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How do you play when you're dead on hook?

BadZilla Member Posts: 467

When you reach death on hook stage and everyone else is still alive maybe 1 dead or no one is on death hook mostly because killer decided to tunnel, what's your effective playstyle to win? working on gens can be risky and saves too because killer will leave everything and chase you the moment they see you.. I had too many matches recently where everyone has enough hook states to finish gens but they do nothing so doings gens and saving everyone gets me chased a lot and the usual Dwight and Claudette end up escaping almost always because they played passively crouching all around the map..


  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I just end up with the "forgor" status so I just play like usual lmao

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Only difference maybe is when other teammates are not on dead hook then I don't want to run to rescue someone ASAP unless I am the last person who can do it. This counts twice againts camping killers or if I am injured.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Go for MoM Stacks and hope for the best

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Depends on the whole team & Gen situation.

    • If there are 5 Gen, I will find chest / totem. Im not risk doing Gen if my teammates dont do Gen
    • If there are 3-4 Gen, I will risk to complete at least 1 Gen before I die.
    • If there are 1-2 Gens left and all 3 team mates have like <4 hooks (in total of their 9 hooks), I will do totems to prevent Noed instead..
    • If there are 1-2 Gens left and others also double hooked, I will risk to complete at least 1 Gen before I die.
  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I don't beeline for a rescue and will leave a gen to get to a safe place the second I get terror radius and don't have eyes on the killer (if they're currently chasing someone else and it doesn't look like I'm where they gonna loop next I just keep doing the gen). ... But that's about all I change. Then again, while I do sweat a little for those last two pips with each iri grade I kinda stop caring about anything other than WGLF stacks once I'm iri I so I'm not bothered if I end up dying more often than not 😂

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Yeah I will do my best to keep my head down. It annoys me though when someone comes up to me and begs for a heal when on zero hooks and I'm on two and also wounded and they want to be healed first. Like... ugh... that situation paralyses me. Not healing them is not ideal especially if they continue to follow you around but healing them means increased chances of being found unless you are in a good spot but some people lack the game awareness of that. Oh and then they run off before they are fully healed for no real reason or they don't return the favour. This is especially annoying if the killer has sloppy butcher and quickly undoes all heal progress. I swear as solo, survivor team mates annoy me more then anything the killer does.

    Simply put, if the killer has to worry about 4 people rather then 3, even if that guy is on death hook it's simply better for the team as a whole. If they have one less person to think about, even if that person is doing near nothing it's still advantageous, dead people do nothing no matter what. I don't do nothing but I will generally scout the map for safer generators and pay more attention to their position and 'walk' away much sooner and try avoid running unless I'm certain it's safe to do so.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I'll channel my inner Claudette to become one with the map any time the Killer comes around.

    Especially when there's only one or two players dead on hook there is no reason why I should let the Killer find me and get a kill rather than finding someone else and getting a hook state.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Depends a lot on what killer it is and if there was a mori. I'll straight up throw the game to get mori'd and I'm down bad for Doctors :v

    If there's no mori, I'll still throw the game. Dead on hook or not, I prioritize everyone else safety over mine. Mama didn't raise a chicken.

    If killers will take 1k on me and give up a potential 3k, I'm more than willing to be the sacrifice.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
    edited June 2022

    Depends on the game but usually I ll just sacrifice myself by powering a gen and/or leading the killer to the opposite side of the map away from everyone else. When I was new and inexperienced, id play uber safe which isn't wrong but its not good teamwork.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,220

    Cautiously. But I usually play pretty conservatively on survivor anyway, so I usually die on my first or second hook when everyone else is dead. Run super early, make sure you're healed if possible, don't group up, and don't take chances at pallets.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited June 2022

    If I can handle the killer then I'll play normally.

    If the killer is experienced then I'm on gen/hex duty.

    If KILL TUNNEL CAMP I'm only doing gens/hiding/grinding.

    If KILL TUNNEL CAMP against a starstruck nurse at 5 gens then I give them the easy win they're begging for.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    I typically start to play a lot more stealthily at that point. I will try to hide somewhere as soon as I hear a terror radius, instead of my usual waiting for it to get close then make a run for it. I'm also a lot more likely to throw pallets early. I tend to be a bit less altruistic too, trying to prioritize my own survival.