Spinechill detecting undetectable status should change

At the moment, Spinechill is a flat out easy early warning for those who run it. Generally, this isn't that big of an issue for most killers. However, it does really become a problem for true stealthers like Pig or The Ghost Face.

Other killers generally have abilities that help them chase down survivors and such. However, for Pig and The Ghost Face, they are essentially just M1 killers. They have to take precious time out of their gameplay just to get into a position to actually make use of their stealth. This is extra time survivors are getting on gen repair. However, all of that extra time just to try to set up a stealth approach completely goes out the window if a survivor is running spinechill. You make your way stealthed up to the gen, but the moment you even glance in their direction, the survivors just all take off running, and you aren't in a position to effectively chase as stealth is generally THE power you get. It completely negates the killer's ability entirely. The counter is crab-walking, but let's be real, that's not fun - that's just frustrating....not to mention on Ghostface, you HAVE to be looking in their direction to build up the stalk meter. A single perk shouldn't single-handedly shut down a killer.

I really do feel that undetectable should be undetectable. I think it's an issue that spinechill can detect an undetectable killer. I'd almost classify it as a bug.

I think having spinechill not pick up on undetectable would go a long way in helping stealth killers be more viable.


  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    If I wanted to nerf Spine Chill, I would have buffed Premonition, the weaker Varation of Spine Chill; and make this perk be the only perk to counter Undetectable. Mean while Spine Chill will allow you to detect Normal killers without any Undetectable status effect apply to them. Spine Chill will be nerf in which Undetectable Stealth killer will not be detect anymore; and the Premonition perk will be the new go to perk to relie on stealth killer detection. Spine Chill

    Drop the cooldown, or give a additional benefit to allow you the ability to detect Stealthy killer, like every 30 seconds, you can get 2 seconds of aura reading of the undetectable killer.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Just don't look at the person - it's really simple.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,856
    edited June 2022

    Aura reading I wouldn't agree with, but I'd be fine with premonition picking up undetectable. I'd say that's fair, considering you have to actively look around to utilize it.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Spine Chill is fine as is. It serves no purpose if it doesn’t counter undetectable.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    The aure reading is just a suggestion benefit; because well.. Spine Chill is also good for vault speeds as well as some healing and action speeds too.

    Just throwing in a suggestion for a Buff to make it stand out, besides the ability to detect Stealthy killer exclusively. Maybe... instead of aura reading, you gain 5% haste effect as long as the killer is looking in your direction.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    The counter play was already posted above. A survivor too reliant on their Spine Chill is in for a world of hurt if the killer employs it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Myers had that in Tier 1 ("Detection Immunity") and it was fine. Of course you were paranoid as hell until you knew it wasn't him at the start of the match.

    Then they changed it and Tier 1 became even more of a pain. I have suggested to buff Undetectable to what Myers' Detection Immunity was for a long time. Undetectable Should be Undetectable. That needs you to use some brain cells while working on gens, because you need to position yourself well to see everything around you. And you need to listen too.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    It helps while vaulting, it helps with finishing gens/totems/heals when the killer is approaching, it helps during chase to react to moonwalking, it helps you to determine if the killer is losely following you (especially indoors)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Ghost Face and Myers. You need to look at them to use their power.

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2022

    I agree 100%. Have you ever had a moment like this? When the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you know something is wrong? Something kicks in for us in real life and alerts us of danger we can't even see sometimes. I call that spinechill. 😉 I'm a killer main and if a survivor wants to slot this perk in then I don't mind.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited June 2022

    Nobody is running Spine Chill only for 6% faster action speed while being looked at. That is less than eight seconds off a generator if you’re being stared at the entire repair duration. Take away its power against undetectable, you kill the perk. It’s that simple.

    Edit: Same reason the new survivor perk Overzealous is complete garbage, and won’t be used outside of Adapt Haddie. Someone did the math that you would need to do over three complete generators without being hit after cleansing a totem to get return value. That’s 6% too.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    why are we complaining about spine chill of all things???

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Because its a perk that hard counters stealth killers, its not really going to change anything if it makes it so undetectable killers aren't detected, don't know why people are acting like its the end of the world. If anything it will make stealth killers more popular then people wont need to complain about only seeing blight or nurse lol..

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    How about reduced detection distance when a killer is Undetectable? An Undetectable Killer doesn't trigger Spine Chill until closer than a detectable Killer would.

    Still offers the benefit of Spine Chill without totally negating a Stealth Killer's main asset.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Don't forget that Overzealous can be stacked with other Survivors and perks like Prove thyself. But yeah it's not that great.

    Maybe merging Premonition and SC could work well if you make it useless against Undetectable.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    Remove Stealth killers one shot ability then. Don't harp about nerfing something without balancing it. So what's your balance idea?

    You counter Spine Chill by moonwalking and strafing. Its not that hard to counter at all.

    Killers legit want ez 4k's every game with no challenge still to this day. DH? I totally understand disliking that 2nd chance get out of jail free card. But Spine Chill? They already tried to nerf it a long with premonition. it was a ######### show lol

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    There is no Stealth killer with a "one-shot" ability that is also strong. Nope, not myers, GF, or Sadako (after 7 stacks and even then it's not Exposed) are strong...AT ALL.

    2 of those 3 have no capability to counter the perk in any fashion while still having a power.

    You have a large amount of killers that Spine Chill works on, and you have all the extra (and unnecessary) bonuses that Spine Chill provides as well.

    Losing Spine Chill against Undetectable is a non-issue.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i never understood why it did this in the first place. completely ruins the point of undetectable.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    You strafe or moonwalk to counter Spine Chill without power/perk usage

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited June 2022

    Not counting perks or addons, which stealth killers have one shot ability other than Ghost Face and, technically, Shape (technically as his one shot isn't directly tied to his Stealth)?

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,855

    they should have just called it "almost undetectable"

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,855

    Thanks for the great tip, I'll definitely do that next time I'm trying to stalk someone

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,856

    GF and Myers HAVE to look in the direction of the survivors.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    Thats the 2 everyone brings up when it comes to Spine Chill.

    You're welcome. I don't see too many people unable to use GF or Myers at high ranks against the Ultimate Vault build.

    Myers has a terror radius T2 and beyond unless youre playing SMM. Spine Chill is approx 34-36m range, Myers can start stalking around 39-40.

    Yall fail to realize that if neither of these powers had at least SOME counter to it, it would be completely OP. You would never see any other killers at high rank. This isn't an OP perk like Dead Hard that has been frustrating killers and cheating people out of hits and downs for literal years. If Spine Chill gave you the direction like Premonition, then it would be OP as hell. How often do you actually see Spine Chill? Much less than Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, or Iron Will.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    SC and Premonition tells you that killer is looking in your direction. Undetectable means that you aura won't be shown by any survivor perks. That's what undetectable supposed to do. Why would they change it or neft it, when it's a single perk that can be countered by not walking straight? And also, just giving free hits would be kinda boring. Especcialy with new nightfall where you see nearly nothing. From all the perks I'd understand a lot of nerfs - Dead hard, Unbreakable, Borrowed time... but spine chill? You obviously don't remember a days when the stealh killers were seing all the time by object of obssesion. Perks like tinkerer, dark devotion or nemesis gave you free wallhacks to the killer. So no, see no reason why should SP be nerfed. There are more needed perks, ones I listed above with others like corrupt, ruin, pop, dead mans switch. Once they balance one side it's a time to balance others. But I dont see any reason why would spine chill not detect killer's direction. Especially in boring games like indoor maps. And yet killers like to run full slowdown along with pink add ons. It's a choice of 4 perk slots, and i rather see someone give away stronger perks for spine chill and i play quite a lot of pig. You should not get free stalks and free grabs without any counterplay.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    It won't. Stealh killers are weak and quite boring to play as and against. At least for me. Like 90 % Myers I go against have both iri and spend 5mins holding m2 to lose all gens and than facecamp last survivor. Myers is basically m1 killer with old haunted ground+undying. Ghost face has decent stealth with very fast stalk and single haunted ground basically. Pig's stealth is meh, just because devs don't want to change the crouching speed triggers chase. So it ended that she follows you via map for a trap kill. And Wraith, he's movement speed is so fast that it would be enormously boring to face his hit and run again. and you can't outran him, so spot him before he starts uncloaking is a key. Onryo has long ass lullaby when stealthed so it doenst really matter if you can detect her, because you hear the lullaby 20m away. All stealth killers atm are just m1 killers.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    My point is you're saying they should remove Stealth killers one shot ability but only one, technically* two Stealth killers inherently even have one shot abilities, so it comes off as a weak argument since that's not "you need Spine Chill vs Stealth Killers" so much as "You need Spine Chill vs Ghost Face".

    * I say "technically" since Myers is typically at his least stealthy when his one shot ability is active.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Okay, so it needs to be changed to only work on killers who are currently Undetectable.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Why? 6% faster action speed while being looked at OP?

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854
    edited June 2022

    What? you said it yourself.

    "It serves no purpose if it doesn't counter undetectable."

    So if the killer you're up against, has no current means to be undetectable, then Spine Chill is a dead perk.

    If its worth taking even if the killer can't be undetectable, then it DOES serve a purpose if it doesn't alert you to undetectable killers.