The lack of Survivor perk changes from the PTB is disappointing

ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's a massive shame to see Haddie's perks not get any buffs. Overzealous and Inner Focus are incredibly underwhelming. It doesn't make sense that BHVR want a wide variety of perks used when they keep releasing bad survivor perks.


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004
    edited June 2022

    Let this be a warning for anyone looking forward to the upcoming perk overhauls. These nothing-burgers are the kinds of perks BHVR see as good.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    You say that like they didn't adjust a bunch of perks from the All-Kill PTB to Live release.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    Inner Focus is probably fine, though I would've tweaked it a little. It's Overzealous that I was personally hoping to see get a buff, and it is definitely a bit of a disappointment not to see it.

    I suppose it'll still see use in dedicated totem builds, but I doubt it'll be used much outside of that, the bonus just isn't worth it.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    Inner Focus is crippled by the 32m range. There's no reason to run it over Bond. It really doesn't need a range cap at all.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    Upping the range is definitely what I would suggest changing- that and changing the scratch marks to be an aura you can see through walls. Even without those, though, it has some use for the killer aura reveal. Overzealous is the one that's legit pretty useless, imo.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Making ANY survivor perk based around information is a waste of time.

    Why would anybody take an information perk when SWF comms gives you information with infinite range, no cool down, no activation requirements, and costs no perk slots.

    But BHVR will just keep on pretending SWF doesn't exist and isn't a massive power boost...

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    Congratulations, you found a way to complain about SWF on a thread about survivor perks being bad.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    If you don't have a mic.

    If you live in a place with a lot of noise pollution.

    If you don't know anyone else who plays DBD.

    If you have trouble speaking in general for any reason.

    If you prefer to play games solo and not mess around with organising a group in general.

    Perks based around information are not inherently bad design and are, in fact, one part of what a nuanced attempt to bridge the gap between SoloQ and SWF would look like.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,227

    I mean, Bond lets you see where a survivor was where they got hit (effectively showing you where the killer is) at a range of 36m. Currently it's just a worse version of an already existing perk.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    The aura reading is gimmicky as it triggers only upon a teammate being hit. That already answers the questions of where the killer is and what they're doing for more than half the duration of the aura reveal i.e. the killer is shown in cooldown animation.

    Bond does the job orders of magnitude better.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613

    There's an argument for seeing the killer aura being better because you can see if the killer is sticking on that teammate or moving elsewhere, especially if that elsewhere is "towards you", but you're right- it's still not great and it still cannibalises Bond a little too much.

    I think it's more salvageable than Overzealous in its current state, though. At least you can use "slightly worse Bond", Overzealous has almost zero use right now.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    BHVR has released 2 horrible sets of survivor perks in a row. I'm think the best thing survivor-mains can do is just not buy their content. Once BHVR starts losing money because they refuse to do any work on the survivor side of DLC, then maybe survivor-mains will start see decent perks. I honestly can't get over how BHVR could make Haddie's perks and Yoichi perks and not realize no survivor wants them in their bloodweb and won't by the DLC because the perks just sit in the bloodweb, taking up space.

    Look at Yoichi, he barely has one perk that is sitting at half a percentage of use. All combines, his perks barely are used more than 1% of the time. It's horrible. I'm betting that Haddie will have worse perk usage.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    You really gotta stop citing those usage statistics to support your arguments. The site you're using only collect data from players who install a software that gathers info from their matches and doesn't account for the way that perks tied behind DLC and a teachable system makes newer perks super limited by comparison to perks that have been in the game for years.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I actually want Parental Guidance and the healing perk. I'm not buying the DLC rn, just because Sadako herself feels weak (and not that fun to play imo). Waiting on a sale.

    This usage rate should be taken with a grin of salt, because of the current meta (and a thing Mozic mentioned).

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Yeah, pretty disappointed to not see any changes to inner focus. It’s so bad.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The healing perk is horrible. I've tried running it and realized that 10% does not work for yourself, it only works for healing others.

    On top of the fact that no one ever comes to you for healing when you run it. I've watched as people run around hurt all game, even though I'm running Empathetic Connection.

    It sounded good to me, but in use, it's worthless. Run Botany Knowledge instead and get 30% healing on yourself and others.


    You can't assume these perks in a vacuum. When you have something like Empathetic Connection which heals others at 10% and then you have Botany Knowledge that heals yourself and others at 30%, there's no reason to run Empathetic Connection.

    Empathy and Botany Knowledge are a much better choice because you can actively find hurt people and heal them.

    If no one comes to you when you are running Empathetic Connection, what's the point of the perk.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You're trading 23% healing speed for one less perk slot "technically".

    When you have something like Empathetic Connection which heals others at 10% and then you have Botany Knowledge that heals yourself and others at 30%, there's no reason to run Empathetic Connection.

    The perks have one thing in common - Healing speed on other survivors. Ignoring the other aspect of Empathetic Connection is ignorant, which is the aura reading.

    Empathy and Botany Knowledge are a much better choice because you can actively find hurt people and heal them.

    If no one comes to you when you are running Empathetic Connection, what's the point of the perk.

    Feeling sad that you're not playing SWF? You're correct on one thing tho - if you're running Empathy and Botany you still have use of those perks even if you don't heal anyone outside of yourself (both info and healing speed).

    Empathetic Connection technically allows you to still be on the gen and allow the other survivor to come to you for healing, reducing the gen down-time by a bit.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    It's worthless. If survivors aren't coming to you when you equip it, it's worthless. Also, consider that it only saves you 1.6 seconds of healing speed. If the person that is hurt takes more than 1.6 secs to get to you, then it's actually worse than him just waiting until he meets someone at a generator.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    By that logic, if you take more than 4 seconds to get to someone hurt it's worse than waiting for them to come to your generator... That you could even showcase with Empathetic Connection... Weird, right?

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Empathic is seriously underrated imo. When it first came out I didn’t think it was going to be that good, but I changed my mind quickly. I run it frequently and I’ve gotten quite a bit out of it.

    It’s also not just the healing part of it, it’s also that injured survivors who are being chased see you on a gen somewhere and know not to run to that area (or they run to your final gen to help you finish it, etc.).

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    An injured survivor in chase could also see you and intentionally avoid running the killer to you so you can continue to work on objectives with this perk, too.

    Or... intentionally run the killer to you to try and trade aggro off onto you. 👀

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2022

    Talk about last chapter. Parental guidance had potential to become meta, but they reduced it upon release. Still quite good perk though, empathic connection is meh, it's mess of other perks that work way better. And boon dark theory is quite ok perk, might result in few missed attacks and not being hit at window where otherwise you are hit. Not broken as previous boons but with perks like Blood pact or hope it's really strong. You can stack it to 116 % movement speed. Now killer perks, call of brine is really good perk, help you worth kicking gens, floods of rage is really good info perk that come in clutch every game and merciless storm is meh. So 4 of 6 perks decent.

    Now the newest chapter, septic touch is just mindbreaker on healing, which can help you fight against exhautsed perks, the locker perk is also not bad, if it's 12 instead of 8 might be better, but they added a lot of lockers into map, so it's worth a try. And dissolution is also nice perk, nothing broken, nothing weak. Exactly what perks should be like, supportive but not gamechanging. Survivor perks offer bit faster gen after cleanse, little help nothing special. Blidness to killer is somewhat strange and don't really feel it, but it's some counterplay to aura revealing perks or killers like letter pig or mirror myers. The on hit aura perk is nice, wish it's mapwide so it would be decent solo perk, coz atm you hear the tr, so the aura is not that informative. If it's work as Alert, then yay, decent solo perk. None perk is trash from this chapter - remember bad perks like corrective action, off the record, self preservations etc. Those were bad.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2022

    I have no idea what you are trying to say. Where did you get 4 seconds from? What do you mean "showcase with Empathetic Connection"?


    Empathetic Connection's 1.6 seconds less on a heal is worthless, so lets just ignore that part.

    You are basically using the perk so that other injured players can see your aura. However, since Empathetic connection does not exist in a void but exists with perks like Empathy and Bond, those perks make Empathetic Connection worthless. In fact a Key, as worthless as they are, are actually better than Empathetic Connection.

    But, if you don't believe me, then maybe you will believe the other six thousand or so games where survivors don't use the perk. It's literally used less than Solidarity and just slight above Self-Preservation (A perk another user in this thread said was worthless).

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Repeatedly quoting misleading statistics and ignoring my comments to that effect only rob your arguments of their legitimacy even further.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    It's worthless. If survivors aren't coming to you when you equip it, it's worthless. Also, consider that it only saves you 1.6 seconds of healing speed. If the person that is hurt takes more than 1.6 secs to get to you, then it's actually worse than him just waiting until he meets someone at a generator.

    I'm just throwing the arguement you made back at you, just with Botany+Empathy as the perk. If Botany saves about 4 seconds of healing then, with your facts and logic, if you don't get to a survivor faster than 4 sec it's worse than just waiting at a generator. Which Empathic Connection can help you with.


    You are basically using the perk so that other injured players can see your aura. However, since Empathetic connection does not exist in a void but exists with perks like Empathy and Bond, those perks make Empathetic Connection worthless. In fact a Key, as worthless as they are, are actually better than Empathetic Connection.

    Does Bond make Empathy worthless? Or vice-verse? It's just diffrent. You're giving vision to your teammates, not gaining it. And as a bonus you get 10% healing speed for that.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2022

    Data is not misleading, the context in which the data is presented is misleading. I gave you the context for the data. How am I quoting misleading statistics?

    Out of 6,000 plus games in the last 180 days, survivors are only using Empathetic Connection 0.27% of the time in games. That means only 16 survivors used Empathetic Connection in 6,000 games.

    The data is from an aggregate site, that collects data from users willing to submit to the site, so some inferences you can make from this is that the players submitting the data are probably players that are more experienced at the game and probably a higher MMR than average. The data is there and it's right in your face.

    Your argument is that Empathetic Connection is low because it's DLC. Well, if we use the same site and choose a perk that is only from DLC, then it should also have low usage. So lets do CoH, a perk survivors see as a good perk and one that is only from DLC.

    CoH is used 10.69% of the game. It's a DLC perk and it's used 39.59 times more than Empathetic Connection. So based on this, your argument against this data, is not correct.