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General Discussions

Slugging and Holding Players Hostage

Member Posts: 81
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

When is something going to be done about this?

The community is dwindling and no doubt it is large in part to toxic play and mechanics like this, and inactivity from BHVR to fix it.

This sort of stuff really has to be stopped.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The mori update will make it so the killer auto moris the last survivor when they are in dying state.

    But it's really not holding the game hostage since you will eventually die.

  • Member Posts: 81

    it is totally holding someone hostage if you slug them and make them wait out the entire bleed time. absolutely no question about it.

    I have had killers do this to entire teams, all 4 people. everybody just lies there until they finally die. it's terrible, it feels terrible, and it's 100% mega toxic behavior.

  • Member Posts: 81

    words- read again.

    it is totally holding someone hostage if you slug them and make them wait out the entire bleed time.

    cool though that you think thats ok. as if I should be surprised.

  • Member Posts: 81

    but why should I or anyone have to wait 4 minutes of watching my character whine and bleed on the ground?

    why is that ok?? yes it will end eventually... but that's just really toxic behavior.

    go off though defending it. this is why so many people are quitting.. everybody is supposed to be playing the game to enjoy themselves.. but instead, we have to be jerks to each other and make things -unnecessarily miserable-

    I have played this game for years.. and it didnt used to be like this. just so remorselessly toxic and people dont even think there is anything wrong with it.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Except it isn't.

    It's not okay, but for the purposes of this conversation the devs' definition of holding the game hostage is creating a situation in which the game can not end by any means.

    In other words it's not considered holding the game hostage if you have a means to be freed from captivity. In this instance, that means is bleeding out and dying.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The devs have done a good job at making it nearly impossible for any player to hold the game or someone else hostage. The only way that currently exists is a killer blocking you in an area you can't leave from and then just standing there doing nothing. Everything else has a set end.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    correct, I am the one who said it is okay.

    And it totally is.

    Run Boil Over/Flip Flop run to corner, Im gonna go get water while you bleed out.

    And no regrets

  • Member Posts: 81

    I don't know what delusion ever came over me to think that I would find some sort of decency in these forums. 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    How often does this happen to you? Happened to me 3 times in 2 years

  • Member Posts: 81

    If I cannot move for 4 minutes, and just have to lie there, that is being held hostage. I dont care what the game terminology is or what the "devs" label it as. a person -who does not want to be held there- is kept in a position where they have zero control aside from dc'ing.. which can get reported.

    could be on to the next game by the time. if this is "ok" to do.. then we need to just be able to end the bleed timer and die because its not fun.. it just feels really really bad.

  • Member Posts: 734

    It sucks that it happens, but it's not something that the game deems bannable offense. If this is happening to you many times in a row, I feel bad for you because that's just super unlucky. You can try to run anti-slugging perks to counter it, but in reality you shouldn't be having matches that play out like this repeatedly. Either find a swf to raise your mmr and get better killers who aren't trolling for salt or maybe take a break and play a different game.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I didnt even say getting slugged can be reported...

    "is kept in a position where they have zero control aside from dc'ing.. which can get reported." the dc'ing can be reported... dc'ing because you dont want to be kept on the ground for 4 minutes. that is what I said.

    Just let us die if thats how its going to be. I will queue up and move on... but I reallllly do not want to lie there for 4 minutes of doing nothing.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    So you're saying you should have control in a situation where the game considers you as dying... makes total sense. Sure there should be an option to bleed yourself out if you're the last survivor I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    False reports fall under abusing the report system, which can get you a warning or even banned. Don't report a non reportable behavior, there are clear rules about what is and isn't reportable. Slugging is specifically listed as non reportable

    The game does progress, you are bleeding out. Multiple people have told you that holding the game hostage is if your game isn't progressing, leaving you with no other choice but to dc.

    And before you say "omg stop defending this", I am not defending this kind of behavior but I am trying to tell you that this isn't holding the game hostage

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    If you think the game didn't used to be like this for the entire 6 year run then you were just lucky to not get into the game where it has been exactly this since 2016.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Sure you have control. You can DC if you wish or you can alt tab and watch a video or whatever. I've only ever had this happen three or four times in all the time I've played this game. I've done it myself once to all four survivors.

    All you're doing is whining about a bad game you had, being combative and not offering any solutions. How productive do you think that behavior and attitude is? What do you expect to get out of it? It's juvenile.

  • Member Posts: 81

    report it. ban me. whatever lol. nothing constructive ever happens here anyway.

  • Member Posts: 3,139
    edited June 2022

    Idk what about a logical "you shouldnt have control in a situation where you are dying" makes me an idiot but go off. Getting this hard pressed over bleeding out just to go to another game against nurse or holding m1 on gens for the same amount of time.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 2,617

    It's just a button (M1) that they're hitting. It's only a video game. I don't know why people get so upset over someone just a hitting a button repeatedly (M1 every time the survivor gets picked up). It's just pixels.

    I'm not directing this at you, OP, since I don't know if you do this but I like to slugcamp survivors who teabag at pallets. I then let the non teabagging survivors farm all the BP they want off of me after. Toxicity; it's the gift you just want to hit the return to sender button on even if you're otherwise normally chill.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Literally, sometimes that's your only option and then they blame you, it's like I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't running boil over

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Holding the game hostage is having no way to end the game, such as a killer who traps you in the corner and doesn't hit you so you have to just sit there, slugging may be annoying, but some people do it out of spite, while some do it for good reasons

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2022

    BHVR's stance is this isn't holding the game hostage. However, yes, it's extremely toxic behavior, the killer is completely holding the survivor hostage for 4 minutes and they are totally doing it to screw over the survivor. BHVR could give a damn though, they only care about killers.

  • Member Posts: 81

    nope. actually I like the chase. doing gens is boring and I wish they would add something new to change it up. I am also not out here teabagging and flashlight macroing or running some bully squad on killers... and when I play with friends I actually tell them to knock it off .. because somebody has to at least -try- to remain decent in this hellscape.

    survivors and killers have such a horrible relationship. like real actual venom.. that is visable just by searching this forums or twitter... or the end game lobby.

    I want fun gameplay.. I want to enjoy the game. without it being at the expense of someone else.

    I dont think thats unreasonable.

    the fact that some of the people in this thread defend holding someone there until they die just really.. well I cant say I am surprised. I dont think I have the word to articulate the mindset of some of these people.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    The way I see it, we are doing them a favor. If they do not want to be hooked, well... I will oblige by not hooking them. We are nice guys going along with their decision.

    I wouldn't do this to regular folks, I have been bled out more times than I can count and know how it feels.

  • Member Posts: 3,139
    edited June 2022

    Tbf your fun is literally at the expense of the other side in a pvp game most of the time. Unless its a bare bones fair matchup in a fairly balanced game (not this game) then yes it can be fun for both sides. Had a very fun time in the Multiversus beta unless it was against a finn and jake cause I still felt like I had a chance the entire match even if I was being stomped.

  • Member Posts: 81

    A loss is not ruining my day. I normally dont care at all. (I def have some friends that get HEATED af over losing.. and I just dont get it.)

    Wasting my time does definitely trigger me. That will make me upset.. as has been displayed here.

    The feng in that original screenshot wasnt even me... I watched to see if she made it... and saw that and got immediately ticked off. They stood over her for the entire bleed out bar. Hooks nearby. Nobody was even being toxic that match because 2 other survivors dc'd (because everybody hates legion these days)

    That was completely uncalled for toxicity. I just think that sort of thing should be prevented.. and if it means someone is forced to hook you (because thats what they are there for) then I just dont feel bad about that at all. Some players deserve it.. that is truth. I play both killer and survivor (though much more fun as a survivor imo) and being on the other end of the bully train sucks. its just 5-10 minutes of stress... I get it...

    but I just cant feel differently about being stuck to bleed out and do nothing for 4 minutes. \o/

  • Member Posts: 696

    That isn't holding players hostage. A good example of holding players hostage is a hacker survivor using the hook hack so that they cannot be killed or letting the game end by any other means so the only option the other players have to leave the game is to literally leave or D/C. Another example is the killer body blocking a survivor in a corner where the survivor cannot move and the only option again is for the player(s) to leave game or D/C, being penalized in the process.

    I've learned that in order to not be slugged or camped, is to not get caught. I now have a sufficient build that works most of the time to stay away from the killer. Find one that works for you and you should be good. Or, have perks to combat being slugged or strategies to being camped because there are ways to get out of these situations. And don't tell me I'm survivor/killer sided because I play both and have learned strategies for both sides. I'm not the best player in the game, but even I know that there are ways to get out of these situations or never get into them to begin with. In the end, it's a game and there are plenty of perks and strategies available. Maybe you haven't found yours yet, but if you keep trying with different builds and strategies, I'm sure you'll find one that works for you. Mine took me months to figure it out. I'm terrible at looping. Now I have a build that not only helps with looping, but get's me as far from the killer as possible without taking a hit. Don't give up and don't feel bad if you fail. It takes time to get better, even when killers have changed their strategies. It sucks, but I'm sure you'll find a way. I mean, I did and I have less faith in myself than anyone else playing this game. You got this.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited June 2022

    What triggers you about this though?

    Is it the wait?... Because they could shorten the timer but then you'd just die quicker.

    The loss?.. You are going to lose some games, sometimes brutally, but dealing well with loss is part of being emotionally mature.

    A sense of unfairness?.. Well the killer did have to catch and down you so its well within the game rules and mechanics, the other player is under no obligation to hook you and to ensure you aren't held hostage there is a timer than will end it if they don't hook you...

    So we wind up back at is the wait too long? do you just want to die quicker or get free heals, neither of which are very good game wise.

    Think about it this way, it's kinda thematic to bleed out slowly in a horror setting.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Bleeding someone out is NOT considered Holding the Game Hostage,

    You will still die to bleedout, it's only considered Holding the Game Hostage if 2 things has happened,

    1: Killer traps the last survivor in the corner and doesnt kill them,

    2: last 2 survivors hide throughout the entire match and not showing up in 15 or so minutes,

  • Member Posts: 495

    Dude I freaking hate that. I assume that since you are really putting up a fight to be on the hook, then you are WANTING to lay on the ground. I will literally babysit and make sure everyone else survives before that Boil Over person leaves. XD

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