What's even the purpose of this post-match survey?

Seriously. I initially heard that it was to help with matchmaking and to make the game more enjoyable? However I don't think that's the case because there's only like 1 question about match enjoyment and nothing really asking about reasoning behind that. So what is the reason behind the survey and what is the devs trying to accomplish by posting the survey and getting this specific information?
The "did this match make you want to keep playing?" is kind of pointless when there's no "why/why not?" I answered No multiple times and would've stopped playing but I kept playing to get my 7 matches done so I wouldn't forget - I'm sure others probably did the same.
Also the "was your team evenly matched" is bad because some might have been while others weren't. Would've been nice if instead it was how many of your teammates felt evenly skilled, how many felt more skilled, and how many felt less skilled.
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I dont get it either. I filled out like 4 games, forgot for the 5th and I wont start doing that again, because for me it is pointless to do that.
The thing is, what do they expect to be the outcome? Less BP = less fun? I mean, this is obvious, but if they dont ask, why I did not enjoy the Match, it is pointless to even ask if I enjoyed it. E.g. if I went against a Twins-player, I had 0 fun (in fact, I went against one and Twins is basically the only Killer where I want to give up right at the start, but I played it and got camped while my team watched me on the Hook...). So I had a lower amount of BPs and did not enjoy the game, however, more BPs would not have made it more enjoyable.
And then the question if I wanted to play another game. Well, I play a few hours of DBD everytime, but even after a bad game, I want to play another game, so why even asking that?
Just a strange survey and since I dont see the point, I will ignore it.
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I suspected it's related to the bp grind and how much bp earned affects our perception of a good (or balanced) game. Only because the description says bloodpoints have to be exact or no reward. But I'm probably way off.
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Not sure, but it has far more purpose than post-match chat.
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My guess is that they want to find the exact match the survey is referencing so they can check your opponent's MMR values and see how it either matched with your perception or to learn some other conclusion.
The BP amounts have to be exact otherwise they won't be able to find it in their metrics. I'm guessing that's also why they ask for the cloud id but that doubles as how they send the rewards.
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Why does it seem like this survey is just to find out if earning X BP's makes players want to play more/less, rather than wanting to play more because of proper matchmaking.
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Well they had a survey and it resulted in Hooked on You and AoT x Dbd so it could have a significant impact.
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If 4 or 5 gens got done I put the match down as unfun and extremely frustrating
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this might sound so stupid but where is the survey on the game?
I went to the post match screen and there was no survey to do. Where do I go to do the survey
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" 4. I feel like I won this match"
No, really, what even is this?
There are SO many variables as to how you might possibly respond to this.
Just ridiculous.
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The only info i wished they added was if you were in a swf or not when playing survivor because that does make a difference to enjoying the match... i assume theyll be able to track down the perks that were used as well because that often determines the "skill" of the player in question
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What survey?
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There's a link in this post.
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It's very typical BHVR...well, behavior. Instead of realizing that there are two major things wrong with the game* they are grasping at straws, trying to find ways to give us enough bloodpoints so that even the worst 4slug at 5 gen matches are considered a "good result".
*1) The balance of this game is utterly laughable garbage
2) SBMM isn't working as intended. AT ALL.
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I think one of the purpose is to measure the gap between "objective pairing" and "subjective feeling" in every match, and to adjust the pairing mechanism.
So it's normal if you feel these questions weird because it is the point the devs want to know.
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What survey? The "Did you have fun?" thing?
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No. When you start up your game, you can find it under the News section. It's a survey about the amount of earned BPs after a match vs the skill of the players in comparison to you and amongst themselves.