Legion needs to be changed (from a Legion main)



  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,484

    Just had a Legion game again and it was awful.

    Again all the forum gods may counter him easy but normal players just get demolished almost every time now.

  • eloise
    eloise Member Posts: 528

    You have to take care of yourself twice and it's very long the legion is too op, the suture should heal you halfway

  • kaedediablo
    kaedediablo Member Posts: 3

    The legion will destroy the community hopefully the developer will undestand.

  • FushionCactus
    FushionCactus Member Posts: 16

    People just need to stop complaining legion is finally in a good spot why ruin it? Mending is not even that bad if anything its free survival points lol

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    edited June 2022

    I am a GF main but since pipping on him is garbage cause u get cucked for using his power, I went ahead to try to reach Iri 1 on Legion this month - oh boi. Everything @Aven_Fallen wrote in their post is true. I went from Gold 1 to Iri 1 in a span of 4 days only playing Legion cause he is a literal bloodpoint/emblem farming magine. I usually can only play a handful of killer matches in a row before I get bored of the role but playing Legion I only managed to bear 2-3 games in a row at max! When I was finally done reaching rank 1, I was SO bored of playing him, I won't touch him again until I have to next month to reach iri 1 again...

    The killer isn't even fun to play as. You never commit to a chase unless a survivor is in a dead zone. You hit everyone and see 1 or 2 ppl healed? Time to frenzy again for those 4 Thana stacks! The only thing I liked while playing Legion basically allowed me to play non-sweaty the whole time. When I eventually downed someone, I hooked em with Pain Resonance and DMS, giving me more time to go for the next person.

    I basically double pipped EVERY SINGLE MATCH! I think I had like 2 or 3 matches where I black pipped cause I went against super coordinated survivors who split up and started holding 'W' the second I went into frenzy just running me out of my power.

    He is just incredible boring to play as AND against! You don't get rewarded for outplaying the survivors you get rewarded for dragging the game out for such a long time all resources on the map such as pallets will be gone.

    If I go against the 2nd Legion in a row as survivor these days and I see they are running Thana and either Ruin/Undying or PR/DMS I am just gonna kill myself on hook and move on to the next match. I can endure one boring as fck game in a while but multiple ones in a row? No thanks, I rather move on to the next match.

  • FushionCactus
    FushionCactus Member Posts: 16

    Everyone complaining about new legion is just mad they can't ignore their power now and have to actually respect frenzy. Mending is necessary because if all it did was injure and you go to chain hits survivors are just gonna hop on gens. Its to buy time Its 12 seconds not a big deal

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I have hella fun as legion. Always have. Zipping around stabbing folks is enjoyable. Always has been. I also always have fun against them cuz I know how to play them.

    If you find your hyper meta legion build boring, who's fault is that? Try something else. I've been running Monitor, Nurses calling surge and bamboozle. If I'm sick of dead hard I'll swap out for fearmonger and blood echo. They've got a robust set of add-ons that compliment many builds. Sounds to me like that killer isn't boring, but you are.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,612

    Frustrating? He has the same counters as before, this killer is a living joke when you are against people who know how to play against him

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Why should I make it harder for myself to reach iri 1? Thats the only reason I play Legion to begin with. If I run some non meta setup, I am gonna get gen rushed cause Legion is still a m1 killer without any anti-loop function. The only thing he has going for himself is the ability to stall the game. Why shouldn't I make full use out of it by also bringing perks that synergize with it? In the end it just isn't fun for me playing Legion at all and running non meta (esp without any gen perks and Surge is just... bad) just means to get gen rushed and black- and or depipping in the end which means I could have just played the killer I actually like (Ghostface) and have the same outcome.

    Legion mechanic itself is just boring in my eyes. I like to actually outplay my enemies and not just frenzy till all pallets are gone LOL

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Can't stand Legion games, and so many killers will not hook you if you make it clear you want out, regardless of who they're playing. Just a miserable situation for everyone. Legion players should be able to have fun, but so should survivors.

  • bronex
    bronex Member Posts: 1

    Well, if you only play Legion with full meta perks so that you can get to Iri 1, then maybe that rank isn't for you. There's no real reason to reach that rank besided bragging rights, and even then, those are invalidated the moment you say you did so because you only played Legion by playing Thana/Ruin and other perks that drag the game out. You didn't play smart, fun or fair, you just abused a trick to get you ahead.

    The reason you should make it harder for yourself is because you'd have fun this way. Overcoming challenges is a great way to get better at the game, and when you do get that survivor that's been looping you non-stop, when you get 4 kills against a fully coordinated SWF, that feeling is so amazing and liberating.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    1 post - do you even play the game? Rank 1 literally grants you 1mil upon rank reset on the 13th each month, which is the only reason people even grind for iri 1 each month.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Oh hey look it's the deathslinger/spirit argument of "n-n-not op but please nerf into the ground! Unfun!" You can describe any killers power as unfun easily. "Trapper shuts down loops and prevents map traversal which isn't fun at all! The fun part of the game is chasing not wondering if windows and grass are trapped. He's not OP but I think traps should just show an aura when you run over them, trapper would be much more fun to vs and the game would be in a much healthier state."

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    to be fair.....its really difficult to fix problems when your main concern is to add new ones to the game with adding a new killer way too often.

  • 6659Leg
    6659Leg Member Posts: 102

    Respect their power and play around it. There's no need for changes or any other half baked nonsense for ideas. People just refuse to actually play differently to each killer and want changes made so they can do less.

    Also no one cares if you're a legion main,your opinion is not free of criticism regardless of who you play.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i like legion in terms of visual design but playing them feels like a chore on most maps or against decent survivors. maps like rpd and badham especially make your power functionally unusable if survivors don't group together unless you're running never sleep pills, and i think most people can agree that mending simulator isn't really a fun experience for survivors. they need a complete rework, the power itself is the problem.