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How much money have you spent on cosmetics?

I'm felling guilty cuz i maybe spent too much money on cosmetics in this game. Now i don't feel good for supporting the devs since their game is unbalanced and unoptimized. I wanna know how much money have you guys spent on cosmetics alone? Maybe i'll feel better lol.


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  • Member Posts: 857

    not much of a cosmetic person, never have been same case with other games i play. most of my cosmetics are spent on David, Trickster and Yun jin, on Fuse is really the only other character in Apex I ever bought items for. I'd say only around $60 since i was given a generous amount of auric cells and donations online. and anything else i bought i bought with irishards. ive only ever bought the battle pass once and just recycle the auric cells from there

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Does $10 for the original Rift Pass I bought count?

    If yes, $10

    If no, $0

    I have a F ton of shards and whatnot as well because I just don't really care for cosmetics. The few I do care about having cost actual money and I just don't care enough about cosmetics to pay actual money to put on a new digital shirt.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I have so much cosmetics for my killers and survivors. So i really don't know how much.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I haven't spent any money on purely cosmetics. If perks were more balanced and base-game mechanics disabled gen-rushing, camping, and tunneling, then I would probably give them $5 dollars for their efforts (I'm very cheap). That said, I realize it's a lot more efficient for them to rely on whales rather than putting in that effort for people like me.

    The upcoming meta-shifts and base-game changes might be the start to me thinking they genuinely deserve some compensation for improving the experience of playing the game. But they can't just nerf the meta, give a partial BT basekit, and then call it a wrap. That would be just the start.

  • Member Posts: 659

    Probably around 400 USD. Give or take.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I'd rather not know

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Far too much.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    way too much. Even if I don't buy cosmetics for killers much I bought everything trickster had. other than the red makeup one

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I’m scared to check

  • Member Posts: 157

    200? 300? I lost track.. But definitely very much with more to come..

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    ...too much

    I literally never bought anything in any game ever... until the Claudette Claus cosmetic was released and I decided to gift it to myself bc it was my birthday. Of course the number of auric cells you can buy isn't equal to the cost of a cosmetic so I bought more than needed, and it was the begining of the end.

    I don't know how much I actually spent on cosmetics (and it's probably better this way, I'd feel much worse if I knew lol) but yea long story short it's too much. The last I bought was Feng Min's pjs, even tho I told myself i wouldn't buy anything anymore countless times before that of course.

    i've so far succeeded in not buying anything else, and it's somewhat rewarding when you've hold off buying a certain cosmetic for so long it comes in a recolor in a rift. Also I force myself to only buy the chapters in shards or steam for the licenced ones, otherwise i know i'll buy "too many auric cells" so i can get a cosmetic or two with it

    So yea, long story short *too much*

  • Member Posts: 2,047


    I really don't care for cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    At least 150€ in 2 years. Which isnt that bad

  • Member Posts: 411
    edited June 2022

    I can tell you right now...

    I bought every Feng cosmetic (Feng main)

    Bought every Spirit cosmetic (Spirit main)

    Most holiday ones (Halloween/Christmas)

    Every Battle Pass (((Battle Pass #2 is the one i ever bought fully)very easy to unlock rewards just by playing but Battle Pass #2 had Feng cosmetic i really wanted bad)was best Battle Pass by far)

  • Member Posts: 1,163
    edited June 2022

    $45 for the Silent Hill cast and however much I needed for Demo's chains + the RE sweaters. I'll spend more on the RE legendaries when I can justify purchasing them.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Probably way too much considering I switched to pc and wanted my cosmetics again...

  • Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2022

    Like 30 $ when stranger things was saying bye bye. Oh wait add an extra 10 $ for the classic ghostface 50 % off xp.

    Other than that I just invested the 10 $ or so to unlock the premium rift and that's that.

  • Member Posts: 3,893
    edited June 2022

    Like Vampirox, I'm a Feng Min main and I pretty much own all her cosmetics the only cosmetic I'm missing from her is literally the twitch shirt.

    I have every cosmetic for Pig, Demo and Pyramid Head. Piggy is my main killer and the others are like sidepiece main Killers

    I have every cosmetic for the Legion except the common recolors. They are my secondary main

    I have every cosmetic Cheryl except James and that's just because I hate James with a passion. She's my secondary main when it comes to survivors

    I also have every cosmetic except one for Mikaela. She is like my side piece main.

    I have completed and bought every Rift pass however since you get full cells back I'm not going to really count that

    And I have various cosmetics but other characters here and there

    It's safe to say for my own personal dignity I am not going to disclose how much money I have probably spend on this game

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Hello my name is Cheeto and I'm a whale.

    Really though I'll buy any survivor outfit that I think looks great, especially if it's on my main characters (Cheryl, Jill, Feng, Nancy, and Claudette.)

    When it comes to killer I care a lot less since I can't really see them, but if it's especially nice I might spring for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    I have spent 0 € in cosmetics.

    All the cosmetis I have are from the (free) Rift, unlocked in events or bought with iri shards.

    I only spend money in licensed characters and since Nemesis I only buy the killer with auric cells instead of buying the whole DLC.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    A large, yet embarrassing amount in both cosmetics, Rifts and DLCs.

  • Member Posts: 21

    20-30 € and I might spend another 20 € soon. :)

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    I have bought everything this game has to offer.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I have not spent a single dollar on cosmetics. If they would put the costs at a reasonable rate, I would be more inclined to buy stuff for my killers. Pretty much, for me, prices would need to be cut in half on most to be even thought of buying.

  • Member Posts: 419

    None. Id like to buy some, but cant afford/justify spending $10 on a single outfit. My poor Feng looked i have a cute lil sweater thing from the rift, so that helps a bit. I really wish cosmetics were more affordable (in both $ and shards).

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited June 2022

    I'll put it this way...anytime I got a Steam Gift Card from friends or relatives on holidays or my birthday since the Cosmetic Store was was almost always turned into turned into Auric cells (Except that time I got Among Us DLC for some of the pets).

    I also added funds myself to Steam to get Sadako's Rotten Remains skin because it is gruesomely gorgeous, and Trickster's God of Desire skin because it is so cool and HE BLOWS YOU A KISS IN THE LOBBYmuhheartomg- I mean...uh...yeah, I really like it too :3

  • Member Posts: 217

    I haven't bought any cosmetics with money since I started playing in 2016. Although a few have tempted me.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Maybe $15 aussie dollars.

    Most of the outfits appeal to people who like pink haired girls in short skirts.

  • Member Posts: 162

    $15-20 USD maybe? I think the conversion rate of money to auric cells is too expesnive imo, so I limit my purchases with this game.

    DLC counting to the outfits, it can get extremely expensive... I mean two outfits of very rare status is $20 usd. Sucks because I like the outfits too, just far too much for me.

    Wish they'd put out more discounts or permanently lower the prices of outfits and do smaller discounts. Still waiting for the big anniversary sale.

  • Member Posts: 291

    A moderate amount of money I think.

    Got 2 skins on licensed killers Pyramid Head and Pig (Forgeborn with the Molten Pyramid and The Deceiver skin for Pig)10 euros each so it's already 20 euros spent.

    I spent 20 euros for the James Sunderland legendary skin which came out like 4-5 months ago it made me so happy to play as my favorite Silent Hill protagonist,yes Heather is cute but James ftw.

    I also bought the only skin Laurie has don't remember the name but spent 10 euros for it.

    And If I remember correctly I spent 30 euros for some Zarina and Yui skins.

    that's it so I spent 80 euros on cosmetics in total if I am not mistaken which is a decent amount of money,no regrets tho.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    A good amount. I've put over 3k hours into the game so I like to support the devs. I'm not spending any more money until the devs reveal the upcoming perk and baseline gameplay changes. I just don't want to keep spending money on a game that could be something I don't want to play anymore in a few months.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I'm going to say I've probably spent at least $200-300 on cosmetics alone over the past 2 and a half years I've been playing. And honestly, I am happy with that because I love this game and I like all of my characters to look good 😌💅.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    I've only bought Chris Redfield, so 10-15€ I guess, I don't remember exactly how much it was.

  • Member Posts: 326

    No idea but I only buy cosmetics for a handful of favourite characters like Doc. The last cosmetic I bought was the oni armour from last year (forgot the name).

  • Member Posts: 32

    FAR too much. I have every cosmetic for every survivor. Killer? Not so much.

  • Member Posts: 763


    I'm not big on cosmetics, unless they serve a purpose. Such as pieces/outfits that will give better camo for survivors. Even then, if the survivor already has pieces/an outfit that does a decent job I'll skip it.

    Many of the cosmetics in this game are very...loud. Not a good idea when you may have to hide. All a killer has to do is tweak the gamma and color settings a little, and most of these outfits light up like a neon sign.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The only cosmetic I purchased using real money is Claudettes afro. I mean, can you even be a Claudette main and not purchase it?

  • Member Posts: 454

    Around $40, I just buy licenses no cosmetics though.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I bought the drill bit weapon for the Pig on both PS4 and then on PC when I switched over. I also bought the Premium Track on the Saw Tome (on PC only) to get the Pigsaw mask. That's about it so far.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited June 2022

    £100~ - A lot of this was for all of the Stranger Things skins although I did get them on sale. I bought the £37.50 auric cell pack recently for better value considering a friend game me a steam gift card. I'm waiting for legendary characters to go on sale which I'll then purchase.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Pretty sure I've dropped like 900 dollars on this game

  • Member Posts: 286

    Rift Pass once, Leon RE4, one Felix top you only get for Aurics. So about 25€. Might be more in the future but for the time bring I'm covered.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Too embarrassed to admit. 😳

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