The best way to nerf Dead Hard...

is by buffing No Mither.
Currently, No Mither is one of the worst Perks in the game, as it permanently affects the Survivor with the Broken Status Effect, which keeps them injured the whole Trial, while granting them a 75% reduction in groans of pain, stops them from bleeding and allows them to pick themselves up from the Dying State.
Giving No Mither Dead Hard's effects, those being the dash and the I-Frames, would counteract No Mither's downside of removing a Health State by adding another, "skill-based" one, and would also remove Dead Hard's most overpowered aspect, that being a third Health State
This would be one idea.
However, I am very sure that most Killers will not be happy with this. In my opinion, DH only becomes a problem with good Players. And good players dont care about being injured. A good Survivor with No Mither, Spine Chill, Resilience sounds scary and hard to catch.
So aside from Oni, I dont think that many Killers will actually like this.
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That's is still more balanced than what we currently have.
2 Health States will always have a shorter chase time than 3
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It's a good idea considering No Mither is a terrible perk that only helps the killer. I like it.
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That is a terrible suggestion, since that will make killers like Oni and Demo benefit greatly from it and killers like Hillbilly, Bubba, Plague have an insane disadvantage.
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Remove the distance so you can't Dead Hard for distance.
Remove the iframes so you can't dodge abilities.
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Billy and bubba will just bonk them, as will plague
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Yes, losing their whole power in chase, losing advantage over them. They become a simple m1 killer, against which good survivors with vault build and DH have no problems to chase for 15 minutes.
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I'd rather see DH be one time use and still be very powerfull and gamechanging or make it so you no longer dash why using DH making so you get iframe atm. Overall I don't like perks that reward players for nothing - DH, !Built To Last!, Noed, Coup, Fire Up, Prove thyself... rather would see perks such a like no way out, scourges, adrenaline, inner healing... that actually give you a benefit for completing your mission. BBQ is maybe overused but devs will change it for no reason, it's farm perk with a little information for hooking a survivor, so healthy perk. But we need to understand that mmr can never work because...
1) It depends what killer you play
2) It depends on what add ons you use
3) Which map you get and which version and RNG this map is
4) What lv of skill have survivors
5) What items survivors have with add ons
6) Where gens spawn
7) Where the chases start - boosted area vs. deadzone etc. etc.
So overall you can play same match against same people on different version of map and do twice as good because there are dead zones, gens spawn at good locations, basement spawn at good location, totems are on better spots, scourges spawn on better spots or being "outplayed" by Eiing to save pallets and looping 30 save pallets in area with everything spawn so badly that you have zero value out of it.
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My general feeling for Dead Hard is either lower or remove the Dead Hard for Distance aspect or grant it if, and only if, you actually dodge an attack with it.
I've always thought the I-Frames are the premise of the perk, given its description is that you know how to take a beating. The distance part of it seems to be what's most heavily abused/not used as intended, so restricting or removing it, or granting it only when the perk is used as intended seems the simplest way to go about things.
It may retain the "third health state" aspect, but in this sense you'd actually have to earn it since, in either case, getting value requires using it at the right time.