Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

why isnt there something that stops killers from slugging the last two survivors?

sp1n4l_ssnap Member Posts: 12
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

i just got out a round with a legion and he had at one point slugged 3 of us in game but thankfully one had unbreakable.

Once i died i decided to spectate and i saw that not only had he slugged the last two survivors, oh no, he was spinning on them and swinging to rub it into their faces??

i think personally, like a hook chance, you should get a 40% chance to pick yourself up, it is so unfair that killers can just slug you and the only thing you can do about it is to run a one time use perk, or no mither which is honestly the worst idea ever since that just gets you targetted, so what happens if you get slugged again?? nothing clearly.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • sp1n4l_ssnap
    sp1n4l_ssnap Member Posts: 12

    so what? keep letting the ######### toxic killers who main hillbilly, leatherface, or other insta down killers down everyone in the game with no punishment? because lets be real the reporting on anything other than PC will do literally nothing

  • sp1n4l_ssnap
    sp1n4l_ssnap Member Posts: 12

    or add a preventative measure to stop toxicity in a game? its not fair if all 4 people get slugged and have to die, lose ranks, etc because the killer cant play right

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Personally I think once the game is down to two survivors the bleed out timers should speed up to maybe double normal pace. That way worst case the survivor(s) on the ground only have to wait two minutes instead of four to die and end the game if the killer either can't or won't hook them to get it over with.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    It's not toxic but efficient. Most killers don't slug to ruin your game. It's pretty much the same as a survivor leaving a gen when the killer gets near and starting another one. Hillbilly and Bubba have the abilities to end chases potentially very fast, so of course they'll try to utilize that in the most efficient way possible. Is it good that killers have to do that? No but until we get rewarded for not doing so we will continue. Also reporting that doesn't do anything. It's a strategy that is supported by the devs.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    It’s really not that difficult: survivors should have the option to accelerate their bleed out timer when all survivors are dead, hooked, and/or in the dying state. That way the killer can still slug for pressure, but can’t keep them hostage for up to four minutes ‘just because’.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Because some killers justify anything by labelling it "needed." Everything a killer has is "needed." Otherwise they would have to face the fact, that they are just not that good at the game.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    If survivors get a 40% chance to pick themselves up just because they got slugged, us killers should have a 40% chance to have the entity block off the exit gates when they want to waste time teabagging at the killer.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    This wouldn't work.

    Maybe if the recovery for survivors on the ground was significantly slower, like took 2+ minutes, it could work. But that's gross and unreasonable, honestly.

    Or if someone is being downed consistently without being hooked, the game detects it somehow and does.. SOMETHING? I don't know. Certain things in this game should be added to discern toxicity.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Slugging has it's purposes - but there's that point of "just because I can" of downing the last two and just waiting for a bleedout timer. It's annoying af. - Same goes for the exit gate shenanigans when people just won't leave. Only difference is; egc takes 2 minutes, slugging to death takes 4 - assuming that slugging wasn't the theme of the match to begin with.

    If everyone is down I'm all for a hard 60 seconds timer unrelated to how far along the bleedout is; that's enough for anyone with a pick-yourself-up perk to crawl a ways away and pick themselves up.

    I'm also for a 200% egc speed when all survivors are in an exit gate zone. If everyone's there; just leave. (if people not on comms are at different exit gates that way they would also know that at least one other person is at the other gate and there's no point in waiting for them to e.g. take a hit or sth)

  • Lanz
    Lanz Member Posts: 61

    What do you think survivors are doing at the gate before they all escape huh ? Rub their win to your face by crouching-crouching and pew pew with flashies.

    Also if you get caught and downed, you failed at survivor so what's the big deal ? Try to master loops, run exhaustion perks, and do anything you can so you don't get downed maybe ?

    Both sides are toxic and have toxic behaviour and try-hard loadouts so deal with it.