Can we all agree on a nickname for Dredge?

I nominate Locker Blight
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Glup Shitto
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The Blubbering Blurple Monster.
Grimm Shady.
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Seen 'Drussy' thrown around a bit...
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The Dredge
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Thought we were calling it Turkey and Turkey lurky
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The Dredge
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Daddy Dredge
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I Second This,
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How about Mara (as in from Persona cause uh, they have one very obvious feature in common...).
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The Sausage
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Teleporting turkey
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Maurice slayer
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Only think I can think of is didgeridoo.
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Dredgy McDredgeface
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Lurky turkey is good. Instead of nightfall we can call it thanksgiving
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Ol' Dickhead is what we've been calling him, let's not pretend like his whole neck and head don't look like a shaft chasing you
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Dead space monster Impostor
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Looks like bugged texture guy
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Locker Rooster
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i call him a turkey :v
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Yeah ! Turkeeeeey !
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I'm still calling him Drussy
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I call him #1 Best Head Game WW
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I heard someone say Judge Dredge before... Didn't want to take credit but wanted to share. That's what I started calling it since I heard it.
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And the winner (IMO) is:
Haha what a good call.
Imagine giving the Dredge a Turkey-ish outfit with Turkey sounds.
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This is gold! Well played on that one haha
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The Drussy
*drops mic*
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Benson and Dredges
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Big Daddy D
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Horse killer 😭
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When the anniversary cosmetic for him drops I'm going to use only that and call him pinwheel/gravelord nito
the cosmetic looks so much like those 2
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Dr. Dre
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He has a name the dredge. or just dredge.
I'm reminded of that old Jimeoin quote "My buddy once asked me hey Jimeoin can I call you Jimmy for short?"
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The boogeyman
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gobbler because he looks like a deformed turkey
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I lose hope in humanity with every passing second....
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I'm sticking with Judge Dredge. Can't change my mind. 😁
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The “Foreskin Turkey”