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Why is locking lockers even a thing?

Member Posts: 1,012

You know on paper it sounds really important to slow down the killer

but when you have a 90% lame survivors that feel like bots just running around the whole map closing every locker they see it tends to get just boring

and let's be honest the dredge would have been amazing IF PEOPLE STILL WENT INTO LOCKERS, like honestly if u go into a locker these days u are just asking to get caught

so the whole locking mechanism isn't just basically survivors now slowing down the killer but just make dredge into a trapper

IMO locking lockers should just get removed since survivors clearly still don't know how to play the game and are just complete asses

Start game, find it out its the dredge lock every single locker u see in sight , do gens in peace, get hit, dead hard, go into the corner of the map heal and back to it

and then teabag at the door and say ggez like u won the Olympics and didn't just make the game extremely boring for the person who is sacrificing their mentality and getting stressed so this game can stay alive

that's it that the whole premise of survivors

no don't argue about that, unless u are playing an S tier killer, u will just get stressed to hell

like honestly as much as i WANT to play this game being a low tier killer enjoyer just makes me wanna sit in the corner and lower my MMR To like newbie MMR just so i can have a bit of fun,

like not everyone wants to play like their mother's life is on the line people wanna have fun you know, but clearly Bhvr still doesn't understand that or doesn't want to

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  • Member Posts: 1,012

    ik its suppose to "slow him" but when every single damn locker in the map is closed, what am i suppose to do just run around opening them because teleporting to them would alert the whole world that im coming from that CERTAIN locker, and i have been in this game for a long time i know what survivors were and what they are now

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    look, locking a locker that is behind a gen is fine, yes that's the right play, but when every single damn locker around the map is just being locked because you know screw your fun, just makes the game a little BORING

    but yea sure im upset because i don't deserve any fun

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    you clearly never heard of SWF

    which kinda just umm how do i say this

    gives a middle finger to anyone trying to play the game

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    and im not saying every survivors is out to get me, im out to get them.........

    the whole point is people just either spam something or just forget it even exists

    you either forget that TV mechanic even exists with sadako unless she uses a perk or just spam closing lockers because ur other 3 SWF are probably gen rushing across the map

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    If they don't lock those random lockers it could just teleport and cut someone off in a's a mechanic to counter Dredge. It would be the same as if I said they shouldn't have them be able to close Demos portals because it ruinsy fun and is boring to close portals as soon as I use it.....

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2022

    Well bro.... what can you do? They are using what the game gave them. It's a secondary objective nonetheless. I just don't know how you can complain about a counter play to a killer man. Do you want to have no counter play at all? Why are you allowed to do whatever you want? You know what I mean bro? You have to accept there is counter play, no one forgets those mechanics exist. SWF is naturally stronger, it always has been dude. I don't get your point anymore bro. Just take a break, you need a mental reset. I know you're frustrated from SWFs and feel bullied. You have to remember at the end of the day, it is a video game, you will have unfair matches, no matter what side, but killer may seem more unfair, since you're always alone and up against 4 people. I do sympathize with your frustration. Just don't let it blind you from things.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    i think u misunderstood my dude killer was never stressful until like the last year (boons) and i don't wanna control the game i wanna play it

    im more of having fun, i don't care about a 4k or a 1k all i want is fun, but hey when u meet the same people running the same thing over and over u gonna start to see that ain't no survivor in this damn game wants you to have fun

    and speaking of lockers when was the last time u used it to hide from a killer, cuz in all of my damn game literally no one even used them on dredge or without dredge

  • Member Posts: 768

    Because every killer needs to have self-own counterplay built into their design now. Locks don't need to exist, they just make him even weaker than he already is, but it gives survivors something funny to do so that's what matters.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Okay, gotcha bro! I would agree, boons have made the game more "stressful" to be exact, CoH. Okay, that's fine. You.. are playing the game bro. Just because someone locks a locker, doesn't mean you aren't playing the game! I am glad you are on the side of having fun. Sure, the meta perks are very tiring, I most def agree, but why would the survivor want you to have fun? It's not there job to let you have fun. They are using perks at there disposable, given by the game. Luckily they are being nerfed with the perk reworks. You seem like you are entitled to it. (Lockers being used) It's not that common in the higher ranks, but it is there, and people still use lockers for head on and other things. It's not a completely unused mechanic. I've hid in lockers many times and still do.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I hate to tell you but people use lockers all the time pre Dredge and if your smart you don't use them and will lock the lockers instead. Besides if you don't want to get detected by BBQ you will hide in a locker.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Once a lock is broken, it's gone for good on that locker. seems pretty fair to me if not better for dredge.

    If i was a dev i would allow a locker to be locked up to 3 times so be thankful its 1 and done.

  • Member Posts: 9,707

    They can only lock each locker once. If they go around pre-locking every locker, then you can just break the locks. Considering that most lockers spawn in groups, you teleport to 1 and now you can disarm all the locked lockers in that area.

    I get it being annoying, but it's also a new interaction with the killer and many survivors are just doing it because it's new.

  • Member Posts: 359

    Only thing I wasn’t a fan of is once they are locked they can’t be opened by a survivor, I don’t think, and I like the misdirection perk

  • Member Posts: 857

    you ideally only wanna lock a locker when you know you're gonna be in the area for long or to finish of a gen. BUTTTT since the teleport has a bullshit autolock and priority system, its perfectly fine to lock every, ONE of the double locker spawn you see. as dredge will always go into the locked locker even if he aims for the unlocled or broken locker.

  • Member Posts: 768

    What's that? generators are going too fast?

    Well here's some slow ass teleport/locker animations to go with all the pallets/walls/boons. I love being animation locked, the less control I have over my character, the better.

    It's a cinematic experience.

  • Member Posts: 768
  • Member Posts: 1,012

    the time of hitting those damn lockers to break the locks, depending if u are high mmr i think about 2 or 3 gens are already done, if the breaking had no cooldown, as in u don't get the same cooldown as missing a hit sure, but umm imagine the temple lockers, and for some reason the game NEVER aims at an open locker, ever

  • Member Posts: 1,012
  • Member Posts: 1,012

    that's the thing before Bhvr made boons a thing, everyone played nicely, but boons kicked every single player survivor and killer that wants to have fun away, because let's be honest as i killer the moment u hear a boon u wanna alt f4 and the moment u hear it as a solo survivor u wanna do the same, cuz uk they will keep going to the same corner to heal and probably get caught even tho ITS A DAMN BUBBA AND BEING CORNERED IS HIS THING

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    sorry to say ideally doesn't exist anymore

    its either forget or spam which is just lame

  • Member Posts: 974

    Bro relax some, we've not had the new killer long.

  • Member Posts: 857

    you haven't seen lock spam until you've had to play gideon meat plant 😫

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    If the lock every locker, you can teleport like 3 times to key lockers and then you're basically unhindered for the rest of the match. I don't see a problem. You don't need to use every locker on the map to be effective.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    It was a serious mistake to not allow survivors to unlock lockers themselves. It’s not like they have a number of perks or other reasons to go into a locker at times - even against Dredge.

    The lock barely adds any time before he comes clawing out anyways.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I don't even know what locking the lockers does yet. I wanted to go up against the new killer not knowing anything about them. I saw someone on my team lock the 2 killer shack lockers and had no idea how or why they did it, so I was curious how things would play out. I still don't know what all the dredge does, but I know he's super fun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    It slightly increases the Dredge’s time to exit that locker, once per trial. Unless he goes by it from the outside and breaks the lock first. There are also add-ons that have consequences for survivors who lock lockers (reveal them in yellow to Dredge, reveal their aura to him, etc.).

    Oh.. and also prevents any survivor from going into that locker or unlocking it themself. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea I found that out the hard way about not being able to enter the lockers. Suddenly my head on build wasn't so great when I ran up to a locked locker. 😅

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    It is a mechanic designed to frustrate just like so many other powers in the game design. Seeing the clawing animation over and over while they gain distance is designed to make you feel like someone is holding you back when all you want to do is go forward.

    The rubberbanding makes this worst.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Like others have said, take a break. Getting angry about extremely minor in-game things is a good sign of needing one as is talk of "sacrificing [your] mentality".

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    Because if survivors could not lock lockers facing Dredge, there would be 100 threads asking for the ability to lock lockers.

  • Member Posts: 508

    This is definitely a situation where you need to just close the game for a few days and take a breather. There's nothing wrong with locking the lockers. It's his one counterplay. Because if they remove the locks they'd have to nerf his teleport to compensate...make it slower and give a louder noise notification that he's going to that locker.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    The locks get broken off after he emmerges i believe ive seen a few that didnt have a lock on it

  • Member Posts: 9,424

    You can spend bloodpoints in the bloodweb to raise that level. Once you hit 50 you can prestige back to 1.

  • Member Posts: 9,424

    Just an FYI, locks can be broken by basic attacking the lock. You don't need to teleport to break the lock.

  • Member Posts: 854

    I love it when people go lock crazy at the beginning of the match. Because all I have to do is teleport to ideal areas and break the locks and then I'm lock free for the rest of the match and nothing has been done because survivors are too busy locking unnecessary lockers I'm never going to use.

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