Too much Dead Dawg Saloon

I know that several maps have been increased in the rotation however, I have gotten Dead Dawg way more than any other map. Yesterday I got it 4 times in a row, 5th game we went to Ormond (with a map offering strangely), the 6th game was Gas Heaven. 7-10 DEAD DAWG.

I went to bed and the next day (today) I decided to play again before work. Dead Dawg, Dead Dawg, Wreckers Yard, Coal Tower (map offering), Dead Dawg, Dead Dawg, Dead Dawg, Dead Dawg, Dead Dawg.

The last two games also on Dead Dawg were both with twins. Several games I would face the same killer (not player) at least 2 times in a row.

I would LOVE to go to the other maps that are supposed to be improved odds of being chosen. I swear Dead Dawg must have stolen a few extra points from other maps when it comes to getting chosen.

I like the map however, this is the equivalent of eating your third plate of Thanksgiving dinner even though you've already unbuttoned your pants and still being expected to have dessert.


  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Imagine asking a mostly survivor playerbase which maps to rotate and giving them higher chance.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649
    edited June 2022

    Okay prepare to go to shelter woods now 5 times in a row

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Its been said once and its been said many times before.

    We need a Realm Selection System that always sends the 5 players to a Map they have not been on last game. ofc Map offerings disregards that.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited June 2022

    I don't even know why DDS was voted so much, the Map doesn't look that good, has plenty of unsafe Pallets, God Pallets, a mean 3-Gen, weak Shack, way too many Breakable Walls and an absolutely bonkers main building.

    The Map isn't good for anyone

  • Ath4nat0s
    Ath4nat0s Member Posts: 77

    Imo dead dawg is the most balanced map in the game and because of this, the least painful experience when you play as killer.

    Not extremely RNG dependent like

    Shelter woods for survivors

    Or big af like Mothers Dwelling

  • XerraFox
    XerraFox Member Posts: 157

    I'd volunteer to switch with you.. I almost exclusively get Autohaven crap