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General Discussions

Is anyone a little concerned that BHVR still wants to add an auto ban system?

I know that during the 6th anniversary they said that they pushed back the system due to community worries, but i still have doubts that they will do it right because auto ban systems ruin almost any game that has them. What i also want to know is will this system just give you matchmaking bans like the DC system or will they completely ban your account and prevent you from playing the game.

I know that we dont have anything that tells us how this system will work and how it will ban people and i think my feelings of worry are justified judging from BHVR's track record and because we wont know the outcome from all of this.

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  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Pretty much this, it will not be a matter of why, it will be a matter of when.

  • Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2022

    I really hope they aren't THAT stupid and naive to make the system work on "X amount of reports = ban" but this is literally the definition of an Auto ban system.

  • Member Posts: 792

    You hope? lol. Are you new? Just look at their absolutely basic bottom of the barrel MMR implementation.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I'm not new i just refuse to believe that devs can be that stupid to implement a traditional Auto ban system with a community that mostly has the "us vs them" mentality.

  • Member Posts: 792

    Well, you better start mentally preparing yourself. This is what it's going to be. I have zero doubt about it.

  • Member Posts: 3,389
    edited June 2022

    Wait where did they update on it? I thought they just quietly gave up on the idea.

    It's tacitly a killer ban system. Any given survivor would accumulate far less reports than a killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2022

    I was pretty freaked out about it when they made the announcement last year... but that was before we got the massive cheater epidemic they've still failed to get any handle on. The report system seems more backlogged than ever and it's not removing problem players nearly fast enough - it's at the point where people freely admit to cheating in endgame chat and even stream themselves doing it because they're that unafraid of repercussions.

    So at the current moment... eh. An outright auto-ban scares me, but something like an automatic flagging system that a real person then looks at would be very helpful at this stage. This is especially true because the current system only actually considers reports that have video evidence attached to them, which is way too big of an ask to be reasonable and discards almost all feedback made. But the big issue is the number of spurious reports, both maliciously sent and out of genuine confusion/stupidity regarding what the rules actually are. Someone racking up a high volume of reports per day might be a cheater, or they might just be a salt farmer or bog-standard camper/tunneler. I would still guess that blatant cheaters get more reports than BMing players, but enough rage reports get sent that it's not a reliable metric.

    I also fear that if people figured out how the automated system worked and what criteria it operated off of, they'd eagerly abuse it by sending outright false reports in hopes of getting people they don't like banned. SWFs seem especially powerful for this, since they can coordinate.

  • Member Posts: 15

    I still have my hope because this is exactly why they delayed the system in the first place. I know BHVR makes bad decisions but they also make a lot of good ones too that nobody gives them credit for. I get the feeling that the community thinks BHVR are way more dumb than they actually are.

  • Member Posts: 718

    nope it needs one

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Yep. I have no idea how it'll work but the idea of an "auto ban" system has me a bit concerned. I'm pretty sure I'll have to change my username in game just to avoid people reporting me for... well being me.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    My biggest issue with autoban systems is trollers what if they do something that makes it look like you are the negative one and you get false banned

  • Member Posts: 804

    I want to see the autoban system go live to see the meltdown of the community as everyone starts to execute each other with reckless, salty, toxic abandon. They'll undo all the bans within a week and go back to the drawing board (Didn't they do that with MMR?) but oh man it would be a fun week to watch.

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  • Member Posts: 80

    first off nobody is walking through walls so you're making up scenarios that dont exist, second of all i know they were a swf because they said they were a swf with matching names.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2022
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  • Member Posts: 15

    They can undo the bans with this system? I never knew. Thats good to know.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    Don't forget about the automated disconnect bans / penalties. Various streamers got falsely banned because it could be abused when it was first released.

    It took multiple iterations to get it to a point where that doesn't happen anymore.


  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah will it be auto ban or sore loser ban.

    I’ve seen people report others for all kinds of crap mostly because they have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old and are angry about losing.

  • Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2022

    This game has way to many cheaters auto ban is a great idea it's at least better then the current report system if it doesn't work they can always revert or improve on it.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    Will be just like the old MLGA killer block lists survs used with third party MLGA,... play a killer they dont like.... = report

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    I would like to take this moment to mention how great the current auto ban software is that devs use via steam: EAC Easy Anti Cheat

    Easy Anti Cheat at one time detected my Razer keyboard as cheating and would kick me from lobbys, time me out and would ban me from game for security warning and I was blocked from playing.

    I wouldnt trust ANYTHING auto in this game tbh.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I'd be interested to see how people play when it comes to risk of autoban. I'm not worried about a ban of it happens. If for some reason I do get banned I'd just move onto a different game.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Not worried. All the naysaying in this thread becomes actionable if people actually get banned without deserving it. If they screw the pooch on the system, the community won't have it. The players are their own biggest insurance, so no reason to really cry doomsday right now.

  • Member Posts: 500

    Absolutely! Given BHVR's track record, there's absolutely no way they won't implement some horrible system that fails to do its job on a fundamental level and instead makes everyone miserable.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    The "community" you reference are who we are afraid of.... why? Because we know how the community behaves.

    There are TTV streamers who report players frequently for nothing, and on stream. Its literally a meme behavior now for TTvs to report you for winning in a way they do not like they do it live on cam dude.

    There is simply no way that any auto-ban feature would not be abused. They abuse EVERYTHING already. If ppl do this to meme on stream, there is no doubt in my mind casuals report players all day long for nothing. Both sides.

    Go on YT and dig up false reporting in DBD, its a meme now and they do it all day long

    I play a lot of Legion/Twins/Bubba my three mains, ask me why I would be concerned about "auto ban features" based on accumulative reports with no human verification of infractions,

  • Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2022

    A few rotten apples shouldn't affect great change (auto-ban feature).

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    Let's just say it this way,... right now we have a system where you must submit proof in video for reporting. The reporting system is already heavily abused, devs have to put out info graphics saying you cannot report for slugging/camping/tunneling etc because survivors report you for those 3 things all day. These survs dont even know what tunneling or camping is

    But for some reason you think an auto-ban system with no human verification of infractions would some how be a great change and we should have no concerns about "auto banning players" in this current atmosphere.

    I dont even see how a mind could grasp such a concept.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Yea be ready to get reported by toxic people for no reason and get banned such a cool thing

  • Member Posts: 10

    I absolutely hope this is never implemented. It would be absolutely lazy on BHVR’s part to do this, considering they don’t take genuine reports seriously and they’re not going to hire more people to go through the constant support chat of “hey, I was banned because I 4kd a SWF and they all reported me for exploits, and your system dinged me for it and now I can’t play the game.”

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited June 2022

    This community isn't capable of functioning with an autoban feature, especially when they know it exists they'll just report people every game they lose out of spite. Far more skilled developers with far larger companies have failed with this type of system in terms of being able to abuse it and be false banned so I don't see how BHVR is going to pull it off.

  • Member Posts: 188

    Well like you said "The reporting system is already heavily abused" it's not working can't you get that. Easy Anti Cheat works but it's not perfect can't get everything adding auto-ban feature is just another layer to prevent cheating but if you are a cheater not saying that your are I can see why you don't want this change.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Ive had people accuse me of wall hacking when I equipped NC and they were healing within 28 meters of me.

  • Member Posts: 601

    I think a lot of people's default fear is that the threshold would be too low and leave it open to abuse as a result - false positives in an automated system is an understandably scary prospect.

    That said - I think BHVR is intelligent enough collectively to recognize this risk.

    There's a lot of perks in this game that enable strange behaviors that the other side can understandably misinterpret as cheating (Rancor, for example, reveals the location of every survivor whenever a gen is completed [including those in lockers!] in addition to the well-known ability to mori the obsession - but many players don't know the latter effect because the perk is so rarely used) and that confusion might reasonably lead to more frequent accusations of cheating than usual.

    It's also not the hardest thing to anticipate users who will actively abuse the report system to try and intentionally ban players they dislike - adjusting the system to disregard or even punish players who submit a high number of faulty reports is also possible.

    Ultimately I think it's something that can be implemented correctly. It'd take a lot of care & consideration, but they seem to know this and I trust them to come up with a good way to implement it.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    BHVR is aware of every single detail you just pointed out. I promise you. I don't care about your concern, or your poor opinion of the community because, quite frankly, the community is much broader than the trolls and TTV'ers that make you nervous - and again if the system doesn't work there will be a proportional amount of outrage that will induce BHVR into fixing it. That is how the pendulum swings.

    What everyone who is worried is considering incorrectly is the idea that the troll reports are going to have weight. BHVR knows there are troll reports, it's in their calculations.

  • Member Posts: 601

    They were pretty aware of the flaws of deciding SBMM based around kills/escapes purely was a terrible idea, stated so, and did it anyway. Year and a half of working on the "super smart system" they implemented it. Kills/escapes. Almost a year later from constant complaints did tests, gave data, and made adjustments. They've been working on this for over a year now, the same as SBMM, and needless to say they've also stated that "after a certain number of negative reports we will take action" And since it's automated, it will be an automatic action.

    I can think of many ways someone who plays this game in a specific way could eat reports every game, and when the community knows it exists, they'd probably just report anyone they dislike. So we're assuming that this system will be totally super smart, like SBMM, and somehow be capable of discerning actual reports accumulating against one person against not? I'd say you're talking pretty confidently for what very clearly could be terrible, but you're right.. surely the developers are good enough and smart enough to have seen these things, to not be abused, right?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Balancing around kills and escapes is not a bad idea, and also off topic. Not going to invest time explaining why it's better than the emblem system or discussing the current issues MMR has, the "They screwed up this so they shouldn't even try to implement that" Is an old hat argument that isn't worth anyone's time.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Im not a cheater. Im a player who is genuinely concerned about this system because it will 100% be abused.

    I have also spent a a lot of money on this game. Its in my right to be worried you see.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    My feelings are mixed....if it's done by anyone's reports then no we CANT have that because you'll have salty Killers and Survivors reporting people left and right for things that are not banable offenses.

    But if it's done by using a more tuned in anti cheat system that checks all values during a match vs base values them yes. What do I mean you ask, let me explain......

    You have a Neat, Bill, Dwelf, and a Ace vs a Hag. During the match everyone is playing fair until the Dwelf decides to use a speed booster during chases.....his base value is 4.0m/s but with his booster cheat he is running at 10m/s. The anti cheat detects this change in the default value and flags the Dwelf and the auto ban system drops the Ban Hammer on him.

    If that was the system then yes I approve of it....but I'm still worried

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