30 minute ban for crashing

Internet crashed in the middle of a game and it gave me a 30 minute ban. BHVR, there is no excuse. If Rocket league can tell the difference between an intentional quit and a crash, than you should be able to as well.
I mean, if you're moving, doing gens, in chase, or anything like that, you're obviously not ragequitting.
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Thirty minute ban means you keep ‘crashing.’ Over and over again.
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But if they implemented code that didn't activate the DC ban if you were doing gens or halfway through a chase, then all you have to do is hop on a gen or fins the killer in order to get a free DC.
I see survivors disconnect halfway through chase all the time, anyway.
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Yeah, I guess.
I forgot to mention it'd be a system that tracked your ping.
weird ping/known glitch + in the middle of something = no penalty.
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Yeah, is that so hard to believe? I have terrible Internet, especially during the summer, so it would be nice to actually be able to play the game.
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if your internet causes to ruin other player's games because of your internet you probably should fix the issue with the internet?
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Some people live in countries with very poor internet service, or in rural areas where decent internet is largely unavailable. It's annoying to play with people that are constantly DC'ing, but we both know most DC's are intentional in DbD anyway.
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This isn’t a fault thing. If the internet connection is unstable, these are the rules. Penalizing matches with disconnects means eating time bans.
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lag switching, pretty sure ping control is a thing now too
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Yes - that's unfortunate, but it's not exactly fair for you to ruin multiple games for the other 4 players.
Now, I'd love a system that allows people to DC and reconnect, but that penalty is basically telling you that you have to fix whatever issue is making you crash/DC before playing again, because otherwise you're putting a whole lot of other people out.
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Please tell me where Rocket League says they have such a system. Could only find this:
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"If Rocket league can tell the difference between an intentional quit and a crash"
BHVR devs keep saying that that's not possible, so someone's wrong here.
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It's happened to me. I've intentionally quit matches before and been banned. My internet has gone out and kicked me and it didn't. I remember it giving me some message about the crash as well.
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Should be easy for you to then provide a statement from Rocket League that explains that feature.
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What's wrong is the claim "Rocket League can tell the difference". They can't. What Rocket League actually does is it doesn't immediately inflict the ban on a disconnect, but it gives the person a chance to reconnect to the existing match. If they fail to reconnect to the match though they suffer the penalty.
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If you reconnect to the existing match in time in Rocket League you don't suffer the penalty. The game can't actually tell why you disconnected though.
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oh, damn.
in that case, just make it a 15-20 min ban each time. long enough to be annoying, but short enough to not be too bad for false alarms on real life emergencies or crashes.
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I didn't reconnect. It didn't ban me. It happened multiple times.
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It's been happening a lot this week. My internet is really bad in the summer months.