what happens to killers after a trial? also are they memory wiped?

cordonrouge Member Posts: 155

so we know that survivors fall asleep at the campfire and wake up in another trial. what about the killer?

do they just stay in a trial until more survivors come? (making a map specific to that killer) does the outcome change based on 4k or 4e?

also, do they realize they're killing the same survivors over and over? or do they forget their identity between trials? to what degree do they know what's going on and what happens to the survivors?


  • cordonrouge
    cordonrouge Member Posts: 155

    alright but the entity blocks the exit. assuming she unblocks it after a trial ends, where would killers go? I don't think they could walk up to a different trial. in fact, I don't think they're connected at all.

    like, a trial ground + exit paths + the campfire, is one "map" and there's nothing else in that world, just infinite random forest. but if they could walk up to another trial ground, they would find themselves locked out of the exit gate. now the entity could just leave those open and powered until a killer enters, but regardless, this sort of scenarios implies two things:

    • a killer could theoretically stumble upon the campfire. (jesus)
    • survivors could walk up to other trials and help other survivors, if exit gates are already opened (imagine a 20v1 match). who knows, this may be even connected to the way the survivors ultimately escape from the entity, since canonically all the playable ones do. unless the entrance gets blocked the same way the killer's exit is...

    now, the entity could prevent both of these things happening simply by reshaping the terrain and making them walk in an infinite loop, redirecting them without them even noticing (imagine walking in a straight line but finding yourself in the same spot you started.) Or just straight up blocking survivors/killers if they stray too far away from their intended bounds.

    basically i don't think the layout of the world has to make logical sense. but then again, it could. since the observer is there somewhere and undetected by the entity, this implies that the entity has no full control over its universe.

    also, if the killers are just teleported to another trial, that implies mommy entity having full control over them, including pinhead and ph which I don't think it's possible considering they're powerful entities on their own. (do we know if the entity is canonically more powerful than them?)

    additional observations:

    • the killer walking in the endgame screen may just be a stylistic choice, or having the same code as the survivor endgame screen.
    • the survivors are never shown to be more than 4 at the campfire, suggesting it's not a shared place but each trial has its own campfire.

    another question: what would happen if survivors took turns sleeping? how would they wake up in another trial? they can't just pop out of existance as another survivor is looking at them sleep, right?

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    They keep their memories, their hatred and anger to fuel them into the next trial.

    The running is just an artistic choice after the game after the survivors as we know when survivors escape they appear at the camp fire again.

    The killers probably fester in their anger in their own realm.

  • LunarWendigo
    LunarWendigo Member Posts: 77

    Lol this title reminds me of the TV show Dollhouse. Which ... admittedly would be a cool concept.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Killers are either an army of replicants - or the only continuous sources of unnatural life powered by the Entity.

    What happens after the match? They bide their time during the day and wait for night to fall so that they can sacrifice the survivors to their god.

    From the tomes, it sounds like after escaping - there is a strange nightmare land of dream logic that keeps survivors and killers alike wandering aimlessly. It seems hard to survive with an inhospitable landscape. Survivors always find themselves around a campfire at dusk and go to sleep - waking up within a trial in the early AMs alongside the killer.

    The cycle repeats. Hence the name Dead By Daylight. The Trials occur every night.

    Although some maps insinuate that they can be carried out in the early morning hours as well.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,320

    Small correction, there’s no ‘daytime’ in the Entity’s realm.

    I forget which one specifically, but one of Ghostface’s perks/add-on flavour texts suggests the night is indefinite.

    Beyond that, Coldwind is supposedly in daylight (even though the ‘sun’ is just a really bright moon if you look closely.)

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Yeah - I never know what to believe anymore, they kinda messed themselves up with the coldwind reworks.

    But the Lore is good, I'm sure they will write an eloquent clarification someday!

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Between trials, the killers congregate in a dimly lit, poorly stocked office-style breakroom before they're individually called over a crackling intercom that they're expected for their next trial.

    This is based on nothing but I won't be convinced otherwise.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    Killers after trials suffer PTSD & trauma due to clicky clicks & the tbags.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 681

    I think you can imagine it however you like. I personally think the Entity would grant favours and luxuries to certain killers and 'encouragement' to others less willing. On the other end of the spectrum though with Myers it's probably more like 'Bro that's my lunch! How many times are we going to go over this! Goddamn!'

  • BigFatAl
    BigFatAl Member Posts: 43

    I imagine there must be an outdoor patio in which killers who need fresh air can eat. I imagine the break room must smell horrible when Clown and/or Plague enter.

  • Literallyweezing
    Literallyweezing Member Posts: 88

    Some Killers make deals to an extent with the entity so it's possible they retain their memory, but the more unwilling ones have their mind altered to be manipulated between trials. It's hinted that deathslinger for instance may see the survivors as those who wronged him and not actually as the survivors themselves.