Micheal Myers slander will be tolerated no more ...

every tier list I see for killers always ends with Myers being if not D tier to F tier, and this slander will be tolerated no longer. I'm just saying what we all thinking, and its that Micheal is secretly a S tier killer but most people just don't want to admit it. From this day forward I call Mondays to be Micheal Mondays for dbd!
Maybe if Myers wasn't hot trash, he wouldn't be a D Tier killer :D
There is not a single other killer who can literally run out of power. That alone drops him a tier or three...
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you just haven't mastered this killer yet, I don't think a lot of people do but I just be out here winning games left and right with him, he does lose his power but with his add ons allowing him to stay in tier 3 indefinitely for the match and one hit downs? just satisfaction when you land them hits!
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I like tinfoil to OP.
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Imo he's low B, high C tier. Not near as bad as everyone says. People seriously underrate how much damage his tier 3 can do especially with bamboozle. BUT his power is outdated and he needs a damn base kit buff already!!!
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I love Michael Mondays
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Groovy baby YEAH!
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There is not a single other killer who can literally run out of power.
...Oni runs out of his power afteruse,
...Plague runs out of her power afteruse.
...Trickster runs out of his power afteruse, (can still reload but still)
...Huntress runs out of her power afteruse (Same thing with trickster)
...Piggy can run out of RBT,
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Michael is classic and can pull off some crazy stuff in the right hands and RNG in his favor.
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He was a great man.
Nor should slander be tolerated.
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I will have to play Survivor on Mondays now, I'd like to win 30 games in a row.
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Oni regains his powers hitting people
Plague either regains her powers when people cleanse OR she gets a secondary power where everyone is now permanently injured
Trickster can reload his power
Huntress can reload her power
Pig also is hot trash but even she still at least can go stealthy and do the dash attack
Mike runs out of stalker juice and now it sucks to be him. He has no secondary power. He has no way to reload his power. When he is out of stalker juice, Mike is now out of power
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I agree, Myers has one very strong thing that almost nobody has, a 99% EW3+8 meter radius can put down the best looper in the game if you manage to surprise him, a chase that could last minutes can be sorted in literally seconds.
The whole "you can run out of power" thing is true, without taking Addons on account you have 40,4 stalk points, 5 are needed per tier so you have 7 EW3 activations per trial, but as a Myers main I rarely need all EW3 uses to skew a match into my favour, I usually down around 1,5 people per EW3, 5 activations would be around 7-8 downs, by that time you have already won the game, I honestly never felt gimped by the number of EW3 uses like "If I just had 2 more uses I would have won that match...".
Myers problems come from his lack of mobility on big maps and people playing him like he had a 32 TR radius not from EW3 having a limited number of uses.
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@Dwight_Fairfield would 👍
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once all survs are red you literally cant get t3. huntress can always reload, oni can always injure survs to get it, etc, you get the idea. the only other killer who can effectively run out of power is pig. Now i agree with @HectorBrando that its not the main thing driving his weakness, but i dont like your representment of killer powers.
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Myers' strength is highly dependent on the build he is using. Tombstone is straight up A+ while Scratched Mirror is like C. Also, any person seriously believing that there's such a powerlevel gap between killers that D tier even is a thing is a testimony of their lack of credibility.
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First off, If you're versing Actual survivors and not pub survivors with -100 hours, They can deny your power for a good while,
Which means if you're versing 4 really good loopers, Kinda net impossible to get Your power unless they make One singular mistake, even then, they can always just hide out oni's power still making it useless and wasted,
Plague can also suffer the same thing, + yall forget her power can be TAKEN away if she gets pallet stunned, so buh bye red vommy buff, and back to being a basic 115% m1 killer,
i already stated that if huntress / trickster dont reload, they lose it entirely, as stated here
...Trickster runs out of his power afteruse, (can still reload but still)
...Huntress runs out of her power afteruse (Same thing with trickster)
Which clearly nobody looked at,
Piggy is also 115%, ambush can be nulled if survivors are smart and run away from the loop into another loop, making it still a bad power altogether,
So again.. gotta take into account what survivors you'll face, 95% of my mikey games i barely get anyone into the pure red unless its the only person i found to gain EW3
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I sure would. Mikey is nowhere near as bad as some claim. That's not to say he couldn't use some buffs because he definitely could (but then so could 95% of the killer roster). But the worst? Not even a contender for that.
To the discussion about how he can run out of his power. Technically that is true. But if you've maxed out your stalk and most of the survivors are still alive then I'm sorry but you've been playing very badly. If you're playing Mikey properly then most of the team should be dead by the time you cannot pop any more tier 3's.
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I did look at that explanation. I just reject it.
Can you lose your powers for the entire game with Myers? Yes or no.
Can you lose your powers for the entire game with any other character? Yes or no.
None of this "Well if you're playing against good players you..." or these "Well if THIS happens you..." or "Well if you use his awesome add-ons you..." qualifiers. Just yes or no, can you lose your power as Myers at some point in the game and never get it back and is there any other killer in the game where you can lose your powers the entire game and have no way to get it back?
Because the answer is very clearly No, you can't. This is an objective fact.
Whether you think that's enough to make the killer D Tier is a personal choice but for me, I've had plenty of games where running out of Stalker Juice made Myers a hamstrung killer. I also generally do not run add-ons unless I am doing something specific (like a "Kill a survivor by your own hand with Myers, in which I'll equip Tombstone or Piece) so any killer I judge, I judge based on what they can do if you give them no add-ons.
Myers with zero add-ons put on him is one of the weakest killers in the game in my killery opinion
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He’s S tier, he’s just not good. That doesn’t make him bad though.
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Can you lose your powers for the entire game with Myers? Yes or no.
Only if you keep feeding without making good plays with it, gotta learn how to use it effectively, 50 / 50,
Can you lose your powers for the entire game with any other character? Yes or no.
Piggy, Plague with red vomit, (only killer in the game that can be stunned to lose said power,) tech GF since he's just mikey but dumbed down and stalks infinite but can also be broken outta stealth / stalk with bs camera angles,
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He counters Dead Hard so he must be good :D
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I think he meant that he is the only one who can run out of his power source besides pig and maybe plague.
Everyone else can reload or get back their power after working towards it. But once myers stalks the survivors enough he literally cannot get back his power from that survivor for the rest of the match.
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Myers is a killing machine.
He is rank S, but the constraints he has mean that he is forced to go to rank C/D.
Imagine if Myers were like this:
Base Speed: 4.6
Phase 1: insidious status.
Phase 2: Exposure of all survivors.
Tons of survivors would start crying.
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This might be the weakest point against Myers. An entire instadown period on demand is great and the game is typically over before you run out of juice.
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bring in j Myers memorial with fragrant tuff of hair, you be ballin with infinite ew 3. vanity mirror with dead rabbit? stuck in tier 2 but can pretty much wall hack, and if you get a indoor map? you out here ballin again. not all his add ons are great and some are complete trash but you can make some great combos that can really change his play style.
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Myers is the only killer, for me, that I can have fun regardless if all survivors escape or no one escapes mainly because I feel like I can adequately terrorize them while having fun. I don’t know what tier he is but he’s awesome
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Michael is a poopy doo doo pee pee head. He make pee pee in the sandbox and is scared of kittens.
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Exactly. By the time I've maxed out my tier 3's there's usually only one survivor left or they're all dead.
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Idk why people take tier list placements for their favorite killer so personally.
Myers is just a weaker than average killer when we compare all the killers together. Yes Tomestone Piece is broken, but that doesn't really change Myers without it.
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Because that would be pretty ridiculous.
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Can't forget about plague,
If they even bother cleansing...
(Only killer in the game that gets her power taken away from her entirely, only bad part about 'er..)
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That is only a problem if you have played poorly and wasted your tier threes. If you have played properly then you should have won the match when you can no longer expend your evil.
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I'm saying in general...
If survivors know you're a plague, one of two things will happen,
- They won't cleanse and if they Have to, they'll do it at the furthest point, making it null and cucking you if you're in a 3 gen situation,
- soon as you get your power, they'll bait the pallets and or if they're sneaky bois, they can wait behind a pallet if you don't know and slamming it on you, not only jumpscaring you but now you got no red vommy anymore,
and after all of that, she's still a basic 115% killer,
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And if survivors are against Myers, they loop him for 60 seconds and force him to eat several pallets because he a m1 killer. Spine chill hard counter his stalk meanwhile plague get free info and her addons are more busted then Myers lol 247 wallhacks and free corrupt purge from gens being rush meaning she can still benefit from her power even if survivors never cleansed.
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This bait is relevant to my interests, so I'm taking it.
Your loadout determines Michael's tier. Basekit with no addons (or with any of his worthless addons, which are plentiful) can make him D or C-tier. Tombstone Piece + stalk addons is an S-tier build if you focus on hooking 2-3 survivors and mori the other 1-2, but you are not going to get many bloodpoints with that build no matter how well you play it. Scratched Mirror build is at least a B-tier, maybe A or S with a Lery's offering. Stalk addons + Hair Bow can be B-tier.
Michael also has more perks that synergize with his power and addons in massive ways than any other killer:
M&A + Dead Rabbit + Vanity Mirror is an S-tier build, and I don't know why nobody else has picked up on this one in particular. M&A + Dead Rabbit is A to S-tier on its own, as it means no terror radius with no speed penalty or reduced lunge, and with the right perks and addons (especially VM and Nurse's), it can be almost impossible to win against.
Infinite T3 with 25% stalk addon is A-tier on its own, but add Bambooze (which not only blocks windows, but increases Michael's already speedy T3 lunge) and Coup de Grace (which can deny Dead Hard in T3 due to Michael's already massive lunge, which I recently made a post about, and also throws off survivors' timing to such a degree that it ends multiple chases early per game), and it's an S-tier build.
Yeah, there's a reason why they rarely buff Michael despite people constantly saying that he's weak, and the reason is because he's one of highest-performing killers statistically.
That is an F-tier build, though. Infinite T3 mori is objectively worse than basekit. If you're actually trying to win games consistently, Tombstone Piece is much better, but the tradeoff is that you can depip with 5K bloodpoints despite getting a 4K (or at least it seems that way).
Yeah, but aren't you at super-high MMR, to the point where you only have instawin bots as opponents whenever a new wave of them gets unleashed into the game?
The fact that you still see Michael enough to have an opinion says everything. Back during the old matchmaking system, he was one of the only M1 killers who could perform well at red ranks with sweat enough play.
Pig's dash attack sucks. I agree that her basekit is stronger than Myers, but when all builds of both killers are considered, Mikey is stronger.
Trickster just sucks in general, and Myers will outperform him consistently.
The other killers you listed are stronger than Michael on average, but he still has builds that are stronger than anything they can do.
I almost never run out of "stalker juice" on Michael unless I'm running something ridiculous like a Tombstone Piece build, and then half the team is already dead by the time I do. It's almost impossible to completely stalk everyone while playing another build; game's over before you even get close.
If you use DR+M&A, your TR is even lower.
I don't know if I've ever run completely out of stalk while there was more than one survivor left in the game while running a normal build. If you have Hair Bow, it's not even an issue.
Good thing this never happens in real-world scenarios.
However, Trickster was at least D-tier when he was first released, and Trapper is D-tier. When taking other factors (like build and platform into account), other killers can also reach this low. Old Legion was D-tier with the wrong build (B-tier or above with the right one). D-tier is a thing, but Mikey isn't on it unless you're running him with no perks and no addons (and then ut's debatable).
Yeah, but if you have more than 100 hours yourself, you're going to realize that when they start trying to deny you stalk, you either use the opportunity to get a free hit and/or hook, find someone else, or... just keep stalking since the math still works out in your favor if you're close enough.
Also, in my experience, survivors who think that they're denying you stalk typically think they're being more effective than they are. You can sometimes stalk them at weird angles or (in rare cases) obstacles that they're trying to hide behind, and, no, trying to run me in circles around a pallet doesn't affect me - the closer you are, the more stalk I get, so this is still as effective as stalking you from a distance without interruption even if I'm only getting stalk 50-75% of the time we're running around in circles.
When it comes to stalk, there really isn't much the survivors can do once you've found them. Your enemy is RNG. If they all spawn next to the farthest two gens with toolboxes and they're the last ones you check, it could be a rough match.
Michael has several incredibly broken builds (see my first couple of paragraphs). Most people just don't think about those because Otz doesn't ever make videos about them. (Every tier list, he talks about TP and nothing else and then dismisses Mike as the worst killer in the game.)
As a Michael main, I'm not very likely to run a TP build because of the low BP you get out of it even if you win. Also, the other S-tier Michael builds are probably better, anyway, because you have to get a lot of stalk to get just one kill out of TP.
This. Don't pop your T3 unless and until you're about to get a hit. They'll occasionally manage to get away from you somehow for a few seconds, anyway, but if you didn't 100% your T3 until you were on top of them, you still won't have wasted it.
Yes, you will be eating a lot of pallets with Michael, but if you know the difference between safe and unsafe pallets, and you destroy the safe ones immediately instead of trying to play around them (also remember to stalk survivors who stand at dropped pallets), the entire map becomes unsafe pretty quickly. You only have to deal with that crap for one or two extended chases, and then it's a survivor slaughter factory.
Slowdown is very important on Michael, though, yeah. You're going to want to be running Ruin/Undying and/or Deadlock/Merciless and/or Brine/Pop with most builds, especially ones that rely on addons that increase his stalk time.
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I hope I am not high MMR Survivor considering I haven't won a game in a week.
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
That's why you dont pop it off the bat, you do it when you're up their back, no way they'll dodge it =D
Also, in my experience, survivors who think that they're denying you stalk typically think they're being more effective than they are. You can sometimes stalk them at weird angles or (in rare cases) obstacles that they're trying to hide behind, and, no, trying to run me in circles around a pallet doesn't affect me - the closer you are, the more stalk I get, so this is still as effective as stalking you from a distance without interruption even if I'm only getting stalk 50-75% of the time we're running around in circles.
They still haven't fixed the spots you can stalk through =D they were bugged at first but it's fixed now
When it comes to stalk, there really isn't much the survivors can do once you've found them. Your enemy is RNG. If they all spawn next to the farthest two gens with toolboxes and they're the last ones you check, it could be a rough match.
Tis why corrupt also helps with this,
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Weren't you the one who had 20 bot games in a row the last time that happened?
I'm just saying. My survivor MMR is low, and I've never seen those once. (Mostly because I can't loop for #########. I'm not easy to find, but if you do, I'm just going to run in a straight line away from you until you down me. "Holding W" is a meme strategy if I've ever seen one.)
I never run Corrupt. Maybe I would on Trapper or Hag, but in effect, it's 15 seconds of slowdown while the survivors find a different gen to do (assuming they don't just all go hide in the corner for a minute and a half, which doesn't help me stalk), and then it's a wasted perk.
It's probably better in general than I'm giving it credit for, but every perk slot counts on Michael.
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The main Perks i use on Michael are as Follows: Ruin (if this perk even last 30 damn seconds ffs) Pop Bam Monitor, with DR and J Myers, has been my go-to build, unless im bored and wanna mori everyone, then it's: PWYF Noed Corrupt and a random perk of choice, =D
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That's not bad, but I'd replace Pop with Undying. Because, yeah, Ruin won't last 30 seconds otherwise, and Myers has no map mobility, so it's better to have passive slowdown than having to go chase down a gen every time you hook someone.
Merciless/Deadlock also works really well on him for passive slowdown. Merciless gets unfairly maligned; it's not as bad as something like Overcharge. People expect it on Sadako, bust most survivors will miss at least once if you run it on any other killer.
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I had 6 bot games in a day yes
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Unless youre playing against the top 1% of survs id disagree with the sentiment that you cant get hits with m1 killers.
If the survs you play against as oni can "just hide out your power" i think you're misusing your power.
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Legion can be put off their power by being stunned. And Oni don't need to injure anyone to get power. Just to gens that have been worked on, for example. Survivor actions release blood orbes.
Plague prevents people from healing, rendering med kits useless; they are also noisy and dangerous to others as they will infect windows, pallets, lockers and gens, which can affect others, plus you just need a buñit of puke to set a timer on the survivors until they are broken. And then if they cleanse, they power you up. And if every single fountain is used, you can't go collect your power in any of them but you get it immediately for free at the moment it happens.
The pig can lose her power for the rest of the game, but RNG can play on your favor, as you don't need to be chasing survivors to get them killed, and every time you scare them and they let go of the box, they need to restart.
None of this makes this killers better, specially pig, but one has to be fair to what the powers do.
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Pig and Sadako can with their base kit. ;)
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Sure they can. :D
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Streamers and a lot of people throw Myers into the trash because they dont really understand his basekit and believe he is dependant in Tombstone addons, most bad Myers I see play him like a regular 32 TR M1 Killer, that is using the patrolling routes on the center of the map, which usually have very few LoS obstacles while as Myers you should walk the middle and outer rings of most maps because those almost universally have the most walls and obstacles, guys we can see you walking in the middle of the map, you are not tricking or surprising anyone with those lazy moves even if you went full TR reduction...
Having a 8 meter TR is a power on itself and well used on decent maps is deceptively strong, as a 32 TR Killer you dont care much about LoS since everyone and their mother will know you are getting close and start running away with a nice headstart, the TR will always warn them but as a 6/8 TR Killer if you walk the outer rings from wall to wall Survivors will have a much harder time detecting you because they dont have the TR warning and walking behind walls blocks their view, once you reach them its too late to get a headstart and a lot of times they dont even know what route take to escape because they literally dont know where you coming from and they have 2 seconds to react once they start hearing the hearbeat (8 meter TR means you are 1,75 seconds away from stabbing them in the butt when they start hearing the heartbeat).
I agree you need some sort of stall on him because his early game is extremely slow unless you manage to yoink someone from a gen at the start, I usually run PGTW and it serves its purpose well enough, Ruin is a gamble and since Myers doesnt have that much pressure it may not give enough value before it goes away unlike it does with high mobility Killers like Spirit or Blight.
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Technically, Oni Needs to atleast get A hit, it won't go up to 100% fully by itself, so you still need a hit reguardless,
also survivors won't release blood orbs if they haven't been injured yet,
Plague is still a basic m1 killer though, people tend to forget this, yes she Does prevent healing but doesn't mean you can cleanse, and if you're already broken, you'll be already pre-running before she gets close to you so you can make it to another loop and whatnot,
Pig is pure rng, you can get more cucked than useful with it almost all the time, (that or rng is a hassle)
Personally, never was a big fan of undying, i haven't tried merciless, deadlock works wonders but it doesn't affect multiple gens at once which is a huge downside, since it only locks One that's "Close" to being done, ffs...
Pfh, 4 claudettes in the wild hiding in bushes that blend in would like to have a word with you,
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S tier for fun.
D tier for viability.
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Yeah, staying hidden while you move towards survivors is a must, although Spine Chill can be annoying, especially if the whole team's running it.
I've tried Pop with Brine as a replacement for the Ruin/Undying combo, but I wouldn't run it on its own, just because his mobility is such crap. Running Brine with Pop usually means that you get at least an extra 10-15% on top of Pop's 25, but it's still as much of a gamble as Ruin/Undying, since bad generator placement can mean that you aren't easily able to keep kicking enough gens and still keep chasing people. On the other hand, consciously employing a 3-gen strategy with that combo can be absolutely devastating.
Surveillance also works really well with Ruin/Undying on Michael since it gives you great information.
Combining Ruin/Undying or Brine/Pop with Deadlock/Merciless can be brutal.
Against excellent survivors who can hit every great skill check with surgical precision, you might not get anything out of Merciless, but even good survivors will usually miss at least once if they're surprised. Which is why it's a terrible perk on Sadako, since almost every Sadako player runs it, it seems like, and even I'll manage to get through a couple of gens without missing a check if I know it's coming.
If two survivors are working on the same gen when it triggers, there's almost a 100% chance that it's going to activate.
Also, you don't necessarily have to rely on them missing the checks on their own. If you run it with something like Tinkerer and manage to time it right so that you're chasing them off the gen while it's active, it'll give you the extra slowdown regardless.
It can be outplayed, but it's not like Overcharge where you've got a 75% chance of it never activating once against decent survivors. If every survivor misses one out of the 20 skill checks thrown at them, it's done enough to make it worth it.
Also, while we're on the subject, Brine with Dragon's Grip can be really effective, just because DG scares some survivors into waiting a while before trying to work on a gen again. I usually run that combo on Sadako.
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Sadako isn't really a killer for me per say, Moreso when i'm used to playing other killers that can use their power effectively, However i've been running the good ol' Surge / PR combo on acouple of my killers and it's been.. rather nice per say to not run ruin with it,
Hell PR by itself is also good when you wanna be on the move after each hook, (till they break the damn hooks with sabo..) Haven't been a big fan of Brine despite it being Ruin on kick, I just don't see how it's good when they can just run back and tap it quickly to reset the gen, especially if you're either mid-loop or stunned on a pallet, not my Cup of Tea..
Also on the Subject of Ruin / Undying, Combo can still be decent, the only downside is Rng favoring you or not on good actual placements, (I'm looking at you Haddonfield rework =_=) Only ran this combo a few times, not really worth to have 2 perks out of the game almost 30 seconds in if they spawned on it, still not a bad combo though!
Tbf, i Really wanna like Deadlock / Merciless, but the downside is if you got like Ruin or something with these, it won't affect it if it gets locked, that's the only part i really hate about it, Despite it having a good upside, Surge and PR can still affect the locked gens i believe...not fully sure however..