Thanks to voice you can pregame coordinate your perks and items as well your survivor choice.
To some degree you can use the in game chat as well.
During the game you can coordinate with your teammates and inform them about genlocation, killer, totems, pallets and the hatch.
You can coordinate rescues, hook saved, healing, bodyblocks, flashlights and amplifa the use of all the items. Especially the map and keys.
You also get free perks/can substitute perks and/or enhance perks like:
-Dark Sense
-Deja Vu
-Windows Of Opportunity
-Spine Chill
-Open Handed
-Small Game
-Object of Obsession
-Plunderer's Instinct
-Detective's Hunch
You also can negate or hinder perks of the killer like:
-All Hex Totems beside Hex: Haunted Ground
--Hex: Devour Hope
--Hex: The Third Seal (especially)
--Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
--Hex: No One Escapes Death
--Hex: Ruin
--Hex: Huntress Lullaby
-Franklin's Demise (can tell the location of the dropped item)
-Knock Out
-Deerstalker (slugging in general is less effective against SWF)
I hope, I got everything. If you have some addition please comment below.
Happy gaming and we see us in the fog!
Pretty much, but nobody said that the game is balanced (devs opinion)
What is your point?
3 -
Ehm... ok? It's not like we didn't know...
0 -
How does it ruin discordance?
1 -
I feel like this is highly exagerated though. I don't think swf survivors have the same effect of most of these perks. Kindred and Bond make the most sense, but even then, it's not the exact same.
2 -
Man would this break the game more then it is0
If you suspect a person is running Discordance (not that many do... but if you're teaming a gen and the killer comes out of left field right for you a couple times in a row on multiple gens, you can pretty much rest easy knowing it's in play), 2 teammates tap the same gen for a second, then split off to do other gens. If the killer is pretty far off, this can buy quite a bit of time. Until they figure out their perk is doing them harm, you can pretty much run the field by using it against them (either bouncing to opposite ends or keeping the killer at one end while the other end is told to finish off their side of the map). The higher the tier of Discordance you have, the longer it takes for you to realize you've just been had by a diversion. That perk gets worse as the tiers go up.
2 -
I sense a loser killer main just here to complain0
You'd think everyone who plays the game already knows SWF with voice coms is op but if you look at a post on here, the subreddit, or the Steam forums mentioning SWF balance issues you'll find many players denying that SWF is unbalanced.
It's because of these toxic people that the devs refuse to balance the game around voice chat, or nerf SWF. Even after admitting (1 year ago I may add) the game is not balanced and that they want to close the gap between solos and SWF. Nothing major has been done.
They're afraid these folks would review bomb the game. Too many people enjoy the bully simulator aspect of SWF.
1 -
@Okapi said:
You'd think everyone who plays the game already knows SWF with voice coms is op but if you look at a post on here, the subreddit, or the Steam forums mentioning SWF balance issues you'll find many players denying that SWF is unbalanced.It's because of these toxic people that the devs refuse to balance the game around voice chat, or nerf SWF. Even after admitting (1 year ago I may add) the game is not balanced and that they want to close the gap between solos and SWF. Nothing major has been done.
They're afraid these folks would review bomb the game. Too many people enjoy the bully simulator aspect of SWF.
We just need more killers that take a break/strike.
Apparently the situation on PS4 is amazing already with 20+ queue time for survivors.Soon the devs will have to do sth
2 -
They really do. They need to bite the bullet and do something about voice coms. As you said the killer population is declining while the survivor population is growing. I can guarantee the game will be just as popular in sales and still a Twitch darling even with SWF balanced. The more toxic SWF groups are a minority, a loud one yes, but still a minority. The devs shouldn't be afraid of them anymore. The game is in its best state yet balance wise and it'd be near perfection if SWF was dealt with.
If toxic SWFs leave after balancing the game will still survive. If SWF continues to be OP, more killers will continue to leave and then survivor wait times will reach dangerous levels. The game will die.
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ad19970 said:
I feel like this is highly exagerated though. I don't think swf survivors have the same effect of most of these perks. Kindred and Bond make the most sense, but even then, it's not the exact same.
1 -
Playing against a SWF group to me is the equivalent of the killer using speed hacks. It's cheating. The game isn't balanced around survivors each getting 10++ perks, it's based on 4.
1 -
Other than the top SWFs, and a few toxic depip SWF's, most SWF's get wrekt. I stopped caring some time ago, and found that I hardly notice the difference until I get a rare group that is hyper-organized. Sometimes I get wrekt, sometimes I get a 3-4k. Either way, the next match is never another SWF hit squad.
If the game is so unfun due to all the massive SWF hit-squads, find another game. That will teach the devs a lesson....I doubt it is that bad though.
2 -
Well, the problem here is that the game should make fun.
If you play hardcore like, then well... You never will have fun.I often play against SWF, but im always having fun with it because then the game gets more intense.
I love how often SWF are super stupid when playing together, especially they are super altruistic.
You can also use that SWF group to counter them.3 -
@Wolff_Bringer So very true. I've noticed the number of dodges and it is rediculous. They dodge my wife, son, and I. My wife is legally blind, my son does absolutely nothing but crazy builds (No Mither, Self-Care) as a joke because he likes ot make people laugh. We are the easiest SWF in the world, but the crybabies dodge like crazy.
As I mentioned in another post, I've had over 25 matches as Trapper/Pig this week and almost all were against SWF. Only 1 was a hit-squad type and I got two of them. Was fun.
0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Wolff_Bringer So very true. I've noticed the number of dodges and it is rediculous. They dodge my wife, son, and I. My wife is legally blind, my son does absolutely nothing but crazy builds (No Mither, Self-Care) as a joke because he likes ot make people laugh. We are the easiest SWF in the world, but the crybabies dodge like crazy.As I mentioned in another post, I've had over 25 matches as Trapper/Pig this week and almost all were against SWF. Only 1 was a hit-squad type and I got two of them. Was fun.
I would say your swf group is more the outlier than the norm. Also, based on how you described your family team it's safe to say you are playing with them at lower ranks. At low ranks the swf aren't an issue. If you faced more of the SWF groups at rank 1 you would understand more where people are coming from by seeing the toxic swf groups much more often and much more organized.
0 -
@Blueberry I played Trapper at Rank 1 and survivor to know that 95% of all the players in the red reanks are sweaty or toxic. There is little fun to be had with anyone at that level. Killers blame survivors, survivors blame killers. In reality, they are both toxic most of the time at red ranks.
0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry I played Trapper at Rank 1 and survivor to know that 95% of all the players in the red reanks are sweaty or toxic. There is little fun to be had with anyone at that level. Killers blame survivors, survivors blame killers. In reality, they are both toxic most of the time at red ranks.Then you're basically agreeing with me which makes this quite contradictory to your previous statement.
0 -
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry I played Trapper at Rank 1 and survivor to know that 95% of all the players in the red reanks are sweaty or toxic. There is little fun to be had with anyone at that level. Killers blame survivors, survivors blame killers. In reality, they are both toxic most of the time at red ranks.Then you're basically agreeing with me which makes this quite contradictory to your previous statement.
No, I'm saying it is a choice. You can choose to be all serious and get frustrated with other people's gameplay, or you can choose to stop running the rat race and play the game for fun. I gave up caring a long time ago. Probably why I'm not in the red ranks anymore. If I'm playing survivor and the killer is just getting smoked, I'll let them catch me. I don't care. I'f I'm outclassing the survivors, I'll toy with them and let them go. Why? Don't care. You choose to get frustrated with toxic players, that is your choice.
Guess what Rank 1 means? Absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch. You get nothing out of it other than ego boost/bragging rights. The game is meant to be fun, and sweating over the few toxic SWF's that hang out at rank 1 is not worth it.
1 -
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the devs should incorporate ingame voice chat. Just for survivors. So no external voice com is required.
Remove all the information the devs gave survivors in a desperate attempt to balance solo to swf.
Then balance the game around voice chat.
Don't like that 12 year old kid that screams into your ear? Press the mute button.0 -
I didn't intend to bash or expose SWFs. This post should just visualize what potential buffs a SWFs get compare to Solo. Maybe some will stop complain about killer DC or why some players, survivors and killers, stigmatize SWFs. If a 3th party program enables you to basically run 19 perks (76 if you are a full squad) and hinder 11 perks of the killer on top of all the coordination, some consider this as cheating.
I am fully aware that most SWFs just play to have a fun time with their friends and in my opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong about this.
What I dislike about SWFs with voice is, as Solo the gap is just massive and the biggest problem I have with SWFs is, as a killer you get limited what kind of game you can play. And this is in my eyes the most toxic aspect of SWFs.
You simply cannot run any kind of stealth or sensory deprivation strategy. It's simply not possible to play around Knock Out, Hex: The Third Seal and diminish amazing and fun perks like Hex: Devour Hope or Hex: Huntress Lullaby. Taking the freedom of choice away from another player in a game simply should never be an option. It's just unfun.
I hope the devs realize this and SWFs start to understand why some players react so negatively in such an amazing game.0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry I played Trapper at Rank 1 and survivor to know that 95% of all the players in the red reanks are sweaty or toxic. There is little fun to be had with anyone at that level. Killers blame survivors, survivors blame killers. In reality, they are both toxic most of the time at red ranks.Then you're basically agreeing with me which makes this quite contradictory to your previous statement.
No, I'm saying it is a choice. You can choose to be all serious and get frustrated with other people's gameplay, or you can choose to stop running the rat race and play the game for fun. I gave up caring a long time ago. Probably why I'm not in the red ranks anymore. If I'm playing survivor and the killer is just getting smoked, I'll let them catch me. I don't care. I'f I'm outclassing the survivors, I'll toy with them and let them go. Why? Don't care. You choose to get frustrated with toxic players, that is your choice.
Guess what Rank 1 means? Absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch. You get nothing out of it other than ego boost/bragging rights. The game is meant to be fun, and sweating over the few toxic SWF's that hang out at rank 1 is not worth it.
Admitting it's not balanced and giving up to not take it seriously are 2 very different things and I think you were conflating the two.
"Guess what Rank 1 means? Absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch" This is absolutely not true and I hate when people spew this nonsense. Is the ranking system heavily flawed? Absolutely. Does it meaning nothing? Absolutely not, those are very different things. While it is flawed a rank 1 will play MASSIVELY better than a rank 20 for example. The ranks are more a testament to time played rather than skill but that still amounts to higher ranks playing way better and having more skill from experience still.
If leaving rank 1 to get away from "sweaty toxic players/swf" is the answer to have fun, then I think you've agreed with me again that SWF is an issue and that if leaving rank 1 is the answer that we also have a rank issue.
0 -
Mr_Myers said:How does it ruin discordance?
Or they are facing legion, and just assume they're running it.
Heck, if an SWF feels like a killer has Discordance they can use it for mind games.
2 hop on a gen at one end of the map, and trigger it. It lasts upwards of 12 seconds.
The killer would likely go there, leaving an area so the SWF can work in relative ease.Post edited by Rebel_Raven on0 -
Let's not forget that SWFs allow for higher ranking survivors to play against lower ranked killers.
It bypasses any need to depip, like killers generally have to do (not that I endorse it), and let's them complete the goal of an even easier game.
This leads to the irony, if not outright hypocrisy leveled at Killers when people complain they just want an easier game.
Yes, I argue SWF is even worse when you're newer, and trying to get set up.
People who have played longer, and especially stay in high ranks keep suggesting builds, and perks that newer killers may not have.
It's like people forget that other people don't have all perks rank 3, if they even have the perk at all.
The higher ranks maybe taking a step back, and considering what SWF would be like if they couldn't run their preferred builds, or their backup, or their backup to that might help put things into perspective.
It's no good to suggest running an Omega blink nurse to someone who doesn't have the addons for it, after all.
Newer, less equipped killers are in the ranks a lot of SWFs want to target so they are far more frequent.
Worse still is these SWFs generally decide they want to annihilate the killer and act like they've accomplished something even though they purposefully aim for easier games. This absolutely ruins the experience of the killer, imo.
Post edited by Rebel_Raven on0 -
now imagine what people will say when they remove the ability to play with friends
0 -
Only bad killers have an issue with SWF, lol.
1 -
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lol
0 -
Pudding said:
now imagine what people will say when they remove the ability to play with friends
0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lolI've told you why what you're saying is incorrect but you provided no rebuttal. If you don't want to play there so be it, but rank does mean something whether you want to believe it or not. The real ego feed is intentionally playing at lower ranks when you know you should be higher just so you can win more.
0 -
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lolI've told you why what you're saying is incorrect but you provided no rebuttal. If you don't want to play there so be it, but rank does mean something whether you want to believe it or not. The real ego feed is intentionally playing at lower ranks when you know you should be higher just so you can win more.
I don't think you are old enough to see the flaw in your statements. Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits. This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke. I never said the game is balanced. What I said is, you have a choice in how to play the game, knowing it is not balanced. This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor. You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies.
Need a flow chart?
0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lolI've told you why what you're saying is incorrect but you provided no rebuttal. If you don't want to play there so be it, but rank does mean something whether you want to believe it or not. The real ego feed is intentionally playing at lower ranks when you know you should be higher just so you can win more.
I don't think you are old enough to see the flaw in your statements. Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits. This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke. I never said the game is balanced. What I said is, you have a choice in how to play the game, knowing it is not balanced. This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor. You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies.
Need a flow chart?
I think you're IQ isn't high enough to see the flaws in your statements.
" Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits."
Or you know maybe the fact of separating people with different skill levels"This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke."
As already stated, the real ego stroke is intentionally playing at lower ranks than you should be to win more"This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor."
I never said to punish SWF, not sure where you are getting this. I said split ques."You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies. "
The sky is also blue and the grass is also green"Need a flow chart?"
I think you just need to go back to school to improve your critical thinking0 -
@Tsulan said:
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the devs should incorporate ingame voice chat. Just for survivors. So no external voice com is required.
Remove all the information the devs gave survivors in a desperate attempt to balance solo to swf.
Then balance the game around voice chat.Don't like that 12 year old kid that screams into your ear? Press the mute button.
That's the problem though. If the game and all it's killers is balanced around voice comms, than every survivor that doesn't want to deal with voice comms will have quite the disadvantage to other survivors.
On the other hand there doesn't really seem to be a different way to balance it, since people don't like the idea of survivors getting to much information. But if all killers were balanced around 4 man swf squads that play quite optimally, I fear the game will lose a lot of solo survivor players, or even swf players that don't use voice comms to play as organized as possible.0 -
ad19970 said:
@Tsulan said:
I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the devs should incorporate ingame voice chat. Just for survivors. So no external voice com is required.
Remove all the information the devs gave survivors in a desperate attempt to balance solo to swf.
Then balance the game around voice chat.Don't like that 12 year old kid that screams into your ear? Press the mute button.
That's the problem though. If the game and all it's killers is balanced around voice comms, than every survivor that doesn't want to deal with voice comms will have quite the disadvantage to other survivors.
On the other hand there doesn't really seem to be a different way to balance it, since people don't like the idea of survivors getting to much information. But if all killers were balanced around 4 man swf squads that play quite optimally, I fear the game will lose a lot of solo survivor players, or even swf players that don't use voice comms to play as organized as possible.
I doubt this number went down.
The devs want to balance SWF by giving solos more information. Which is ridiculous.
Most killer perks that affect survivors are giving killers a disadvantage. Since survivors can see the perk affecting them before they hear the heartbeat.
Same goes for exposed and hex totems.
Lullaby warning appears before it even has a effect. Killer doesn't have those indications btw. He can only see if there is 1 obsession perk in the match. That's it.
Kinda unfair don't you think?1 -
@Blueberry said:
Playing against a SWF group to me is the equivalent of the killer using speed hacks. It's cheating. The game isn't balanced around survivors each getting 10++ perks, it's based on 4.To be specific, a SWF with outside-of-game voice coms. Without voice coms, SWF is for the most part harmless. Worst you'll get is 4 last minute flashlight switching, or everyone running insta-heals, etc.,
0 -
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lolI've told you why what you're saying is incorrect but you provided no rebuttal. If you don't want to play there so be it, but rank does mean something whether you want to believe it or not. The real ego feed is intentionally playing at lower ranks when you know you should be higher just so you can win more.
I don't think you are old enough to see the flaw in your statements. Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits. This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke. I never said the game is balanced. What I said is, you have a choice in how to play the game, knowing it is not balanced. This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor. You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies.
Need a flow chart?
I think you're IQ isn't high enough to see the flaws in your statements.
" Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits."
Or you know maybe the fact of separating people with different skill levels"This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke."
As already stated, the real ego stroke is intentionally playing at lower ranks than you should be to win more"This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor."
I never said to punish SWF, not sure where you are getting this. I said split ques."You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies. "
The sky is also blue and the grass is also green"Need a flow chart?"
I think you just need to go back to school to improve your critical thinkingLoL This is pointless.
0 -
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
@Blueberry said:
@Warlock_2020 said:
Blueberry, Rank 1 means nothing. Never has. If it means something to you, then deal with the bs at red ranks. It has no in game benefits at all. It is nothing but an ego feed. lolI've told you why what you're saying is incorrect but you provided no rebuttal. If you don't want to play there so be it, but rank does mean something whether you want to believe it or not. The real ego feed is intentionally playing at lower ranks when you know you should be higher just so you can win more.
I don't think you are old enough to see the flaw in your statements. Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits. This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke. I never said the game is balanced. What I said is, you have a choice in how to play the game, knowing it is not balanced. This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor. You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies.
Need a flow chart?
I think you're IQ isn't high enough to see the flaws in your statements.
" Seriously, usually a ranking system has purpose. It's good to be at the top due to benefits."
Or you know maybe the fact of separating people with different skill levels"This game, the rank is nothing more than a personal ego stroke."
As already stated, the real ego stroke is intentionally playing at lower ranks than you should be to win more"This game has been out 3 years and the balance is never going to be there. Why? Because if you punish SWF, people stop playing survivor."
I never said to punish SWF, not sure where you are getting this. I said split ques."You know what happens when the survivor pop drops? Game dies. "
The sky is also blue and the grass is also green"Need a flow chart?"
I think you just need to go back to school to improve your critical thinkingLoL This is pointless.
You get what you give.