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Are Devs really playing their game?

After all this years still sound bugs on basic mechanics?

  1. why is there most of the time no sound with the leatherface saw when hes behind you? bug for months now
  2. why is the heartbeat tripple as loud as the hatchsound? any reason to keep the hatch in the game at this point?
  3. and the most interessting for me why is the hatch even still in the game when every killer is slugging to get the sweaty 4k and on top of it why are keys still in the game? they slug you 100% when they see you have a key and only 2 survs are left. i would rather die and get into the next game instead on wasting the whole bleedout timer on the ground what is the same as holding hostage in my eyes but im not allowed to dc ty devs
  4. why is there still no casual and rank mode in the could easily bring the average rank mechanic (before mmr) back to the casual mode and the mmr system for the ranked mode?
  5. why is there still no other gamemode? there are tons of suggestions out there from the community instead you bursting killer after killer out most of them without new maps. and then the new killer get played 2-3 weeks and then only rarely anymore.


  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Testing and the such sure.

    But it's fair to think they don't when changes that have needed to be done have not been done and many things have not been addressed.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    You know they dont need to be playing the game and in fact most game designers dont play their games, right?

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    3 ) The hatch only appears if there is 1 survivor left.

     Do you want to remove the latter and prevent the last survivor from having a chance to escape?

     4) The game is basic casual.

     Ranking in this game is irrelevant and meaningless.

     It was the developers who created maps so that the survivors could get away with it more often and the killer would have difficulty catching them.

     Personally I suggest reducing the size of all the maps and redoing them in such a way that survivors have real difficulty accessing a generator or just wandering around the map.

     5) if the developers have not created other game modes so far it is because players will always be focused on one mode which will impact the other.

     There are already different wait times between killer and survivor searches depending on the time of day.

     If we really release another game mode, the waiting time of the basic mode will be strongly impacted.

     The only solution is that this mode in question is restricted and contains bots to act as players.


  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    They play casually with meme perks.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,356

    I've wanted #4 for a while now. Could keep MMR for both and just have the matchmaking criteria be loose or tighter depending on the mode. Obviously there are still hoops to jump through for solo queue before they could add ranked. I don't think many would want to play against an omega sweat Nurse without some form of communications

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited June 2022

    I think one issue with the DBD balancing is a problem of not understanding how game design works.

    Fundamentally speaking, player feedback is very important- but the DBD community cannot come to a consensus due how polarized each side is from one another.

    And that doesn’t mean it’s the playerbases fault for this, either— it’s a loss of a major source on both sides. Much of the feedback DEVS use is, invisible, only by testing which is much more private.

    We also need to come to the understanding that a good game developer does not necessarily have to play there game to be good at balancing it. An objective perspective to these problems is mandatory, that way biased balancing problems can be avoided. A huge problem is, is that there’s not enough good feedback, either. A lot of it on this forum are people who feel they’re being persecuted for playing a certain role- going for both sides.

    This leads to a large sum of feedback being isolated because of it’s weird attachment to the games social culture. We have norms, reactions, & stuff. It’s weird. But the point is, much of the players experience could greatly improve if players did not care what the other, their experience would vastly improve. A large sum of the feedback in this forum are usually related to camping, tunneling, while far fewer address true gameplay design problems. A great example of what a community feedback loop should look like is the Onryo. People have in-depth critiques for their kit.

    PTW puts this pretty well:

    “However, these decisions must be backed up by careful consideration of the data; they can never be based on emotions. Players have the leeway to make emotional pronouncements, but developers can’t trust that input. Decisions must be supported by what the data shows the players are doing in a game, versus what they say they want. It may surprise some to learn that it’s not the volume of what players say in forums that causes changes to games, but what the data shows is happening. This discrepancy stems from the fact that players may know that they’re not having fun with a game, but they may not always know why.”

    When you provide surface level feedback, it leaves the deeper root of the problems to fester like weeds, which is also apart of the game designers responsibility. A lot of game design truly comes from statistical data that has been shown on stream a few times. This method is known as telemetrics.

    “A good forum thread can do the same progress as dozens of phone calls.”

    However, don’t get me wrong: The balance is on the devs. But the resources they use to draw judgement have their problems, which leads to problematic judgement or inaction.

    Edit 1: Acknowledgement; I’m not specialized in game design. I do have some introductory research analysis classes under my belt, however. If by chance my understanding of this subject is uninformed or incorrect, please do feel free to correct me.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    That’s a problem with the games initial feedback phase. Prior to being shipped out to the PTB, this is usually tested in a smaller group of individuals in dedicated centers for such- Lionbridge serves as a wonderful example.

    And in these testing examples, Sadako may have performed well due to the inexperience of the players at the center. That is why the PTB exists, to cover the bases that initial phase fails to cover. The PTB is for community feedback.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The community already said maps are bad and oversized. Then we got the game, RCPD and eyre of crows..........

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited June 2022

    Oh absolutely, I totally agree. I hate those maps. But, That’s also a point of my previous post: some of these are in fact, the developers fault.

    But some cases, it’s not.

    The fault here is failure to listen to feedback. The post I quoted makes a wonderful point. Thanks, Zozzy.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Yes they do and various developers play at different MMRs and being able to play the game at a certain level does not indicate whether they can balance it at that level. They can see the metrics, watch streams, and generally understand how high level gameplay works even if they don't play at that themselves.

    Most don't play it publicly because just imagine the comments they would get if they were like, "BHVR developer plays DBD in public forum." It would be an endless stream of harassment. If they're playing the game on a stream, they're generally playing for fun outside of their work hours on a game they already spend 8 hours a day looking at.

    For the specific points:

    1. Probably a very difficult bug. We don't know the details, but directional sound can be very hard and they might be working with older code that's not completely understood. Pretty common in software development.
    2. Not sure what you mean? Hatch is plenty loud.
    3. Doesn't really happen to me? I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it happens to me so rarely that it's not a big deal. This is usually more common the newer the killer is. Killers who have been playing awhile learn to not care very much about hatch escapes and want to get to the next game ASAP too. The devs have said that they're generally ok with this because the bleedout timer ensures that the game will end at some point. For why the hatch is there, it's to avoid a situation where the survivor has absolutely no way of winning and is required to either choose to kill themselves or hide forever. Hatch gives the last survivor an alternative goal that's actually achievable and encourages them not to just hide for 30 minutes. Killer closes hatch and that powers the exit gates and EGC so the survivor still has something to do. The important part is that the match will end and it won't just result in a stalemate for half an hour.
    4. Not really sure what you mean by this? Why would the "ranking" only apply in the casual mode and MMR, the hidden one, only apply in the ranked mode? If they were to make a casual mode, both would likely have matchmaking with MMR. They've asked survey questions about it, but I haven't really heard a compelling difference between casual mode and ranked mode beyond, "I want a mode where I can play against people much worse than me so I don't have to try (sweat)." Which means that the other side is sweating? And it seems to be, "Matchmaking was so bad with ranks that it meant I got matched with those people who I didn't have to try against so that's my definition of casual." Which seems to be the primary motivator behind a casual mode with ranks because, if ranks worked correctly, that would make no sense! The ranks would be in the ranked mode and casual mode would have the MMR to ensure casual and fair matches. A casual mode would just generally encourage smurfing in the casual mode like every other game that does that. Most other games started integrating MMR in their casual modes in a response to people doing that and ruining the casual mode for newer players.
    5. New game modes are a lot more difficult than you would imagine. And then you have to balance that new game mode. I'd like other game modes too, but I'm not going to pretend it's easy.
  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Everybody before Gideon rework: We don't really like breakable walls. They feel shoehorned in and out of place.

    Killer mains before Gideon rework: There needs to be less safe pallets, and just less pallets in general.

    Developers: What's that? You want MORE breakable walls and pallets? *Fills Gideon rework with unnecessary breakable walls and an absurd amount of pallets that are also really safe*

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Of course they play hockey what do you even mean?

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,972

    If that was really the case then we would have MUCH more bug fixes per patch.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    1. Sound occlusion is a massively complex issue that takes literal scientists and software engineers many months if not years to produce properly. It's bound to have kinks - but moreover, it's bound to take time to correct such relatively subtle mistakes.
    2. The importance and frequency of heatbeat is far more frequent and imperative than the hatch, but if you're having a hard time finding the hatch, it's because it is patently intended to be difficult to find for both sides.
    3. 4 slugs are an issue right now - and keys were once a rampant issue that have been nerfed into obscurity. They should work to make keys viable again, but hatch itself is in a bad place. If you want to have a 'give up' option while bleeding out, that is a popular suggestion
    4. This would solve nothing - as very few players actually enjoy the competitive nature of the game, and find comp outside of tournaments to be astoundingly boring and dull. The meta is a snooze fest. Basically, dev time on a comp mode is wasted effort. You're not going to cut the wheat from the chaff, very few people would be interested in Comp and all of the sweaty folks who want to get easy escapes or easy 4ks will stay in casual.
    5. It's an asymmetrical game, it's very hard to design a mode that is both sensible and robust enough to be an addition to the game with existing assets. For instance, it takes a long time to develop the maps - if there was a 2 killer 8 survivor game mode or something along those lines - it would require new maps and different approaches to design. You might as well make an entirely different game, because you'd need double the staffing and a complete overhaul of resources to develop that. If you have a dev team that cannot take 5 hours out of a work week to tweak the numbers on D tier perks like Fire Up - you're not going to get several thousand man-hours to pump out a new game mode so easily. Hopefully we will see one in the future, but I think we'd all rather it be done -RIGHT- and not just be tacked on.
  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 249

    The problem is that PTB not good for real testing. Even if you keep your BP for it, you will have ~1M BP at mirroring. And then you can spend it on the killer or the survivor - or you can split it up. And you will luck, or not to get good perks on it. But you do not need to get the best perks sure... But you cannot TEST it really. And who the hell will farm BP on PTB?

    PTB should work like a custom game, where you have all the perks, you have any items/addons/offerings. So you can really TEST out the killer, and all the character's new perks with other perks so you can deicide which is usefull, which could be too strong.

    So yes, as it is told one problem is that there is not good feedback, because both side will reeeeeeee about everything, and most of the time it is just cause they are unexperienced. But the other problem is that you cannot really test things out in time

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 249

    1 - No comment. There was, and will be bugs in every game. You have to accept this.

    2- To make it harder for both side. Not only finding the hatch, but chases too.

    3 - This is nonsense, and a grate example for the emotional feedback. Not every killer slugs for 4k. And it is not sweaty. Not more, then survivors try to save somebody at the end of the game, when the killer had only a few hooks. Or not more then try to finish the 5 gens - you know this is the goal for the killer. And like survivors, usually killers too will do what they can to win. And how the hell would it be a hostage situation? Seriosly. In worst scenario you will die in 4 minutes. Killer cannot take hostage the game at all, because you will die at one point, or you will finish gens, open the gate and get out. Or you die in endgame collapse. Only survivors can take the game hostage, because if they just hide around and not doing gens, the killer literally cannot do anything to end the game. And of course you are not allowed to DC. It would abusing the hatch mechanic without any consequenses.

    4 - As other told, there is no point to do this. Waiting times would be much worst. And even competitive players could que for casual games, and do the same what they would do in a ranked game.

    5 - It would take many resources (time, money etc) and would be really hard to make it work. Honestly, what gamemode would work? Capture the flag? King of the hill? Cut out that 2v8, that would horrible; this game designed for 1v4 and even there we have balance issues.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I have similar criticism for the PTB. The problem with the PTB is for an experimental state, it lacks the standardization for an experiment.

    This means that the performance of a perk is not truly able to be measured due to the content validity being too broad; based on the individual whom enters the PTB’s in game progress.

    Granted this part of experimental design is built upon having a hypothesis & needs replicability, but my point is, is that the perks true value cannot be experienced until it interacts with other perks. Some perks are strong enough to hold their own. But I think that all perks should be given to all participants in the PTB in order to standardize the results a little better. That way we can get more authentic results, similar to how they would perform on the public build.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    No, obviously.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited June 2022

    Rank/casual mode isn't solid because the game per se is not competitive and nobody would stop tryhards to queue casual and ruin the fun for everyone else (as they do already)

    Also 1 behavior seems unable to develop an actual MMR system and 2 the problem of queue times they mentioned by making it stricter is real and nobody wants that in a casual game

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,795

    Nah I'd be for it because all the sweats would flock to casual leaving ranked as, funnily, the less competitive mode. Because we both know that people would just go to casual for easy wins bringing the most busted ######### possible

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    jfc, are killers still complaining about keys?

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 488

    Yeah but they’re only playing survivor

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974
    1. always assume saw
    2. i dont know
    3. it is a pity mechanic and they still needs the pity. people dislike change a lot of the time. there are achievements people would be upset about not being able to get. keys have other uses. hatch is also bandaid for gates too close.
    4. don't want to fragment player base
    5. don't want to fragment player base and too much work just for people to complain
  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    ah yes split ranked and casual gamemode so in the evening I have to wait 10 minutes instead of 5 for a match as the less played side

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    I haven't seen a single person complain about keys, only that they're weak, which I agree with. They should be reworked to something better.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Why is you still playing this game?