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If you could disable 3 Killers from your matchmaking, who would you block?



  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited May 2022

    Nurse, Bubba, Huntress.

    A while ago it would have been:

    Bubba, Wraith and Spirit... funny how things change.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Bubba and Twins because never fun and always low BP.

    Legion because matches are boring and their power causes performance issues.

  • Member Posts: 3,302




    Signed sealed delivered 👌

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    Actually I'm going to change my options to :

    Plague, Bubba and Huntress.

    I can cope with Nurse as she isn't that popular. Neither is Plague but I can't cope with the vomiting noises.

  • Member Posts: 880

    Hag, hag, and hag. And I say that as a former hag main.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I should bring my Hag out from retirement

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Legion because spending three quarters of the match mending is utter tedium.

    Bubba as the majority of them just camp.

    Blight because most of the ones I face run the same build and play like their lives depend on winning.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Nurse, Legion and Twins.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    Legion, Nurse, Pinhead

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    Artist, Bubba, and Hag.

    The first two mostly because of the sound they make >.<

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Similar reason for my choices (Hag, Wraith, Ghostface) but the odd thing that happens for me is that I get very few campy Bubbas. Most of the ones I face patrol gens and leave hooks. Roughly 80% of the Wraiths and 70% of the Ghostfaces I face, on the other hand, stick to their first hook and down like they would need industrial grade solvent to get away from the unlucky survivor.

    Twins occasionally but it seems like more of a power mechanic thing for them. If Victor is used to check for surrounding flashlight saviors or did the down, then there is no real option to move both killers away from the hook. I find it less annoying since the player doesn't really have much of a choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,009
    1. Nurse, mostly because most of the Nurse players I meet play Nurse, play like their family is going to die if they don't get a 4k. Also after her being deactivated for those 2 months, I've come to realize how much more I enjoyed DbD, when she was gone.
    2. Bubba, because most of them just camp and the way to counter his power is just to predrop pallets, where I usually like being greedy
    3. Trickster, because his power is probably the most boring in the whole game imo. Either you find a jungle gym/high wall loop where he can barely get a hit on you or you use a low wall loop/window and he'll hit you no matter what. Can't dodge 44 knives.
  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Plague, Hag, and Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Pyramid head, Twins and spirit

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Bubba. No one else, really. Just Bubba. He's a great opponent when he actually chases people and moves around the map instead of crowding around the hook like a moth at a lantern. The problem is that that's maybe 25% of the Bubbas I encounter... on a good day. When I see a Bubba, I reflexively prepare for a bad game in a way that even Nurse, Hag, or Blight don't do to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,960




  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Hag, Twins, and Trickster

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Cenobite - OP against solo queue

    Legion - incredibly unfun and boring. Matches take way too long

    Hag - I’ve just never been very good against her and my teammates never seem to know how to play against her either

  • Member Posts: 295




    ######### Blight, all my homies hate this mf

  • Member Posts: 336

    1: Blight: Not because he is OP or anything...but because every 2nd or 3rd game is blight. I have gone up against Blight SO MANY TIMES A DAY that I am just sick of facing the Pinball Wizard.

    2: Huntress: About 93% of the Huntresses I go up against will camp and/or tunnel right at the start of the game. The camping happens way more than with the poster boy for camping, Leatherface. (Just to note, I rarely ever see a Leatherface actually camp.)

    3: Wraith: I don't have a problem with Wraith himself...but those that (I assume) main him are the most toxic killers in the game that I have gone up against.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Bubba, Huntress and Pig (or Hag)

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Probably either Wraith, Hag, Nurse, Nemesis, Pinhead, Twins, and Trapper.

    If I had to pick out of those, I'd say Nurse, Nemesis, and Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Huntress - I'm getting sick of feeling like I ONLY get her now

    Trickster - because he's annoying af

    Bubba - no explanation needed

  • Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I don't go up against him enough to hate him.... I think he's so hard to play, many don't play him.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Huntress, Legion, 3rd pending

  • Member Posts: 100

    She's a prime example of the devs not understanding why they're losing players.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Nurse - I'm here to play DBD, not the Nurse game. Playing her is also dumb, even with my plaid flannel gaming (because I'm rusty and hate using most of her addons), I win far, far too easily in even good MMR brackets. Sure I'll get owned against the top but that's because I've no desire to improve with this cheese-mongering killer.

    Ghostface - I have a weakness to jumpscares, and he's the worst. I hate most stealth killers but this one just annoys me to no end.

    Spirit - Without Iron Will, this killer is just a unpleasant. You can hear her, but 99% of Spirits run the dumbest addons and builds. I'm glad she got reworked and there is interaction, I just find the interaction abysmal.

    Honourable mention: Trapper - Either EZ baby M1 killer or 'Lol guess I'll just die'. Not enough to ban but I'd be happy to never see him.

  • Member Posts: 582

    I'm surprised so many people picked bubba, I find him very fun to play against as long as he doesn't camp basement/hooks. My picks would be Nurse because she's OP and should be nerfed along with DH, Blight because every game against him is sweaty and when I start the game after work, I want to play a chill match. My 3rd pick would be Nemesis because of his anti-loop ability and annoying zombies that always manage to block me

  • Member Posts: 106

    Nurse Bubba Spirit

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Nurse, Blight, Artist

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Huntress, Pinhead, Legion

  • Member Posts: 1,063

    Doctor for sure

  • Member Posts: 707

    I think what’s interesting here is that every killer has been mentioned at least once except Hillbilly and Demogorgan. Correct me if I’m wrong. Deathslinger surprisingly I think also has only shown up once and outside that persons three picks. Seems like Hag, Trickster and Nurse have the most but I haven’t counted.

    Though some people I honestly wonder what they want from the game if they want to disable one third or more of the content 😊. Though I get it, some people judge on the player a killer attracts and the play style they use rather then the design itself.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Haha no more tunnelling kpop man

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    Difficulty has no correlation with fun. I personally enjoy going against Blights, Nurses, Onis, Huntresses, but at the same time I find Doctor, Trickster, Artist, Nemesis, Clown, Freddy, Legion, Ghostface, Twins insufferable.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    Hag, Artist, Spirit

  • Member Posts: 510

    1) Hag

    2) Hag

    3) Hag

  • Member Posts: 767

    The one I dislike playing against the most has to be Pinhead easily; not due to strength but when solo I just feel like I’m either always under Chain Hunt or get no points as I’m doing the box all the time and not much else.

    Plague next probably as I’m not as keen on being locked out of healing; and it always seems to be a guessing game of wether the other I should cleanse or not depending on if the other survivors do or don’t.

    Probably Hillbilly last and again not due to strength, but I really dislike the roar he makes when chainsawing since the rework; sounds silly imo. I can also find the mix of lethality and map movement a little annoying at times, if the team keep going down really quickly.

  • Member Posts: 424

    Nurse, Cannibal and... probably Huntress because hitboxes✨.

  • Member Posts: 295

    I sometimes feel like I get lucky with killer variety, then the game decides to give me like, 3 full meta perks Blights with the most disgusting addons all in a row, I swear no killer drains me like he does.

  • Member Posts: 357

    Spirit Hag leatherface

  • Member Posts: 804

    Bubba, Hag, and Huntress.

    Bubba because God even when he plays fair he's not very fun to play against.

    Hag because I hate proxy camping, she's such a boring playstyle.

    Huntress because skill issue, I'm terrible against her.

  • Member Posts: 1,842
    edited May 2022

    Blight, Nemesis, Legion.

    Blight because I've never met a Blight that didn't sweat for the 4k at five gens.

    Nemesis because I'm tired of being tunneled by players who are upset his power is weak.

    Legion because I'm tired of mending every 2 minutes in a 30 minute game.

  • Member Posts: 450

    Huntress, Bubba and Artist. I face at least 1 every 3 games and to never face them again would be utterly delightful. All of them are very noisy and their gameplay is just dull as watching paint dry.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Sure, but that doesn't explain why people think Trickster is "unfun" but Huntress and Deathslinger aren't.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Nurse: I don't really like the hold w strat.

    Pyramid Head: I feel like every tile plays the same.

    Pin Head: Might as well call him Pyramid Head 2.0.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Because those two can't spam constantly and hope for the best. Trickster can. It's satisfying to dodge Huntress or Deathslinger, with Trickster it's like you are dead in the water or he cannot hit you with little between the two extremes, it's simply not an engaging killer to go against win or lose.

  • Member Posts: 500

    Nurse, Blight, Pinhead.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I mentioned Trickster and for me this isn't about strength but about the playstyle that I tend to see on these killers. Trickster is a decent camper and I'm - what I can only assume - a very low MMR survivor, so that's what most Tricksters I face do.

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