Why do killers hate bt, ub, and ds so much



  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

    "Dead Hard" is even stronger than NOED, cuz u have no counterplay against "shift + e" in most cases. Nevertheless I wouldn't care if they remove "Dead Fart" and "NOED" together.

    Back to your topic:

    Im fine with those perks, cuz i rarely camp or tunnel people. The only exception is people with DS who force me to tunnel them by bodyblocking me with BT and then jumping into a locker only to then stun me with DS. I tunnel these people on principle.

  • tomojim
    tomojim Member Posts: 13

    I rarely tunnel, and I don't camp either.

    What I'm trying to say is, as survivors you don't have to take BT or DS in a match, but killers like me will always assume you have these perks. So killers will be forced to give up so many chances they deserve.

    Here the situation gets very weird: a perk exists, but it doesn't exist.

    If survivor don't want to be tunneled, bring the perk.

    But what actually happens now is, survivors don't have to bring these perks but they still have that effects.

    So I proposed that these perks should be visually recognizable.

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2022

    All of these perks reward bad play, bt allows you to turn a mistake (farming) into an advantage (bt body block), ds allows you to waste the killer's time if you feel like it, and don't say it wastes your own time too because, even though it technically does, the killer's time is 4 times as valuable as yours. UB once again gives you a reward instead of a punishment for getting downed, don't say it stops slugging, yes obv it does but you can also pick yourself up if people are trying to pallet save etc, last time i checked thats not slugging.

    All of these perks basically allow you to not only make mistakes for free, but turn your mistakes into rewards, kinda like noed huh

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 212

    BT is only annoying when a survivor body blocks with it and you literally can't get around them. Then they complain about being tunneled or just have DS.

    I think those perks are fine otherwise. I wouldn't mind a version of BT being basekit if survivors would just lose colission. They could still get a speed boost from the hit and have to mend, but they'd lose colission so they can't bodyblock.

    If a survivor has DS in endgame, it's also fair. Free escape? Sure. But going after them off hook is a free down. Seems fair to make the killer think about choosing another target. Especially when they lack incentive otherwise.

    Unbreakable is also fine imo. Adds risk to slugging.

    More annoying than any of these is prove thyself and lucky break. But pts is harder to notice and lb is rarely used.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    When you face whole teams running 3 or 4 of those perks in loadouts constantly, then you'll know.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2022

    And you should assume, you wanna know why? Because even though you yourself don’t tunnel and camp, it is other players’ daily playstyles.

    Survivors have no other option than to treat Camping and Tunneling as if they are present every match. That isn’t the survivors nor the killers, it’s because BHVR can’t properly balance a playstyle that by design forces survivors to bring anything that half way counters it.

    The fact that you don’t know whether someone has a perk or not, is the only saving grace survivors have. Because if they did I can guarantee many more would opt to play this way.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I have to disagree, idk why survivor's think all killer's wanna do is tunnel the whole match.Wanna know why I disagree?

    The perks alone, by themselves are fine.

    BT: No issues

    UB: No issues

    DS: No issues now that perk is truely risk/reward

    The synergy between them is what makes them hated because it's too many chances!

    Kate rescues Dwight, Dwight takes a hit with BT. Killer chases Dwight to slug him for some pressure. Dwight gets downed, but the killer can hear Kate's grunts of pain, and chases Kate who's waiting to get a flasahlight save. Kate goes down and gets hooked. Dwight who instigated the whole situation while slugged use UB, killer chases Dwight into a locker because Dwight still has an active DS.

    The perk alone are fine, but the synergy between them gives too many second chances for one scenario.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If you have to ask why killer hates bt, ds, ub. That tells me you don't play enough killer.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    Wouldn't you have avoided all that time with Dwight by just going after Kate instead?

  • Travis_Bateman
    Travis_Bateman Member Posts: 279
    edited June 2022

    To get to use killer meta,you need to search,chase,hit,down,hook,kill etc... (PGTW,SHPR,SHF,STBFL,BBQ,etc..)

    While the survivor meta you don't need to do anything,you just press E (dead hard) or just hold m1 (unbreakable),the only one i can think of being the exception is COH

    Now,about BT,killers just hate that you can just use it offensively and bobyblock the killer,and them you are forced to hit them (and give them a free speed boost)

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    TLDR needed, not reading that.

  • OzzyJolt
    OzzyJolt Member Posts: 25

    i'm fine with BT and DS (except some awkward situations).

    On the other hand, i hate Unbreakable for multiple reasons:

    1. It shines a lot more when used in a SWF, meanwhile in soloQ is often a gamble;
    2. With other perks (usually paired with DS) can be frustrating and unfair;
    3. I think slugging is a legitimate strategy and you shouldn't get up by yourself with no help of your teammates, i'm fine with WGLF or any heal perk since you need another teammate to help you and the killer will still create a bit of pressure even if you run those perks;
    4. Like other second chance perks, i think it's bad design to be rewarded by ######### up. I know getting slugged is boring, but at the same time survivors shouldn't have that option imo.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Blows my mind that killers are STILL complaining about DS. It's been nerfed into uselessness. I stopped running it entirely.

    If they want less people running BT and Unbreakable, stop camping and tunneling in every game. I've never run unbreakable in the four years I've been playing this game, but I'm getting slugged 2-3 times in half of my games at this point. Entitled survivors, actually wanting to play the game.

    I don't care that killers don't like DH. I don't like Pop, so should it be removed? I hate Corrupt - killers get to start playing but most survivors can't even find a gen before the killer has a down, so I guess it should be removed.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Why do you see going into a locker with DS as an insult? I see it as a killer who chooses to tunnel is also going to choose to waste even more time then. Have you considered just not tunneling? Or should there be no possible counter to what a killer does?

  • Funky_lPunk
    Funky_lPunk Member Posts: 47

    I don't tunnel, i like to go for the rescuer while also going in direction of the unhooked person to scare them off of gens in case they are on a safe loop, and if they are in a bad position - then get a free down for extra pressure on the ground without picking up. I see it as an insult because it looks like taunting, to me - even more than tea-bagging. This way i also am on a look out in case they heal themselves or touch a gen - this way i can punish them for letting me know they don't have ds.

    On average in the game i do my best to evade tunneling and get maximum amount of hooks.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    they do more than that... they reward BAD gameplay from the survivors... how many times i was ds'ed cause i finished a chase with someone, hook him, go for another one, and right after seeing the previous survivor going for the save (already healed by someone else) and getting d striked for doing fast downs... or bt, who most of the people use for bodyblock instead of a free pass to go away from the killer... the idea behind those perks isn't bad, but as always people tend to abuse it... ds is too weak for people who play casually this game, but for regular players who know well the maps, items, addons, etc etc it's more than sufficient (and usually this will lead us in the endgame, where people use it as a free escape)...

  • CEO
    CEO Member Posts: 183

    its because campers and tunnelers wont be able to instantly kill the same person so they cry because the survivors play like good people and vice versa

    killers complain about bt ds and ub but u will never notice those perks it if u dont camp and tunnel

    and survivors complain about tunnel and camp but then they use deadhard giving them a second life in an otherwise unsurvivable situation like a huntress hatchet in a straight hallway after throwing a god pallet

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Player killer and see for yourself .....

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    There is nothing wrong with it, some killer's are just really entitled. I've seen a bunch of comments about how it makes survivors invincible. Maybe you just shouldn't slug and tunnel? Just play the game fair, and no survivors will ever run them. But they have to play in an extremely sweaty playstyle, and then complain when survivors use the only tools they have to counter them. Original DS, sure that was unfair, because killer's were punished for no reason. DS 2.0. Honestly it was fine, but some survivors used it with unbreakable to work on gens in front of the killer, so I can understand the nerf. But any killer complaining about current DS, you want to play using a miserable playstyle, and then complain when survivors use one of the only tools they have to counter it.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    "Dwight takes a hit with bt" aka the killer gets bodyblocked by the Dwight and CAN'T go for the Kate.

    Meanwhile Kate made distance and is only found after Dwight got slugged in the scenario because she came back for the flashlight save.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    Except Dwight would have haste after getting hit and is capable of making much more distance then Kate. Kate also does not have DS active so it's generally a better target. Chasing Dwight after getting haste, has DS and potentially UB looks like said killer if going after him out of spite.

    DS, UB and BT are used a lot so it makes much more sense to play around the three incredibly common perks. DH is also super popular so that could also be an issue since Dwight is injured, causing your chase to increase even longer.

    So you end up spending more time trying to punish a character that just got off hook then one that didn't.

    If eating through DS, UB and BT to get a survivor on their second or death hook state is the best viable option then something is very wrong.

  • Mechanix82
    Mechanix82 Member Posts: 186

    Its real simple really....All those perk counter in someway the killers ability to create pressure. Thats it!

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,345

    They're some of the most impactful perks in the game lmao