year to nerf it. It's ridiculous and unfair.

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  • Member Posts: 1,183

    Well... deadhard always has been a bit of bullshit... nowdays the only difference is that mmr matches you consistently with top 5% survivors.

  • Member Posts: 392

    Dead Hard & NOED being nerfed is my dream for the game at this point.

  • Member Posts: 155

    I dont have problems playing killers against survivors with Dead Hard. Killers have strong perks and adons.

    Remove Noed ? i dont play Noed and why they would do it ? Its not good perk itself.

    Remove Dead Hard ? No way pls. Strong survivors with sprint burst ll waste ur time much more.

    Do u guys play Survivors ? First remove nurse and blight then after Dead Hard. What is bad to have dead hard when we r mostly playing against nurses and blight, as well ass bubba players

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    It's not that bad play some stronger killer than pig that's why you struggle. I tried sadako and suddenly 4K became actually hard. I switch lot between killers I play but my main is oni and almost always 3-4K. So my experiences usually as killer are better than my experiences as survivor in soloQ. My experience as killer is also better than in my sfw but that is closer as I survive more then.

    As survivors it's bad experience to die which happens to me probably at least 2/3 or 3/4 of games so it's just sucks and I try to play for rifts so I don't get too frustated thought. Killer can actually be more frustating at times even when you do well but I don't care as long I get that 3-4K. But sometimes I get only 1-2K which sucks and that probably is for me 1 out of 5 games. Probably 1 out of 50 games all survivors escape if I actually tried.

    Auto dead hard is what sucks for me most have to say but to pull that off survivor actually needs skill I think dh invulnerability needs to removed then it's less op but survivors really need still the perk otherwise nurse and blight would 4K every game so if those killers get removed maybe dh can be nerfed more than that.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Lmao cuz Blight and Nurse require skill? Unlike very fair, balanced and beloved by everyone perk-Dead Hard

    Btw it is way better to chase 4 ppl with SB than with DH believe me

  • Member Posts: 698

    Both blight and nurse are very easy once you learn them.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    They're not going to killswitch Dead Hard because it's not literally game breaking and the killswitch is intended to shut things off in emergency cases where something is fundamentally making the game not work (e.g. a map with a section where it's impossible to hook people or where it's easy for someone to force an indefinite stalemate by bodyblocking, or an add-on or perk that is crashing people out of the game, etc). Dead Hard is definitely overpowered and is going to be nerfed in the upcoming perk rework, but you can still play the game and win as a killer even when all the survivors all have it. In terms of practical effects it works out to something like a +5-7% boost to escape rates per survivor who has it in the group, which is more than other perks but not so high that it has to be immediately shunted out of the game instead of going through the standard patch process they're doing with the rework.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    And yet I bet that OP never thought "Ok, I did not play that well this game". Like so many players in DBD do.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Other exhaustion perks also add time to chase so should all exhaustion perk just be removed then.

  • Member Posts: 810
    edited May 2022

    I didn't have a problem with Dead Hard until recently... It's just in every game without fail, and usually all of the survivors have it. It's just obnoxious when you outplay a survivor only to have your skill nullified by a perk which then extends the chase so long that there's nothing a lot of the lower tier killers can possibly do to keep up with it.

    With old matchmaking there was a better mix of perks, though Dead Hard was still very good, and a better mix of skill in terms of how well a player used their perks.

    Now that MMR is a thing it's just 3-4 Dead Hards every game, and hit validation has only made it worse.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    The good Survivors dont get outplayed, they use DH because it allows them to get greedy.

    And "DH without fail"... Well, welcome back to pre-Dedicated Servers. Where DH worked without fail all the time or at the very least you were not exhausted on the ground. And nobody complained back then, despite Killer being way harder during those times.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    ^ This. This is frustrating as hell. I still refuse to run DH, though. I just don't like it.

  • Member Posts: 911

    If Dead Hard could only be used once per match, you would probably still see 2 or 3 a game.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2022

    An interesting thought really, if you could only use it once. I feel like it'd kill the perk and people wouldn't wanna use it. The majority at least. What makes you think people would still use it? You get more value on other exhaustion perks at that point!

  • Member Posts: 561

    To be fair I wouldn't take the same perks again and again if we had more diversity when it comes to killers, I feel like I must always run dead hard especially after yesterday, I got 3 nurses in a row followed by 2 blights, it's always the same tryhard killers who just don't choose any other killers other than the meta killers we all know already...

  • Member Posts: 911

    Dead Hard is straight up just that good. You can only use DS, Unbreakable, and Adrenaline once per match, and they're all pretty similar to Dead Hard in that they are a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, but Dead Hard can be used as many times as you want.

    Dead Hard gives you a short burst of distance so you can reach a pallet or window and extend or reset a chase. Pretty much a free health state, like the other perks I mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 561

    I would be glad to take my tryhard meta perk loadout off and try new perks if I knew who the killer was, No reason for me to tryhard against someone like demo or sadako for example, The problem comes when you take them off and then you are faced against 3-4 nurses in a row, then blights, It would take some tweaks to some perks to avoid active countering of the killer but that's just like 5 to 10 perks that need tweaks at most, I would give it a try but the problem with the devs is that they would rather keep us completely blind about everything rather than allowing us to experiment with the game. They could also experiment with a ''ban'' system allowing the killer to ban some perks and survivors to ban some perks as well IDK they can try a lot of things but they just don't want to...

  • Member Posts: 78

    Killers still use NOED? That's a surprise. The problem with DH is that it doesn't wait to the end of the game to activate. The only requirements are to be injured and not exhausted. On top of that, you can't break totems to prevent DH. Not many killer perks apply exhaustion either and if they do, they aren't good or practical. IMO Blood Echo is decent but very situational, meaning you have to get a hook first before exhaustion is applied. NOED can be countered, DH cannot. That being said, if devs get rid of DH on the condition that NOED be deleted also, I would not complain.

  • Member Posts: 164
    edited May 2022

    well it looks a bit like an ouroboros in your mouth.

    killer main pick strong killers like nurse or blight to beat dead hard which lead survivors taking dh because of nurse and blight, etc...

    dead hard might be balanced against blight and nurse (and even here, you can do without it but it's less confy) but against most of the other killers it's strong or overpowered, in the end if dead hard is nerfed, the least that can be done is nerf blight and nurse

    Deadhard allow you to gain distance on command at any given moment as long as you're injured, wich is already very good, the invulnerability is too much

  • Member Posts: 440

    I actually kinda like survivors that don't run DH lol, cuz they actually know how to loop without a "get out of jail free card". And i don't tunnel them either.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Did you ever thought about that you might not have lost a game due to one or multiple DHs but because of your own mistakes? Because you are complaining a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    DH = Monopoly's Get away from Jail card.

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited May 2022

    It does not matter what I understand or dont understand. But it is just a fact that DBD-players on both sides are unable to accept that they do mistakes and blame the other side or straight up the game for them losing.

    DH is just the actual example, once it is nerfed, Killers will go to another Perk and think they lost a game because of it. Or will just complain about SWF.

    And well, OP knows that DH will be changed, the Devs confirmed it. So why mass-opening Threads about DH? It will not speed up anything. (My guess is that the next Midchapter-Patch will have the Perk-Overhaul)

    Personally, I dont have any issue with DH. I am not using it, but I dont mind if someone else uses it. For me, Sprint Burst is more annoying, since I dislike seeing a Survivor at a Gen and sprinting away with 0 danger. But I am using strong Perks on both sides, so I also dont complain about the other side using strong Perks (except for NOED or stacking Slowdown-Perks, but not because those are strong, but because of their design).

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I dont see anything which would be better if someone provides tips. This is only possible if you see actual gameplay of someone. This is just a Thread full of complaints, because it is very easy to just complain about something.

    But, you know, when I play Huntress, I also only lose because of DH. I dont lose because I am very bad at Huntress and cannot hit anything with her Hatchets. And if I would open a Thread complaining about DH, I would get Upvotes. If I would attach my gameplay, I would be in the situation to accept that others will say that I played really bad.

    So you can guess what players do if they want to complain.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Well you still had to put in time to get good with these killers.

  • Member Posts: 646

    I actually got super upset yesterday after pulling off a beautiful move that was denied by Dead Hard...

    I was playing Doctor, chasing a guy at shack and I predicted he would drop the pallet, so I stayed by the window and timed my shock perfectly so that he would still be able to drop the pallet but not vault back outside. At the same time, I vaulted the window, and it all played out perfectly so he was stuck inside the shack with me.

    But he pressed E and vaulted out of the shack after my missed attack.

  • Member Posts: 113

    I find it quite amusing when people say that Killers lose because they make mistakes, not because of DH.

    Of course Killers make mistakes. BUT does a killer get a reward for making mistakes? No, they get punished for every mistake they make.

    Survivors get rewarded for making mistakes when they have DH. Gylfie described it very well. There are countless situations where you have the perfect chase as a killer with the survivor make a critical mistake. But then they just press E and suddenly the chase continues. A few seconds later you hear a gen pop while you down the survivor that got away with DH. And you carry said survivor to a nice scourge hook which was just around the corner where the survivor used DH. As i said both sides make mistakes. But only one side gets a reward for making a mistake.

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